Originally Posted by Zirax
Gotta say I am really enjoying dead or alive 4. You get the chance to have a go before mega baddies come in and I was getting upto 7-8 combo hits and I've only just started. The characters have soo many moves it'll take time to work it all out. I actually managed to get past 6-7 guys/girls before having my ass handed to me. It was a green woman that could morph about and was a pain in the ass, with my limited knowledge of moves I was stumped.
Dead or alive is an old game though, I'm surprised there isn't another sequel. Managed to get SC4 cheap as well so I have loads of them sitting about now
Good suggestions everyone.
Dead or Alive is a series which gets overlooked for not being serious enough and being all about the boobs, but it's actually a
very solid fighting game based around counters. And, as you say, there is a lot of moves to each fighter.