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Old 05-02-2009, 15:42   #51
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Don't think Pheebs is worried about the expense of missed appointments. More the fact that women aren't going to them out of embarrassment when it could save their life.

I think better education seems like a good way of trying to boost the numbers. However in the case of women who have a history of cervical cancer (i.e. their mothers or grandmothers had it), I do wish there was some way of enforcing it, as it just seems such a shame if out of embarrassment, people die needlessly
Much the same as with things like Bowel and Testicular Cancer too I guess.
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Old 05-02-2009, 15:47   #52
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Originally Posted by A Place of Light View Post
What I find laughable, is the sanctimonious attitude of people who go out of their way to tell you they don't like her (interesting because unless they've met and spent time around her then they've based their opinion on what a VT editor decided to show them) and that she doesn't deserve money/fame.
If I'm honest, I find generalisations like these equally laughable, but I don't want to turn this into a mud slinging contest, so I'll just point out that I said I don't like her personality. In any event you seem to suggest that we're now not allowed to form an opinion of someone based upon the image they project. If people don't want such opinions to be formed then perhaps they shouldn't set themselves up for it by appearing on these so-called "reality" shows.

PS - in the interest of avoiding the obvious possible offence that statement might cause, I'm referring to the modern taste for shows that seem purely geared towards eliciting public reaction, rather than the shows that actually had some good reason behind them.
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Old 05-02-2009, 15:50   #53
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Originally Posted by Haly View Post
Don't think Pheebs is worried about the expense of missed appointments. More the fact that women aren't going to them out of embarrassment when it could save their life.
Sure, and I agree with that. My point is that if you fine people, they are going to be even more put off booking a new appointment if they've backed out due to embarrassment previously.

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Old 05-02-2009, 15:50   #54
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Having lost my mum to cancer I can safely say that I don't think anyone deserves it. Jade Goody is far from my favourite person and she deserves no more sympathy than anyone else who is battling this awful disease, but she is being brave by continuing to live in the public eye (her own choice it seems). No matter how much of a silly bint I think she is, doing what she is now could save lives by making young women think about cancer when they might not have ordinarily done so. For that I can only tip my hat to her.

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Old 05-02-2009, 15:52   #55
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
Sorry, I guess I wasnt clear.

You're right, she never said she was brave. It was the media saying it. Yes she tried to stay out of the limelight, but thats not going to stop the press trying.

The media were treating her like she was the only person in the world to be suffering from cancer, when there are thousands of other people suffering too.

I didnt mean any malice, but like Pete said, they dont deserve more sympathy just because they are famous.
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Old 05-02-2009, 16:21   #56
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Up here they are done by nurses in GP practices, therefore Pheeb's idea would probably be possible to implement as it is wasting the practices time. I wish young women in general could get over the embarrassment factor and do it.
As someone whose family has been affected by various forms of cancer for many generations, I myself am high risk. Cervical cancer is free from age barriers and most girls my age know NOTHING about it. We need more information.

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Old 05-02-2009, 16:53   #57
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Originally Posted by Wryel View Post
I couldn't wish cancer on anyone and would hope anyone that suffers from it recovers. However there are thousands of other people dying from cancer everyday and Jade Goody is just one of them. I can't let myself feel sympathy for her over everyone else just because she is famous.
That's not her intention. What she is doing is using her celebrity to raise awareness where others can't. She's not hiding from the media, turning into a recluse and spending out what seem to be the rest of her days just getting by and fighting, she's actually being incredibly brave and saying 'you know what, I have cancer, I'm young, but I'm fighting it - and for your good all young girls out there need to go and get a check up too because I never thought it would happen to me, so please, check'. Now I don't know about you, but to me that's a fantastically brave thing to do and she should be praised for the attitude she's taken towards it, sure she has done many things wrong in her life, but with this she is definitely doing it right and raising awareness because as crazy as her celebrity is, for as little as she may or may not have done to deserve it, she is famous and people do have an interest and people will listen to her, so it's one thing your government saying 'yes you should go get checked, but only after 25', but she's completely changing the way the country as a whole is thinking and girls younger than that are now forcing tests.

For that, she is a hero.

Last edited by NokkonWud; 05-02-2009 at 17:01.
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Old 05-02-2009, 19:58   #58
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Oops, ignore my second post. Had a rubbish night last night and was in a foul mood. Happens to us all.

Sorry if it offended anybody.:/
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Old 05-02-2009, 20:13   #59
nipples lol (o)(o)
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
watch the match by any chance??
Aaaaah but if he did, did he get to see the goal?
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Old 05-02-2009, 20:21   #60
A Place of Light
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Originally Posted by iCraig View Post
So? That's what everybody does. You form your opinion by what the media tells you. If you happen to like her then that's fine, but why is it sactimonious to not have the same opinion of her as you?

I'm fairly non-plus about her to be honest.....and certainly not what anyone could call a fan. People are free to form and hold any opinion. The difference is that my opinion was formed knowing that I have nowhere near enough information on the girl to form an opinion that can pretend to be anything other than partially accurate. The "Haters" are oh-so-sure that their opinion is de facto.

Correct and they're not without blame. The "Heat magazine" culture is very very sad and in my opinion is a cancer on our culture and entertainment industry. It's spreading too. How many reality TV shows do we have now? How many phone-ins, vote based shows all designed to rake in the viewer's cash have been spawned? I bet you can't count them all.

No I couldn't, but mainstream TV exists purely to achieve ratings. Merit doesn't come into it. As long as there's demand for certain types of show/publications there will be demand

So? What's that got to do with anything, unless you're suggesting those who have had a tough time are exempt from criticism?

Not at all.
Understanding and excusing are two different actions.
One I was suggesting, the other I was not.

What character flaws?

The flaws that certain people exhibit by showing their vitriolic, borderline hatred, for someone that they have never met.

Last edited by A Place of Light; 05-02-2009 at 20:23.
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