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Old 06-05-2012, 12:32   #1561
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The best races are normally run at a fairly even split

What's the run home like? I'm not 100% sure how it works for a shorter 5k distance but when I was looking at speed increases I was doing tempo runs at 10 seconds below race pace, 400m repeats were 1-1.5 mins faster and 800m repeats 30 seconds faster. I think for a 5k you don't want to push that max speed much, I suspect trying to push out multiple 400m at 5min pace might be pushing it(!), but work on sustaining a similar speed for longer runs with recoveries (ie run 6 miles with only half of it at race pace - improves your endurance).

If I were you, I'd probably cut the parkrun to once a fortnight. You can race a 5k every week but if that's half your weekly runs I think the increases will be quite slow. Also make sure the 2.5km warmup isn't too fast! You do need a warm-up but nothing that is going to fatigue you!

Main thing I'd say is try and get some fartlek or intervals done. And if I remember rightly you said it's hilly - find a hilly route and sprint uphill then job downhill, it's boring as hell (well, if you only have a few decent hills like me) but works wonders, my last race I started slow and made up the most time chasing the pace setter on hills I was also in no condition to run 2.5km afterwards, a very slow walk begun about an hour later :P

Have you ever looked at a pace calculator? I like this one: - you're meant to set it for what you have done... rather than what you are aiming for. I do both...

Good luck
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Old 08-05-2012, 14:03   #1562
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Damnit, just signed up to the 2013 Brighton marathon. What was I thinking?
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Old 08-05-2012, 14:08   #1563
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Originally Posted by jmc41 View Post
The best races are normally run at a fairly even split
I'm terrible at clock watching. This weekend I did actually look at what time I left and what time I went past the halfway point, but I have never set a stopwatch

Originally Posted by jmc41 View Post
What's the run home like? I'm not 100% sure how it works for a shorter 5k distance but when I was looking at speed increases I was doing tempo runs at 10 seconds below race pace, 400m repeats were 1-1.5 mins faster and 800m repeats 30 seconds faster. I think for a 5k you don't want to push that max speed much, I suspect trying to push out multiple 400m at 5min pace might be pushing it(!), but work on sustaining a similar speed for longer runs with recoveries (ie run 6 miles with only half of it at race pace - improves your endurance).
It's 6k on pavements, flat, with a small bump in the middle.

Originally Posted by jmc41 View Post
If I were you, I'd probably cut the parkrun to once a fortnight. You can race a 5k every week but if that's half your weekly runs I think the increases will be quite slow. Also make sure the 2.5km warmup isn't too fast! You do need a warm-up but nothing that is going to fatigue you!
But I like doing the Parkrun! I might mix it up with the one in the other park which is more hilly. It'll be good for strength and building my cardio going up that mountain!

Originally Posted by jmc41 View Post
Have you ever looked at a pace calculator? I like this one: - you're meant to set it for what you have done... rather than what you are aiming for. I do both...
Nope, will check it out
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Old 08-05-2012, 17:32   #1564
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The other thing that really helped me was getting a GPS watch, they are a little pricey, but it's one of the best techno gadgets I've got (and tbh, £100 isn't much more than a new pair of trainers from most stores that do them with gait analysis).

I was always going out too fast, this got me to slow down. Plus for any kind of speedwork it's essential imho unless you go to the track - which would drive me around the bend (plus I have no idea where the nearest one is and doubt it's usable after dark which knocks out all weekday runs October to March).

If you enjoy the parkrun probably best not to give it up, maybe just don't push yourself to the limit every week? Give your body a chance to rest. I once read that races are when we push ourselves to the max without any thought to the purpose behind the run long term (ie: building cardio, vo max, endurance, speed, whatever). Do you really want to be doing that every single week (you may of course, not be...)

Off out now for a hilly fartlek, lets see if my foot holds up :s

[Edit] Bah, 3.58 miles, 26:35 and knackered with foot as bad as before. Max HR was 192, previous max was 191 hmmm.

Last edited by jmc41; 08-05-2012 at 19:05.
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Old 09-05-2012, 05:23   #1565
Good Cat
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Originally Posted by Jonny69 View Post
Last year I was running 13.5k loops of Bushy park after work once a week, but I was doing more distance running last year than speedwork. That said, I think the added distance will be beneficial to the shorter distances because the muscles won't fatigue as early.
I'd agree with that. >5K tempo runs as well as some speedwork/hills thrown in. If you can maintain your pace for longer then you'll have more energy for the end. We have an Olympic marathon runner running a few coaching sessions down our club at the moment and he said that the key to a good race pace is tempo runs. Speedwork/hills too, but if you get your tempo run speed up, then you will be a quicker runner and be able to maintain it for longer. Makes perfect sense. I'd keep speedwork/hills sessions to once a week, alternating between them.

Also, what about cycling to the Park Runs instead of running? Uses less energy and different muscles, but still warms you up. I don't think knocking them back to every other week will make a difference as we're not talking about a half marathon every week. It's only 5K!

Well done on Brighton btw. Say goodbye to your life for 4 months though

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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Old 09-05-2012, 12:07   #1566
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January -> April = no life
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Old 09-05-2012, 12:21   #1567
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I pretty much had no life since the September I guess I needed it though!

Realised I haven't done a race report yet - better do this when its still fresh in my mind.

Need to be in right frame of mind though!!!

At the moment I have the post marathon cold my body has just given up! Especially after the hen do at the weekend!!!

Want to get back on it though as don't want to lose the fitness and go back to square one

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Old 09-05-2012, 13:22   #1568
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Hahaha, you said, and I quote "After the marathon, that's it. No more running. I hate running..."
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Old 09-05-2012, 13:36   #1569
BBx woz 'ere :P
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And she's bloody well entered the London Marathon ballot
No No!
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Old 09-05-2012, 13:36   #1570
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I was referring to long distance

Still want to pb my half time to sub 2 hours.

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