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Old 06-11-2009, 19:18   #1
Joe 90
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Default Motivation - i need some.

Where do people find motivation when they need it?

I've got a horribly busy year this year, football, final year, jobs etc and tough times recently have found me struggling to find the motivation to do anything.

Now i've got 3 deadlines this week, the work for which is mostly done, but still, i've got some late nights due to football filling a fair bit of time between now and those hand-ins. Oh and then MW2 will arrive. need to find some willpower not to let that take over too much!
I've spent most of today correcting/improving the written parts of this group work that others have done rather than writing the concluding section which has been left with me - not the most productive use of limited time, but its all I could be bothered with
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Old 06-11-2009, 19:24   #2
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Determination to want to achieve whatever it is usually!
I think on average I write about 4,000-6,000 words a week at the moment with mostly nothing but praise and the fact I enjoy what I do to pay for it. Amazing how motivated you can be if you enjoy it though

I find having a To Do list broken down into days works well for me.
First of all it gives me a good guide to what needs doing that week so I don't forget anything, plus it's a lovely sense of satisfaction when you've cleared everything for one day and you've still got half a day or more left to enjoy yourself

Having said that it is certainly harder to gain motivation when things are going crappy emotionally so I sympathise there.

Last edited by Haly; 06-11-2009 at 19:35.
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Old 06-11-2009, 20:09   #3
Screaming Orgasm
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I feel your pain. Had this problem on and off for years now, usually involving work. I don't dislike work - except when it seems out to get me - I just have trouble motivating myself to do it.

Recent events might actually help that situation. Kick up the backside.
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Old 06-11-2009, 21:32   #4
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I know the feeling!
I can't seem to get motivated to get any of my uni work done. I've got 4 deadlines in the next 2 weeks but I just can't seem to get shifted of my bum.
If you can find a cure for lack of motivation let me know!

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Old 07-11-2009, 14:21   #5
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I suffer from lack of motivation a lot - sometimes it's hard to know why - if you're not getting started because you're scared of failing then that's harder to get over, but that's something only you can answer.

If it's just the whole thing about everything you've got to do feeling like a massive hill to climb, then break it down into steps and climb it one by one. Make a to-do list as Jen says, and split everything you have to do into manageable, non-scary chunks. Motivation loss is often because you don't have a feeling of control over what you have to do (worry that there's not enough time/too much to do) so splitting it up into what you can do allows you to take control, and start getting the job done. Before you know it ,you've climbed two steps and you're further on than when you started. That in itself can be really motivating, especially if you found it quite easy - and of course there's now less to do than there was before.

Example, in case I'm not explaining very well.

Your house is a mess. You look at it and think f@ck this will take me all day. You don't know where to start so you don't start. Tomorrow you get up and think, jesus this house is a mess. Repeat until you've felt crap about not doing it for a few weeks and get so pissed off you sort it out.

However, if you choose a point to start - that will make it easier. Just choose something you MUST do. Like sorting out your washing so you've got something to wear. Get a load in the washer, and another ready to go. That takes about 5 minutes and you're already well on your way.

Move into the kitchen. Notice what needs to be done:

Dishes washed, dried put away
Clean Sink
Wash surfaces
General tidy around, put things away that need to go and throw rubbish away, take the bin out.

Start off by washing, drying and putting away dishes. Half an hour later, that's done and the kitchen looks miles better. Then you clean the sink/wipe the surfaces, put stuff away in the cupboards, each job taking a few minutes and about half an hour in total. Then, after an hour, the kitchen is sparkly clean and you can sit down, have a cuppa and wait for the washing load to finish. You've spent an hour but have achieved loads more than just sitting there thinking, ****, this house is a mess.

Just seeing how good the kitchen looks and how good you feel about taking control of it will probably spur you on to do something else. If not, well at least you made a start, do the same thing tomorrow and in a few days the house is sorted

Not sure if any of that will help, but it tends to be how I get started when I cant...get started
"You only get one life. There's no God, no rules, except for those you accept or create for yourself. Then once it's over... it's over. Dreamless sleep for ever and ever. So why not be happy while you're here?" Nate Fisher

Last edited by Kitten; 07-11-2009 at 14:28.
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Old 07-11-2009, 14:29   #6
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This may sound daft, but I find that I am least motivated when I am most unfit!

I know exercise is a fantastic aid for depression and those lack-lustre feelings.

I also find fatigue terrible when trying to get on with anything.

I've had great trouble getting to sleep- even feeling remotely tired for the past 3 nights now- I tried some night nurse last night, but I just found it has made have terrible nightmares last night, and feeling very groggy today.

I feel totally apathetic.
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Old 07-11-2009, 14:35   #7
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Gimme your mobile number & I will Shout aggresively down the phone at you whenever I feel like it.

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Old 07-11-2009, 14:37   #8
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My phone is off today - I don't want to speak to anyone
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Old 07-11-2009, 16:07   #9
Joe 90
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Thanks guys. I've recently bought a diary to help plan things out and get things done - I've relied on my phone's calendar for years, but its just not good enough anymore.

I also agree massively on the exercise/fitness thing - I need to start running again I think.
Got myself an awesome energy supplement the other day which should help get me moving -

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Gimme your mobile number & I will Shout aggresively down the phone at you whenever I feel like it.
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Old 07-11-2009, 16:27   #10
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Be careful with those supplements, I'm sure there are safe and healthy ways of using them to add to your training program etc but I am also aware that some of them are detrimental to your lymphatic system.

Pickers- if you read this - or anyone using the same system, I would be interested to know more about that runlog program you are using?
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