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Old 25-02-2007, 15:22   #1
The Stig
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Default Help me pick a game!

Right, after getting a belated birthday gift, I can treat myself to a 360 game. Should I get:
  1. Crackdown
  2. Gears of War
  3. Lego Star Wars II

I genuinely cant decide. After some more plays of the demo Crackdown has convinced me, I think I'll enjoy it. Everyone on the planet is still playing Gears, and it's likely to be a true next gen experience. The online play is top notch (so I hear), but then Crackdown also has some online/co-op features so I have an option there.

And then there's Lego Star Wars. Such a charming little game without a doubt, but with little Live offerings it cant stand up long term like the other two.

What do we think?
apt-get moo
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Old 25-02-2007, 15:34   #2
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If you are a Star Wars fan then you will love LSWII, the two player is really really great possibly the best game I have played two player ever! No split screen not turns, you work together talking to each other about how to get through an area (very much I suspect like how you and Dee are playing Zelda but you both have controllers).

Your right theres no on line but its not really important there are loads of achievements to do and you can go back and play each area as other characters. It is without doubt one of the best thought out and designed games for ages and you'll be crying with laughter at some places.

Gear? Meh. Its a very short single player followed online battles, if that floats your boat, yes it has good graphics but graphics are developing all the time, I wouldn't buy it just for that.

Crackdown is really fun and I'm playing it at the moment, it has a 2 player online co-op which I haven't touched, its relatively short though and you'll finish it in a few days if you not trying for all the achievements.

My choices



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Old 25-02-2007, 15:39   #3
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Tricky... As fun as the demo in Crackdown was, the full game is massively more entertaining. Its got harder on the 2nd island because they stop using pistols and use m16's and rocket launchers. That just makes the game even more fun because now I have a rocket launcher Even more kills in 1 shot. However I do worry that when I've finished cleaning up the town who can I kill?

Gears was very short, General Ramm aside and I haven't played it much online but it was really fun when I did. I really enjoyed the game but I felt it was short.

Lego SW2, great game if you want single player only stuff.

If I had to say which one to buy, I'd go with Crackdown. You can do whatever you want in it. If you're bored just go shoot the tyres off cars on the motorway and watch them spaz out.
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Old 25-02-2007, 18:51   #4
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It depends really.
With Gears, it depends if you've got the time to play it online, because imo that's where it's most fun. Also the co-op mode is great fun on it.

Lego SW2 has a great co-op mode from what I've seen but like you say, I don't think it's got huge long term appeal, the first one certainly didn't. Personally I wouldn't buy it for £35, it doesn't look worth that to me, looks more like a long term rental.

I wasn't really that interested in Crackdown from the demo I played so can't say regarding that. Although from what I've heard about it, as you loved Saint's Row, you'll probably really like Crackdown.

If you go for GoW, get it off Play-Asia:
£23, the manual is presumably in another language but that's no big deal at all, and hell of a lot cheaper than the stores are selling it for still.

Odds are, I reckon you're leaning towards one of them anyhow, couldn't say which, I just know these dilemmas too well
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Old 25-02-2007, 21:50   #5
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Gears of War - great single player experience that is hugely cinematic, but very short. Definitely one of the best online experiences you can get, especially when you play 4-on-4 with friends, you can get some great matches going. The online play gives it a huge amount of longevity.

Crackdown - a sandbox city exploration game with fighting thrown in for good measure. I've had great fun playing this since yesterday, and though I'm nearly done with it already in terms of killing the bosses, there's so much left to do in terms of achievements. Put on some good music (it's fairly quiet when you're on foot) and go jumping about the buildings and kill every baddie you come across. Not even touched the multiplayer yet though.

Lego Star Wars - only played the demo, wasn't taken at all.

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Old 25-02-2007, 22:36   #6
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Well MB was right, the demo went down well with Dee, so there's some 2 player appeal to be had with Star Wars.

I'll sleep on it and see what I feel tomorrow. Decisions decisions!

Jen - The belated pressie was in the form of an Argos voucher so I'm stuck for choice of retailer I should be buying something sensible really, but if you cant treat yourself for your birthday when can you?
apt-get moo
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Old 26-02-2007, 01:46   #7
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Definitely Get treating yourself
Either way, I'm sure you'll have fun with any of those 3
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Old 26-02-2007, 15:53   #8
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Another option.... hold off for a couple of weeks and get C&C3 at the end of the month. And that is tempting being a C&C nut :|
apt-get moo
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Old 26-02-2007, 15:54   #9
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You could *cough* that for a bit though couldn't you? Then buy it when you've got the money, which is what I tend to do with PC games that I love that much.
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Old 26-02-2007, 15:58   #10
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Lego Star Wars II and C&C3 later
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