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Old 30-06-2012, 14:29   #3071
Joey Tempest
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Originally Posted by Mockingbird View Post
When clothes just drop off the hanger whilst your browsing and it has a domino effect ...

The rails are stuffed and the staff cba, so you're left with a fistful of rags and up to your knees in shiny cheap lycra-mixes waiting 'til no-one's looking to walk away from the sorry mess you made.
This has reminded me of a VERY irrational annoyance of mine.

The way women shop for clothes.

Since being the dutiful boyfriend and going along on shopping trips my annoyance has gone up and up..
Whereas a man will look from afar and once a potential winner has been spotted grab the hangers around the item and separate the pack of clothes so that he can safely evaluate the garment spotted. If it's not ideal the clothes will not be disturbed, if it's worth taking off the rail it will be done.
I see women walk along, tug at the clothes by the bottom corner till they're hooked out of the rail, usually making other items fall off, and then pull at them in every which way and if they don't like it just let it go leaving it in a tangled mess.

It's why every women's clothes shop looks like a bomb has hit it and men's clothes shops look neat and tidy

How can I justify that it's irrational? Because I don't need to look through these piles of clothes or even care that they're messy
No Sig.
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Old 30-06-2012, 14:38   #3072
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People who appear to do an entire months banking on one visit to the ATM, usually involving several cards, reciepts and occasionally cash.

We must move forward not backward, upwards not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling...
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Old 30-06-2012, 18:20   #3073
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That annoys me too Fay, especially when it's raining and all I need is £10.

My pet peeve today, mobile networks. We had a monsoon and several thunder storms on Thursday that has left me living in a 3 dead spot. As long as I'm a mile away from home, I have perfect signal, even in areas that until yesterday were dead spots themselves.

Also, I had a call from someone on Orange earlier, we needed a serious chat but the call kept on cutting out because their Orange signal kept on disappearing.

Argh! I need to get in touch with a friend who has a very sick relative in hospital, but I can't because 3 is still down, they don't have a land line and sending them an email isn't an option because they are away from internet access. I can't even travel a mile away from this estate because I have no car!
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Old 01-07-2012, 16:50   #3074
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The Euro 2012 final being on two terrestrial tv channels! I've no objection to it being on terrestrial tv (even though I have no interest in football at all), in fact it's a good thing as not everyone has Sky/Virgin. However, on both BBC1 on ITV? Ludicrous! A genuine wtf from me.
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Old 01-07-2012, 18:09   #3075
Del Lardo
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Originally Posted by Muban View Post
The Euro 2012 final being on two terrestrial tv channels! I've no objection to it being on terrestrial tv (even though I have no interest in football at all), in fact it's a good thing as not everyone has Sky/Virgin. However, on both BBC1 on ITV? Ludicrous! A genuine wtf from me.

Especially as no-one in their right mind would ever watch the ITV coverage given the choice between the two.
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Old 02-07-2012, 10:29   #3076
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Any TV station that shows the qualifying games have (to my understanding) always both shown (or both had the option) to show the final of the World Cup and the Euro finals. This year is no different and traditionally ITV & BBC both show each final live, so I'm a little surprised at how many people weren't expecting it.

In 2008, ITV decided not to show the Euros finals as England hadn't qualified for the competition and their advertising revenue was too low to justify the cost of paying for the final viewing rights. BBC consistently get higher viewing figures (typically about 3x) but ITV would still lose a fortune on selling ads to a 3m audience in one of their most expensive ad breaks of the year if they didn't show it. Shows in general just don't drag in the figures like they used to so 3m isn't to be sniffed at for a company like ITV that depends on advertising revenue.

No biggie really. Pretty much everyone has at least a DVD player. If ITV hadn't shown it, it would have been a Midsomer Murders repeat or some other repeat as it would have been essentially dead time to them with everyone else watching BBC and avoiding voodoo chiles.
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Last edited by Kitten; 02-07-2012 at 10:33.
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Old 02-07-2012, 18:19   #3077
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I actually don't watch much telly and I certainly didn't miss anything that would have been on so it didn't make any odds to me really (hence the irrational). But if you only have terrestrial it is rather annoying knowing that 2 channels have exactly the same pictures on (albeit different commentary stuff). I get why ITV show it I just think only one channel should be allowed the final (though if it turned out to be ITV that would be a bit harsh on the viewers!).

As I said though, no skin off my nose (unless one year they bump something I want to watch in favour of it, then I reserve my right to whinge ).
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Old 02-07-2012, 19:10   #3078
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Oh I can totally understand why it'd be annoying. My nan would have had a fit!
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Old 03-07-2012, 13:25   #3079
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It's irrational, I know, but the fact that many of the things here are not irrational annoys me :/
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Old 03-07-2012, 16:48   #3080
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Do we need a new 'Things that just plain annoy the crap out of you' thread?
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