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Old 15-09-2006, 20:11   #1
Vodka Martini
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Default How to buy one's first vehicle

As title really. I am currently learning how to drive and thought I could get a car when and if I pass, but I am frankly a bit useless. I can't get lessons very often nor very regularly which means I don't progress very fast, and have realised I could probably use a car to practice in as well as to drive in if I ever get a license.

The problem is I know just about nothing on cars. That is, I have no technical knowledge. I know roughly what to look for, but I don't know what car is better than the next for a total beginner, let alone who to get to insure the car nor anything I need to be on the lookout for. Hell I don't even know whether I should get one now to practice on or get one if I pass.

I'm assuming a lot (if not all) of you drive and thus you have all had a first car and you can all tell me about how you went about it and how I can end up with a great car to make me a great driver (hopefully)
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Old 15-09-2006, 20:16   #2
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I went to a car dealership promising my Mum I would "just window shop", saw a red corsa and before my Mum could intervine told they guy I'd take it!

Not much help I admit but it was great fun!
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Old 16-09-2006, 11:43   #3
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I was just lucky in that I was working behind a bar and one of my regulars owned a garage. I described what I was looking for (small, cheap to insure and run) and he found me exactly what I wanted within a week, replaced a part, checked MOT, gave it a quick retouch paintjob and a service and clean. I'd never have known what to look for myself!

I'd rope in a friend/family member that knows something about cars and bribe them with alcohol to go look at any you're interested in with you.
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Old 16-09-2006, 17:33   #4
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The best thing to do is to get a family member or good friend who knows about these things to help you work out what you want/need, and most importantly go with you to stop you buying a complete shed

edit: doh, just realised I've basically just repeated the last line of Roberta's post - ah well it must be good advice then
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Old 16-09-2006, 17:38   #5
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I got a rough idea of what I wanted in my head, thrashed out ideas within my budget with my peers and then took my Dad to look at one. He told me it was a shed but it was worth the paltry sum I was paying for it. He was right.
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Old 17-09-2006, 01:06   #6
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Get someone who knows to go with you.

Also - for a first car I'd go with something without Traction control, ABS, Power steering and all that guff. You've learnt the basics on how to drive - having a car without all that crap will help you after you pass.

I've currently got a couple of cars on my radar...however both need a specalist to look over them.

Shame that subtly modified RX8 fell though. It was great.

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Old 19-09-2006, 09:48   #7
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Originally Posted by Flibster View Post

Also - for a first car I'd go with something without Traction control, ABS, Power steering and all that guff. You've learnt the basics on how to drive - having a car without all that crap will help you after you pass.

Why? All modern cars have these now, most older modern cars have power steering at least. The amount of times I nearly drove into a kerb after buying a car with power steering, yank the wheel round and WHOOOSH, round we go! Why not be accustomed to what is the norm?

...faster you naughty little monkey!
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Old 19-09-2006, 20:21   #8
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Originally Posted by Pebbles View Post
Why? All modern cars have these now, most older modern cars have power steering at least. The amount of times I nearly drove into a kerb after buying a car with power steering, yank the wheel round and WHOOOSH, round we go! Why not be accustomed to what is the norm?
I'll agree there is really no point in not having a modern car unless you are after a classic, your car should be as comfortable as possible. Lest I argue that we don't need synchromesh and hydraulic brakes because you'll learn to declutch then. :-/
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Old 20-09-2006, 07:37   #9
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Originally Posted by Flibster View Post

Also - for a first car I'd go with something without Traction control, ABS, Power steering and all that guff. You've learnt the basics on how to drive - having a car without all that crap will help you after you pass.
That's you speaking from an experienced point of view.

Ok my car didn't have PS or ABS - but then again my car was a D reg Fiat. However even then it was only top spec that had ABS and traction control etc... I did miss out on PS. However I'm a big strong boy so having to turn the wheel with a bit of elbow grease didn't do me any harm

I think something with all those driver aids doesn't make you a worse driver, it probably makes you a better driver as when you mess up you're less likely to get hurt in which case you think to yourself - thank god, I think I'll be calming down now. Ok this may not work with a lot of the chavs, but someone like our KK is likely to be sensible..
No No!
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Old 22-09-2006, 21:21   #10
Vodka Martini
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Someone like our KK needs an acquaintance who knows things to do with cars
I haven't even the foggiest as to where to go. I really do not know the first thing.
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