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Old 24-07-2009, 18:22   #1
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Default 2 dead hdd's


For some reason after moving home I now have 2 dead hard drives. Both are Samsung HD103UJ 1Tb drives and it appears that a little black thingy near the sata connections on the pcb has burned on both.

Could it have something to do with the fact that I plugged them into a powered USB hub? Or could it be a faulty power supply (I swapped the plugs around when one wasn't working and then the other stopped)

Is there anyway of me getting the data off these or are they a write off?

I know I should have backed them up, but I was too cheap to buy another 2Tb of storage.
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Old 24-07-2009, 18:57   #2
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Trying to work out what you have done.... Do you mean you put them in an enclosure and then connected to a USB supply? Normally these are powered for 3.5" drives.

Either way it burned connectors is never a good sign. I actually have two bricked HD103UJ drives infront of me, post a pic up.

I do think that if you really want data back then you will have to go for data recovery which will cost loads.
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Old 24-07-2009, 19:14   #3
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They were in Integral enclosures, originally connected up via usb direct to the pc, then when I moved I connected them through a powered usb hub. If it looks like it's gonna cost a lot then I'll write the data off and start again, they were only tv shows but close to 2tb of tv shows and I have no idea what I had.
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Old 24-07-2009, 19:17   #4
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Connecting the enclosure to a powered USB hub shouldn't be a problem but I think the fact that both drives died after being plugged in does imply that it was the hub to blame.

You could probably get the data off if you have an identical new drive by taking the PCB off the new drive and putting it into the old one. I've done it a few times when it's been an electrical rather than a mechanical failure.
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Old 24-07-2009, 19:22   #5
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*smacks forehead* I forgot I have an identical drive in the pc.

How dangerous is it to the spare hdd to do this as it's almost full and not backed up
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Old 24-07-2009, 19:45   #6
Screaming Orgasm
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Back up the donor drive first! If you've killed two PCBs, I'd work under the assumption that killing a third is likely.

USB powered hub is an unlikely source of trouble because 3.5" drives don't draw power from there - they need 12v supplies and USB is 5v.

Unless of course the power supply for the hub has failed and is overvolting - in which case I'd expect the hub or the USB to IDE bridge in the enclosure to die first.

Duff enclosure (or power supply for the enclosure) is a more likely candidate. If it's just the one enclosure that has caused both drives I'd treat that as suspect.
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Old 24-07-2009, 19:52   #7
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I feel your pain I have two bricked/dieing HD103UJ 1Tb drives here. Both are going back to Samsung under warranty as they are dieing through sector failure.....

I will sell you one of them if it will get you out of crap (knocked down obviously) and send the other one back. I'm not giving it away though as its a £60 drive that I can send back for replacement. Let me know if this will be of any help.
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Old 24-07-2009, 19:56   #8
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Originally Posted by Mark View Post
Back up the donor drive first! If you've killed two PCBs, I'd work under the assumption that killing a third is likely.

USB powered hub is an unlikely source of trouble because 3.5" drives don't draw power from there - they need 12v supplies and USB is 5v.

Unless of course the power supply for the hub has failed and is overvolting - in which case I'd expect the hub or the USB to IDE bridge in the enclosure to die first.

Duff enclosure (or power supply for the enclosure) is a more likely candidate. If it's just the one enclosure that has caused both drives I'd treat that as suspect.
2 enclosures, I think it's 1 of the power supplies as 1 was working till I swapped the cables round. Only problem now is that I don't know which cable is dodgy

Originally Posted by Zirax View Post
I feel your pain I have two bricked/dieing HD103UJ 1Tb drives here. Both are going back to Samsung under warranty as they are dieing through sector failure.....

I will sell you one of them if it will get you out of crap (knocked down obviously) and send the other one back. I'm not giving it away though as its a £60 drive that I can send back for replacement. Let me know if this will be of any help.
I might take you up on that offer if I can figure out which cable is faulty.
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Old 24-07-2009, 20:08   #9
Screaming Orgasm
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Originally Posted by Wossi View Post
2 enclosures, I think it's 1 of the power supplies as 1 was working till I swapped the cables round. Only problem now is that I don't know which cable is dodgy
Ouch! Think you've got your answer but finding which one is likely to be expensive. Finding a friend with a drive they don't mind sacrificing would be the way to go.
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Old 24-07-2009, 20:46   #10
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I think I may have figured it out. The Lacie external hard drive I have uses the same kind of connections, I'm wondering if that cable was used instead it would cause this problem. Need to root around the back of the cabinet to check the power supplies.

EDIT: It seems I was correct, the pins on the lacie cable are the other way round to the other cable, I ended up putting 12v through a 5v connection At least I know what the problem is so will spend tomorrow moving stuff around to get the drive in the pc empty and try and get the data off the 2 drives.

Last edited by Wossi; 24-07-2009 at 21:05.
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