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Old 15-07-2009, 11:36   #191
I iz speshul
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If you want any advice on it then I'm sure Jen and myself can provide you with some if you have any questions

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 15-07-2009, 11:36   #192
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Old 15-07-2009, 11:40   #193
A cat wearing a wet suit
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I've seen you guys tweeting and Re-Tweeting like mad

Bug me tomorrow after 3 and I'll sort something out :>

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Old 17-07-2009, 12:34   #194
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Well things have certainly picked up for me this past week or so
Things are pretty mental actually! In a good way, but still mental. As an example, my to do list (which I'm completely relying on to ensure I get everything done on time) lists 6 reviews and 1 article all to be done by next Friday

So where to begin in my update...
I'm still writing for, recently completed a review of Ice Age on the 360. I get paid a bit for each review for them so that's nice, plus of course they go on the playboy site which must be good for something.
XboxGameZone is still going too, Sacred 2 review will be imminent now that I've accepted it will take hundreds upon hundreds of hours to actually complete

I'm now also writing plenty of iPhone reviews for Been doing that a couple of months now and written 16 reviews for them with the next up shortly. if you want to have a look, they're different from my usual thing as they're much shorter.

TPG are connected to who have hooked me up with a few games too. I recently had to review Cocoto Platform Jumper on Wiiware, it was an urgent review and I managed to get it done within 2 days. Think they were grateful as since then I've been given review code for Madballs in Babo Invasion (the other XBLA title that came out the same day as Monkey Island) and been posted from the US, two DS RPGs to review.

Plus, I've been reviewing Worms 2 for a site that were advertising for someone to do this one off.
Then I had get in contact via twitter and offer me Harry Potter on the DS, then subsequently the same game on the Wii. So that's in progress, with one review being done this weekend.

Finally (and most excitingly on a personal level), I'm now writing articles for I've known this site for a little while, as the podcast I featured in is done by a couple of the guys on the site, so when a position came up I thought I'd apply, I was lucky and got the role.
It's very different from my usual stuff, as I'm writing articles rather than reviews. It's great so far, it's more challenging than the review work but much more rewarding. My first article was part of a column they used to run called Rumour Killers, it went up last night and seems to have had good feedback so far. is the link, and the main one I'd love people to check out.

Ooh and also TGR marks the second paid role for me, although it is very low paid, and I'm certainly doing it more out of the love than anything else.

Anyway, that was a huge update. Well done if you're still reading! Like I said, the last couple of weeks have been mental
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Old 17-07-2009, 15:50   #195
Long Island Iced Tea
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That sounds excellent Haly Well done you

I'm incredibly jealous, would love to do stuff like this!

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Old 17-07-2009, 16:49   #196
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Thanks And well done for getting through the post, didn't realise how long I'd rambled for till I just checked now Had a lot to catch up on
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Old 17-07-2009, 17:07   #197
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I wasn't aware most of this was unpaid!

Last edited by Kreeeee; 17-07-2009 at 17:10.
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Old 17-07-2009, 17:10   #198
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Depends on the site really, but quite a lot of the content isn't, or at best, it's very low paid. All about doing it for the love/occassional freebies/eventual hope that if you're any good someone might pay you for it.
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Old 17-07-2009, 17:11   #199
Long Island Iced Tea
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Pffft, stuff that!

Good luck though, if it's something you love doing and it looks to develop into a career then I'm very jealous
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Old 17-07-2009, 17:13   #200
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Guess it depends on what you enjoy. I love it I love writing analytically, I get huge satisfaction when someone gives me good feedback, I'm a sucker for seeing my name up on a site, and I just plain enjoy writing about something I love, simple as that really
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