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Old 25-01-2007, 20:02   #1
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Default Jails Full? Well we'll let them go then...

A man who downloaded child pornography to his computer has avoided jail after the home secretary asked judges to limit prison terms due to overcrowding.
I'm sorry but WTF?????? Surely if prisons are so full, crime isn't going down.
Two other articles 1 and 2 also seem to show that craime is getting worse, but whats the odds that when the government "statistics" some out, it'll show that its decreasing.
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Old 25-01-2007, 20:20   #2
Screaming Orgasm
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Petty crime is going down, serious, violent crime is going up. Hence they can claim that crime overall is going down.

Longer sentences (such as these new indeterminate sentences) is a good measure of what's causing this. The home secretary accuses judges of being too lenient, so sentences go up. Criminals get banged up longer. More of them as well. Oops, we've just run out of space.

Like all statistics, you can usually 'interpret' them to fit the story you want to put out, and this is no exception. It's not like the Government didn't know this was going to happen either.
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Old 25-01-2007, 20:39   #3
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Today a judge (after he read the new prison directive from the goverment) sentenced a pedophile to community service !!!!! WTF

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Old 26-01-2007, 18:58   #4
Von Smallhausen
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And it makes us look like **** !

Top marks Home Office, top marks.

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Old 26-01-2007, 19:02   #5
Screaming Orgasm
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And another one's been let go.

The whole lot is coming apart at the seams. Summer of discontent, anyone? I bet TB is laughing his head off that he's quitting and leaving the mess for someone else.
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Old 27-01-2007, 00:14   #6
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Originally Posted by 8 I3ALL View Post
Today a judge (after he read the new prison directive from the goverment) sentenced a pedophile to community service !!!!! WTF
Probably will end up picking up rubbish around a playground or something like that too.

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Old 27-01-2007, 16:53   #7
Von Smallhausen
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Last week I was working a 12 hour shift on my weekend off to work on Safeguard, which is the operational name for the care of Home Office prisoners in designated police stations.

When I went in at 7am, there was nobody in and there have been few in the designated station in the force area since it started again. The last round of this was Container a couple of years back.

By 1pm there were 4 remand prisoners from a court in Northumberland and once they were housed we got a call to say that there were 4 from the Nottinghamshire area .... 3 hours away. The sergeant queried why Notts remand prisoners were coming to the north-east and the answer was frightening. There was nowhere else in the country. We were told that there were 4 spaces left in the country with 4 remand prisoners to fill those.

Police cells are wholly inadequate for Home Office prisoners and the situation as it stands is a disgrace, not to mention potentially dangerous. To see a paedophile walk away from court because of a lack of spaces turns my stomach and sets a very dangerous precedent.

The government have known about this for a long time and they have had years to start a prison building programme but have chosen to stick their heads in the sand it seems.

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Old 31-01-2007, 10:38   #8
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Originally Posted by Mark View Post
Petty crime is going down, serious, violent crime is going up. Hence they can claim that crime overall is going down.
Is it really? Or are less petty crimes not being reported as people think/know that nothing will be/can be done about it? We had our car boot scratched in Swansea and didn't report it. We've had our car scratched outside our house (along with another 3 cars) and as far as I know it wasn't reported by anybody. How many drunken fights or abuse go unreported?

Maybe we are part of the problem by not reporting these things but then it's usually seen as a waste of time.

And don't get me started on re-classifying crime to fiddle the figures
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Old 31-01-2007, 11:21   #9
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You're probably right - I'm sure the majority of what could be considered (by the police) as minor crime never even gets near a crime reference number.

And I won't get you started on reclassifying crime - it happens. Though in this case I'd argue that would be counter-productive - I'd certainly prefer it if the violent crime was going down, not up.
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Old 31-01-2007, 11:51   #10
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When I joined nearly 7 years ago, recording was different. If someone was assaulted and sid so but then said they would not make a statement then it was not recorded as a crime.

Now, everything is. If someone says that they were assaulted but will not provide information or a statement about what happened then it has to be recorded under ethical crime recording. If one 15 year old shoves his mate or slaps him across the head and that is reported then it is a common assault, therefore recordable, and as common assault ( the lowest form of assault ) is classed as violent crime then this has the effect of pushing recorded crime through the roof. When you here of violent crime going up, it is caused by the recording of many trivial incidents that would not have been recorded not so long back.

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