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Old 19-10-2007, 15:39   #11
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I will Despite the wealth of new games I have at the moment, I've been looking forward to this the most. My weekend is going to consist of sleep and Eternal Sonata
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Old 19-10-2007, 17:45   #12
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My first impression: I like it, a lot
I've only played it for about an hour and a half but so far it feels very old school RPG in the good way. It had a 10 minute intro which I thought was excellent because it actually made me pay attention and go 'ooooh' which I'm crap at usually, usually I get bored halfway through, even for the best games.

I was concerned that fighting involved running into opponents to trigger a fight rather than be random a la FF, but it works well. The fighting is quick enough that it doesn't feel like a chore and there's the added bonus that you can explore without being interrupted by a crappy random encounter.
The fighting itself is extremely like the Star Ocean series if anyone's played one of them. Basically you have a set time within your turn to either fight, cast spells, use items or move. Most of the time in the early stages, you run at the opponent which takes up a little time then press a to attack lots, or sometimes use a special attack.
Once the turn ends, the opponent gets a shot.
However, this means it's as quick as you want, if you don't move, the turn doesn't time out, it just waits for you.
The first boss fight I had went relatively quickly which meant it was good fun.
Plus you start out with what feels like a fair amount of HP and punching power, so your'e not sitting there thinking 'wow I hit them for a whole 1hp, when do I end up amazing'. Although obviously it's balanced out anyhow so you're not 'uber', just feels better

Minor spoiler:
Spoiler Alert! - Highlight below to read!

It seems to have a story with a fair amount of relevance to it so far, at least when it comes to two of the characters discussing how they have to steal bread for the poor because the government taxes food too highly. Then somewhat suggests that wealth's not everything.

End Spoiler Alert!

Oh and the music's lovely, even if the intro does remind me of Aeris's theme from FF7

So far, I'm really keen I hope it continues. The cut scenes are long but they're so beautiful, I don't care.
It's one of the few games that have made me desperately want to go out and buy a HDTV because I bet it looks amazing compared to my 19" TFT!
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Old 22-10-2007, 10:47   #13
Baby Bore
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I'm enjoying this, the graphics are very good and the fight system seems to work well, there are though a HELL of a lot of cut scenes! At one point I waited a good 20 minutes between using the game pad for anything at all, this would be fine if all the cut scenes were relevent but in between a couple of plot enhancing ones you'll get a load of all tosh about the life of Freidrick Chopin which isn't really relevent. The first time this happens its a bit interesting, later its like someone walking in in the middle of a movie at the cinema and giving a lecture on Art History :/

The game is however very good, there is character development, typical Japanese kiddie philosophy and the despite being quite linear the maps are good.

I would however like to see the characters change when you change their weapons. Despite having loads of different weapon options neither the fight or the other animations change at all

I probably wouldn't have scored this game as highly as the reviews but it is a good first stab at this genre on the 360.


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 22-10-2007, 17:11   #14
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Yeah the Chopin cut scenes are a bit dull at times.
I'm still loving it though, it's the best RPG on the 360 imo although that's not saying much really.
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Old 28-10-2007, 12:11   #15
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How are you finding it now Matt?
I'm on Chapter 5 now and still really enjoying it, seem to be getting some pretty cool equipment now too which is nice
I am starting to skip the Chopin cutscenes though, they just detract too much from the main story. I've hardly touched another game since getting this though
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Old 28-10-2007, 12:16   #16
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I'm on chapter 7, just it a tough boss battle though.

Will finish it soon and trade for Jericho


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 28-10-2007, 12:39   #17
Do you want to hide in my box?
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A tough boss battle would be nice I haven't found anything too hard yet.
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Old 30-10-2007, 23:17   #18
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Well that's that completed
I really enjoyed it but admittedly it wasn't a huge challenge, the worst that happened was it'd take a couple of attempts to defeat a boss. But usually that was because I wasn't properly prepared anyhow with my item sets.
I'm hoping on the second playthrough it's harder as supposedly it's meant to be. I'll definitely play it again to wrap up the remaining achievements and see what else I can find within the game.

One downside was the final boss was far too easy, literally took me 2 mins to defeat I did have the advantage of doing a long sidequest which gave me some great equipment but it would have been nice if they'd have been a bit more challenging.
Oh and the ending is 45mins long, which is scary

Otherwise imo, a great game but flawed

BTW Matt, what was the tough boss you hit? I didn't seem to have any big problems
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