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Old 05-03-2009, 19:43   #1
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Default ALE! What is your favourite? What have you been drinking?

I don't know if I have missed an ongoing thread about ales, but if not here is one I know we have a fair few ale drinkers so how about sharing some of your favourites or even those you think should be avoided! I'm not a big drinker but I do enjoy a wee tipple every now and then. I drink as much for the flavour as I do for the effect

This thread is mainly inspired by the fact that tonight I have been drinking:

A light coloured medium bodied ale with a low bitterness and a subtle spicy ginger character that gives warmth to drink even when served chilled.
Really rather enjoying this, relatively sweet with just enough bitterness. You can taste that ginger in there too for sure. Definitely an easy drinking ale and I would recommend it, even to those who aren't big ale drinkers.

It's been so long since I drank Fursty Ferret (another Hall and Woodhouse ale) that I would need to buy a few bottles to check but I think I like this more.
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Old 05-03-2009, 19:51   #2
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Recently I've been drinking quite a bit of Fullers London Pride:

Originally Posted by Fullers
Known and loved for its distinctive, rounded flavour, London Pride is the award-winning beer for which Fuller’s is most famous. In recent years its popularity has grown to the extent that it is now Britain’s leading premium ale: a welcome fixture in many pubs and off licences around the country, and now winning new friends abroad.
Mrs Dym has even taken a liking to this as well!

Among the others I've been enjoying is Shepherd Neame's Spitfire:

Originally Posted by Shepherd Neame
Crafted from traditional varieties of English malt, this golden ale combines an underlying depth of maltiness, tinged with a subtle hint of toffee, with the bold citrus and fruity spiciness of Kentish hops, to produce a well-balanced, thirst quenching, popular drink.
It does depend which pub I'm in or which shop I buy bottles from though and there's quite a selection of decent ales I've had recently

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Old 05-03-2009, 19:56   #3
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Could it be that we've found.... the perfect woman?!

Ferret and Badger Champion Gold are my two favourites when I can only get to the supermarket. I'm also partial to Innis & Gunn's oak-aged whiskey brew.

Locally I can't get enough of Triple fff's Alton's Pride (GBBF gold medal winner in 2008) and Moondance.

At the GBBF I always seek out the Atlas Latitude as well as the Stonehenge beers. I'm sure there's plenty of others but those are the ones I remember best. I seem to recall one with 'bear' in the name that was very good, and the Titanic ones too.

One to avoid is a rather thick beverage called 'T over A'. So named because it's something like 12.5%, but tastes like ass. I can't remember if it's a stout or what, but it was like drinking molten licorice that had been stirred with a weasel.
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Old 05-03-2009, 20:13   #4
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Originally Posted by Muban View Post
great brewery

I like Badger - Golden champion

A refreshing Premium ale with a light fruity flavour

The light, refreshing character of our award-winning golden ale is distinguished by its subtle elderflower aroma, reminiscent of a summer's evening. Champion is particularly rewarding when served chilled.
Served chilled.

And Newcastle brown. By far my two favourite

Also partial to
Wicwar brewery - bob. My local brewery few miles down the road from my parents
A distinct blend of hops, malt and citrus fruits. The slightly sweet taste turns into a fine, dry bitterness with a lasting finish. Very moreish and an award winning classic ale.
Our brand leader.

Old speckled hen

Last edited by Glaucus; 05-03-2009 at 20:28.
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Old 05-03-2009, 20:14   #5
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I love Fursty Ferret and Badger Gold, esp. draught.

I'm also rather partial to a bottle of Old Tom

We've got a few breweries around on this island, but most aren't much cop. I have come across this particularly lovely brew though:
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Old 05-03-2009, 20:36   #6
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Not had a drink in 10 days, bloody annoying.
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Old 05-03-2009, 20:43   #7
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If in doubt I always fall back to any of the Wychwood ones. Hobgoblin is usually the easiest to find but I did manage to get a couple of Goliaths over xmas which were very enjoyable.
Tesco have a 3 for £4 offer on a few at the moment, unfortunately the one by my work doesn't have many of them. Due to do an internet shop soon - hopefully the offer will still be on
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Old 05-03-2009, 20:58   #8
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A nice pint of Devon's finest Otter Ale:

One of the most unfortunately moreish ales I've had the pleasure to imbibe. Perfect for a summer's afternoon drinking session. It's...
...a very well balanced beer that delivers the flavours of quality floor malted barley and finishes with a combination of fruit and some bitterness. Its nose is a balance of malt and fruit.
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Old 05-03-2009, 21:10   #9
Joey Tempest
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Do trappist beers count?

I'd probably say Westmalle Trappist Dubbel is one of my favourites
No Sig.
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Old 05-03-2009, 21:52   #10
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Can you get me one of those Otter glasses?

I find it very difficult to choose a favourite ale, there are so many different ones that I'll discover something new and my choice will change.

For example, last week I had a bottle of something which I think was called '1847', but I can't quite remember. It was very nice and next time I go to Morrisons I will grab another couple of them.

I do tend to avoid some of the ales which have hit the market in a big time, the commonly known ones such as Old Speckled Hen and Pedigree really don't cut it for me, I just don't enjoy drinking them and I never have.

Old favourites for me are Abbot Ale and the standard Greene King IPA. Abbo is good when one fancies a more flavourful ale and the IPA is a good session beer, especially as I'm fond of a fairly hoppy brew.

Newcastle Brown always goes down a treat.

Courage Directors used to be a superb beer when served properly but very few places seem to know how to keep it these days, I've not had a decent pint of it for years.

Pride and ESB are both great beers.

Tak, you mentioned the Wychwood ales - I quite like Goliath but I've found that their beers are all very similar, it's as though they found a successful recipe and have just tweaked it slightly to produce an ale that is just different enough to be called something else! They're all very obviously from the same brewery. My favourite Wychwood brew is CircleMaster, the organic beer.

I want a nice glass of ale now and we don't have any. Tomorrow
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