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Old 26-01-2009, 11:05   #11
Deep Throat
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Originally Posted by Will View Post

People that take ages to make a decisions irritate me, like when the light turns green when driving, I expect people to leave the line instantly!

That's definitely a French thing
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Old 26-01-2009, 11:09   #12
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People listening to music on the train too loud. Esp when it crap.

Or out of their phones.

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Old 26-01-2009, 11:12   #13
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1. People (generally girl in late teens/early twenties - never fit) wearing pajamas to the shops. See it a lot here in Parkhead/Glasgow. Even seen a few walking around in their dressing gowns. Is it that hard to throw some ordinary clothes on?

2. People on the dole who have no intention of coming off it, not because they'd be worse off, not because they can't come off it but because they're too damn lazy. I know a few of these and they give most unemployed people a bad name and just get on the nerves of working folks like me.

3. Drivers who aren't decisive, generally more dangerous than idiots that cut me up.

4. People who use two car parking spaces in public car parks. It doesn't scream to me "oh must be a posh car, screams to me - they can't f****** drive."

5. People who procrastinate constantly - sadly my fiancee is a world champ at this!

6. Hats - I dont' look good in any.

7. Airports - lying their backsides off about delays. Was stuck in Larnaca in 2007 for 23 hours before they decided to put us up in a hotel, all the time we were getting "only a hour to go, then you'll be on your way." Just be honest damn it!

8. Thick Scottish idiots who don't like the English, due almost completely because of the same type of thick English idiots who don't like the Scots. Neither can give a decent answer without delving back hundreds of years and even then they're snatching at straws.

9. Religion - Every week I have another debate with door chappers whether they're J.W.s or Christians (insert random type). I dont' ask you why you believe in god, so why do you have to ask me why I don't? I tell you what, I'll make up some random chap and then we can debate your made up guy versus mine ok?

10. Mobile phone companies - If I want to cancel my contract why can I not do it online? I can add things to my contract online, but must call to cancel..
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Old 26-01-2009, 11:13   #14
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Mine has to be people in supermarkets who leave their trolley in the middle of the isle and then walk off to grab things off the shelf. It ends up blocking the place and nobody can get through. I just grab trolleys now and move them out of the way. People seem to lose all sense of space when they're in a supermarket for some reason
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Old 26-01-2009, 11:28   #15
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Originally Posted by Pheebs View Post
That's definitely a French thing
I don't do "queuing"
No No!
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Old 26-01-2009, 11:48   #16
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Originally Posted by Will View Post
Toilet roll being the wrong way round.
OMG!! Me too. Why do hotel staff so often put the rolls on the holders the wrong way round? Before I sit down in a strange toilet, I check to see if the toilet roll is on right, if not I'll change it before I do, whilst muttering under my breath.

I'm also a hater of dawdlers. I hate shopping malls/centres. About 80% of the people who frequent these places amble about at about 3 feet per hour and seem to have zero spatial awareness. I don't want to be there any longer than I have to so keep out of my ****ing way and let me make my purchases and get out.

Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean I...
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Old 26-01-2009, 12:08   #17
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The tube. I don't mind it, I really don't. I don't even mind it that much when its rammed, I can just listen to my MP3 . What really annoys me is the little things people do to make my journey worse. Like standing in front of the doors: if the people either side both took one step back, 3 people could get off at once instead of 1! Then you would get on quicker and get to your destination quicker and you would be on the tube for less time meaning there are less people on the tube meaning its not so busy and you wouldn't be so desperate to get on!!! AAAAARRRRGH!!!!
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Old 26-01-2009, 12:08   #18
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Originally Posted by Barfmit View Post
I think the smallest thing:biggest annoyance ratio for me has to be when a website 'loads' the back button. You know the ones - you click on a link, then when you click the back button it just redirects back to the same page. Far from keeping me on that site it makes me blacklist it, never to be returned to.
Ooh, and idiots who think disabling the right click menu somehow protects them.

I don't want to steal your crappy code/hotlink your images and even if I did disabling the right click menu doesn't stop me, it just a bloody inconvenience.

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Old 26-01-2009, 12:08   #19
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Originally Posted by Will View Post
Toilet roll being the wrong way round.
*drops coffee on the floor and it smashes*

Flap goes at the front people. It's so you can bat a few sheets down and grab them
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Old 26-01-2009, 12:14   #20
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I'm usually a calm individual but I turn into some raging monster within a minute of walking into one of them. I loathe the way people think that the supermarket is a great place to socialise so stand talking making it difficult to walk about and get what I want and then look at me like I've pissed on their feet when I politely ask them to move so that I can get what I want.

Stan hit the nail on the head with the paying thing. You've had plenty of time to get your payment method ready. Also when you've (eventually) paid and the chap at the checkout is waiting to put my stuff through the till, perhaps now isn't the best time to check your text messages and reogranise the contents of your purse.

Trolleys just randomly dumped annoy me so I do what Desmo does and move them. On occasion I've been known to move them around the corner and chuckle to myself when someone eventually comes back to where they left their trolley. Hint - trolleys have wheels which means they can be pushed around as you walk around the shop.
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