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Old 18-03-2009, 23:53   #41
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I just lost two pounds. On it's way to the sewage works as we speak.
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Old 19-03-2009, 08:37   #42
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Don't worry Blighter lad, you'd have only bought some other **** with it anyway.
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Old 19-03-2009, 10:38   #43
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Originally Posted by Desmo View Post
Don't worry Blighter lad, you'd have only bought some other **** with it anyway.
I meant in weight terms
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But if you stopped writing about other things and made this your signature, yours could be like mine.
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Old 19-03-2009, 11:01   #44
Baby Bore
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Originally Posted by Blighter View Post
I meant in weight terms
Do me a favor and let me keep this thread on topic please


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Old 20-03-2009, 10:38   #45
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So far this week I've walked 17.5m and burned approx 2500 calories doing it. Doesn't seem a lot considering you need roughly a 3500 calorie intake vs burn difference to lose a lbs of fat but its a good start and as we've said increased exercise results in an increased metabolism and the ability to burn more calories whilst at rest.

I'll be trying to do some walking over the weekend and if that doesn't happen I'll burn a minimum of 280 on the cross trainer, mixing up my walking cardio exercise with crosstrainer HIIT is probably a good thing and should shock my system into giving up a few more calories.

I'm looking forward to the weekend and the Rugby, I'm not looking forward to watching it without my traditional can of cider but I will, I've vowed to stay away from beer and cider with a minimal number of drinks coming from clear sprits, I'm not giving up alcohol totally but I will be cutting down a lot, with recent publicity about regular rather than binge drinking being very damaging this is probably a very good thing


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 20-03-2009, 10:51   #46
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Good start Matt
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Old 20-03-2009, 11:06   #47
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Typical rule is 500cal deficit every day for a week will lead to 1lb loss a week.

As a rule men typically need 2500 cals a day - however someone like you is probably around 3000 for maintenance (though this depends on your activity, my basic need including all the exercise I do is well over 3000cals). You'd have to get the doctor to work out you MBR there are some average tools online which do it but I would use them only as a guideline.

So 2500 over 5 days is fantastic work as that's spot on really!
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Old 20-03-2009, 11:16   #48
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Originally Posted by Will View Post
Typical rule is 500cal deficit every day for a week will lead to 1lb loss a week.

As a rule men typically need 2500 cals a day - however someone like you is probably around 3000 for maintenance (though this depends on your activity, my basic need including all the exercise I do is well over 3000cals). You'd have to get the doctor to work out you MBR there are some average tools online which do it but I would use them only as a guideline.

So 2500 over 5 days is fantastic work as that's spot on really!
My special scales say my MBR is 2580 but special scales tend to lie, good thing is that they are very acurate for weighing and record my profile on a USB stick and draws a graph, how cool is that?......... Yes I know, not very :/

Anyway, we'll see what happens, I've not put a lot of store in what these things predict and from past experience everyone is a bit different. I'm keen to start lifting weights again but don't feel ready yet, I'd also like to build some extra HIIT cardio in to my walk to work, initially I was thinking when I starting going to the gym I'd take the car but I can't really see the necessity I plan to drop in during my morning walk when I do start


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 20-03-2009, 11:21   #49
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Mixing HIIT and weight training will hit your body hard and the thermogenic effect from food will be a lot more noticeable too. On my iphone I have a weight tracker, but I'm trying to put on weight

Those scales may ore may not be accurate, however it's a base line and is constant so as long as you use the same equipment it should provide you with an indication of what you're needing.

I spoke to a PT friend of mine who did the whole BF% measurements and worked out my MBR, and purely owing to having more muscle mass I burn more calories just by being alive - I have softend in composition a little owing to a shoulder and hand injury (bloody rugby!) however as you say predictions are dangerous as you can obsessify over them a little.

What's stopping oyu from hitting the gym already?
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Old 20-03-2009, 11:54   #50
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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I've been taking a scientific approach to my programme. Using the online formulae, my BMR works out at 2074. Next is the lifestyle factor to find ones TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) this is widely given as a factor of 1.2 for a sedentary lifestyle up to 1.9 for very heavy exercise. So, multiplying my BMR by 1.2 gives me 2488 calories required to maintain my current bodyweight with a sedentary lifestyle.

I decided that sounded like a good number (it also makes meal planning much easier) so I prefer to make all of my calorie deficit from exercise, over and above my normal workload. My aim is to burn at least 500 extra calories a day in order to drop at least a pound a week. That way, not only do I lose weight but I also get myself fitter, faster (hopefully) and get my body accustomed to regular and plentiful exercise.

Obviously, as my weight drops, my BMR will drop and this will have to be taken into account when planning meals etc. To this end, I've made myself a spreadsheet into which I input my weight each week when I weigh in and it automagically updates my BMR and daily requirement and also my meal compositions based on a 50:30:20 split (Carbs:Protein:Fat). I can refer to this spreadsheet and instantly know that each of my 6 meals in the day should consist of 415 calories, made up of 52g carbs, 31g protein and 9g fat. Obviously, it's virtually impossible to get the exact ratio every time and the calculations are not precise but it's close enough to give me a guide as to how to build my meal plans.

All very complex and probably completely overthinking things but it seems to be working for me and I like being super organised when it comes to stuff like this (wish I could apply that to the rest of my life ).

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