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Old 19-12-2008, 23:52   #11
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Originally Posted by Jhadur View Post
OT: I may get one next year when I need a new phone contract but only for the Bluray/upscaling side of things.
Same here. By then as well I'd expect a few more killer apps to be out for it, as well as games like Metal Gear 4 being available for pennies.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 20-12-2008, 00:26   #12
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If they get put on the market for peanuts when Sony crash and burn, I might consider it. It'll be a tough choice though.
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Old 20-12-2008, 02:17   #13
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Originally Posted by Davey_Pitch View Post
Trade it in for a 360?
I already have to deal with Microsoft software professionally. I need their hardware like I need a hole in the head
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Old 20-12-2008, 04:00   #14
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Microsoft make some great hardware. Their mice and keyboards are the best around . They also make the best Control Pad ;p

Originally Posted by DaveyPitch
Same here. By then as well I'd expect a few more killer apps to be out for it, as well as games like Metal Gear 4 being available for pennies.
You can get PS3 games for pennies, scary how many Sony produced games hit £20 straight away. Little Big Planet and Resistance 2 are perfect examples of this.
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Old 20-12-2008, 09:52   #15
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Originally Posted by NokkonWud View Post
You can get PS3 games for pennies, scary how many Sony produced games hit £20 straight away. Little Big Planet and Resistance 2 are perfect examples of this.
Indeed, with cunning use of quidco and discounts i managed to get motorstorm: pacific rift for a princely sum of £16 less than a month after release. I'm not sure whether this is a marketing tactic or a response to poor sales, however looking at a sales chart on my favorite games retailer they currently have the two highest selling games and 5 games in the top 10 overall which isn't bad at all.

It's a shame people here are saying they'll be getting a PS3 for just blueray, while the 360 is typically the better platform for multi-platform games and has a shed load of great exclusives the PS3 also has some gems hidden away. Little Big Planet, Resistance 2 and Motorstorm:PR are three of the best games i've played this year and considering each can be had for £20 anyone that owns a PS3 would be mental to not get em.

PSN & Live! ID: Streeteh

Last edited by Streeteh; 20-12-2008 at 09:54.
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Old 20-12-2008, 12:58   #16
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Originally Posted by Streeteh View Post
Indeed, with cunning use of quidco and discounts i managed to get motorstorm: pacific rift for a princely sum of £16 less than a month after release. I'm not sure whether this is a marketing tactic or a response to poor sales, however looking at a sales chart on my favorite games retailer they currently have the two highest selling games and 5 games in the top 10 overall which isn't bad at all.

It's a shame people here are saying they'll be getting a PS3 for just blueray, while the 360 is typically the better platform for multi-platform games and has a shed load of great exclusives the PS3 also has some gems hidden away. Little Big Planet, Resistance 2 and Motorstorm:PR are three of the best games i've played this year and considering each can be had for £20 anyone that owns a PS3 would be mental to not get em.
The hardware is STILL too expensive or I'd get one, over £200 is prohibitive for a toy especially when I have a 360. I'm still waiting for Gran Tourismo, that might just swing it.


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 20-12-2008, 13:21   #17
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Originally Posted by Matblack View Post
The hardware is STILL too expensive or I'd get one, over £200 is prohibitive for a toy especially when I have a 360. I'm still waiting for Gran Tourismo, that might just swing it.

Oh i don't disagree, it is an incredibly expensive item, if you take advantage of all of the features it offers it's good value for money, but that certainly doesn't stop it from being pricey.

The stuff i said in my previous post was aimed at the people that were saying they would get one with their mobile phone contracts/whatever next year but were only going to use it for its media capabilities. I can understand very much why people aren't going out of their way to get one due to the large price tag compared to its competitors, but if someone did own one, it would be silly not to take advantage of some of the excellent exclusives it has, if only to play them during the summer games drought.

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Old 20-12-2008, 14:04   #18
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OK I would probably get GT5 when it eventually comes out if I had a PS3 from a mobile contract but can't think of much else atm.
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Old 20-12-2008, 18:20   #19
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Originally Posted by Streeteh View Post
Oh i don't disagree, it is an incredibly expensive item, if you take advantage of all of the features it offers it's good value for money, but that certainly doesn't stop it from being pricey.

The stuff i said in my previous post was aimed at the people that were saying they would get one with their mobile phone contracts/whatever next year but were only going to use it for its media capabilities. I can understand very much why people aren't going out of their way to get one due to the large price tag compared to its competitors, but if someone did own one, it would be silly not to take advantage of some of the excellent exclusives it has, if only to play them during the summer games drought.
A major issue is that I know a few here would buy a PS3 just for Final Fantasy XIII but with Microsoft making the right deals then that has put a few people off. I know Haly and Abooie would both almost certainly be picking up a PS3 had it not been coming to Xbox360. Another is that despite its exclusives (the PS3), MGS4 has under-delivered compared to the many good Multi-Format titles and LBP, whilst good, I personally find there is just that *something* not right about it. It's great playing in co-op locally, but on my own it just feels like it's lacking too much.

I just wish it had Xbox Live's features (even now) at launch and that they had made a better, more ergonomically pleasing controller with a higher left analogue stick.

As a unit it's fantastic and as I'm sure you'll see when you highlight me on your friends list, I do use it almost every day anyway, but as much as I love games I would have to say that the media abilities far outweigh the gaming side of things. Xbox360 is cheaper and just does games better, coupled with Sony advertising the PS3 as a media machine as opposed to a games machine and some real PR blunders have had a massive effect on the company this generation and I think it's safe to say, Sony are no longer bulletproof and the PS4 HAS to deliver from the off because we know Microsoft can bring it.

Oh, and Resistance arrived today. Cheers matey .
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Old 23-12-2008, 01:09   #20
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Originally Posted by Streeteh View Post
It's a shame people here are saying they'll be getting a PS3 for just blueray, while the 360 is typically the better platform for multi-platform games and has a shed load of great exclusives the PS3 also has some gems hidden away. Little Big Planet, Resistance 2 and Motorstorm:PR are three of the best games i've played this year and considering each can be had for £20 anyone that owns a PS3 would be mental to not get em.
Where can you get LBP for 20 squids?

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