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Old 16-06-2011, 14:43   #1
The Last Airbender
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Default ****ing Banks

Seriously, what is up with them?

I'm just going through a mortgage application and need 3 months bank statements. Fine, totally understand that. But with Natwest I use online banking and, at their request, took up the paperless banking so I don't get any statements from them. Just went in to get some sorted and they charge me £5.00 to get them printed and sent to me.

It's not the £5.00 that's the issue, but they want people to go paperless which no doubt saves them a ton of cash and then when I need them printed they charge me for the privilege.

Thanks a chuffing lot Natwest. I had a whinge in the branch (nicely) and I'll be sending them an email too. I'll also be signing in to my online banking and turning on my paper statements again in case I need them in the future.
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Old 16-06-2011, 15:58   #2
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Is it not possible to get 3 months worth of statements from online to print out? Halifax used to keep only 3 months up but have now extended it with their new system.
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Old 16-06-2011, 16:07   #3
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Nope, HSBC want printed statements as I could easily change anything I've downloaded from my online account. I don't have a problem with that at all.

What I have a problem with is Natwest charging me for something I used to get anyway but opted out of by my own good will with their urge to save on paper to save the planet bollocks. I don't have a problem with them saving on paper and saving on postage, both adding up to a considerable sum I would imagine. But then to charge me for the one occasion I want it printed out? They can do one.

I've already had a favourable reply to my complaint and may get a refund on the fee. Either way, I've turned on paper statements again.
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Old 16-06-2011, 16:09   #4
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Haha, sounds just about right, it's a sad fact it doesn't surprise me, an email might get you your fiver back but it won't change their ass backward ways...

My fault but was charged £18 for the privilege of going £2 overdrawn whilst at Dee&Daz' wedding t'other weekend, just took it on the chin and haven't even bothered arguing, they know and i know i just can't be bothered right now. Really is the last thing i need to worry about...

Go banks!
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Old 16-06-2011, 17:02   #5
Screaming Orgasm
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Quite normal - they call it a 'copy statement charge'. Even before the FSA clamped down on other fees they had that one.

Hope the complaint gets through. Generally they'll refund one lot of fees every 12 months.
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Old 16-06-2011, 17:07   #6
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I argue every charge I've ever gotten, and I pretty much always get the money back. If they refuse over the phone I go into the bank with a whole load of b0ll0cks and they end up confused and refunding me

That stinks though Jamie, I'm sure you'll get that money back if you kick up a fuss. Shouldn't have to though, it's the principle.

It's like speeding tickets and Virgin/Sky etc. If you don't challenge it, you end up paying top whack. I remember some stat about 65-75% of challengers having their speeding/parking tickets quashed, but very few actually challenge. When you ring cable/Sky, they offer you a package, you say no, you end up far better off. Yesterday they tried to tell us we had to pay £18 for a package, we settled on £4 in the end, and that's with a new phoneline thrown in...
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Old 16-06-2011, 17:10   #7
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Originally Posted by Mark View Post
Quite normal - they call it a 'copy statement charge'.
Normal or not, they used to send them out and I did them a favour and saved them money by being happy NOT to receive them. Anyhow, I've turned them back on again now so I'll be getting paper statements back through the post so **** them
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Old 16-06-2011, 18:45   #8
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Nationwide and Santader were happy with printed online statements in my recent bout of remortgage and taking out a mortgage.

But yes, theiving scum, probably actual cost to them is under £1.
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Old 17-06-2011, 13:15   #9
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I do like not having paper copies of everything in the post but every now and then when I've had to apply for anything I find myself royally stuffed. Santander were being particularly difficult about it until I TOLD the person who was serving us to watch through the window while I go and print the statements at HSBC across the road. Only then did they accept it. Arses.
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Old 17-06-2011, 14:41   #10
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
I remember some stat about 65-75% of challengers having their speeding/parking tickets quashed, but very few actually challenge. When you ring cable/Sky, they offer you a package, you say no, you end up far better off. Yesterday they tried to tell us we had to pay £18 for a package, we settled on £4 in the end, and that's with a new phoneline thrown in...
That's total bo*****s here in Edinburgh at least! I've challenged pretty much every parking ticket i've ever had (quite a few) and only ever won one, and that technically involved fraud if were being really picky!

With HSBC i was technically "overdrawn" for 2 days by a few quid, but i was into unauthorised overdraft, i already have an overdraft of 1.25k so no excuses really just piss poor wage and piss poor money management, i hold my hand up . It's not fair they charge me but i was well in the wrong i guess, little room for argument anyways. Just take it on the chin and be sensible next time...
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