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Old 11-02-2008, 11:51   #11
The Stig
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I just thought you were happy staying at 10000
apt-get moo
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Old 11-02-2008, 12:16   #12
The Mouse King of Denmark
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I'll admit I specifically sought out two or three easy achievements to get me to the magic number! It just so happens that I haven't managed to complete one since then.
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Old 11-02-2008, 14:16   #13
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Originally Posted by Belmit View Post
This is doing my head in. Had to restart twice now having got more than half the transmissions each time. If any of you ever want to attempt it let me know and I'll tell you what I did wrong (or rather, I'll reveal the little glitches that the game guides don't tell you about). Third time lucky...
Feel free to divulge, as I'll be using a guide when I eventually try to do it

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 11-02-2008, 15:19   #14
The Mouse King of Denmark
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OK, here goes!

There's 38 transmissions to get (available freely off that internet). For the most part there's only a few basic rules:

- For the main game missions you can't be in the security room when the time comes for the case to open i.e. if it says 'next case starts at 6am', don't be there at that time. Otis needs to radio you to remind you to get back there.

- For the alerts for side missions you can't be in the section of the mall where the survivors appear. E.g. you can't be in Al Fresca Plaza when the first side mission (Barricade Pair) begins. Otis calls you to alert you to them. This isn't too difficult to achieve as the alerts come at exact times - usually on the hour or a quarter past - so as long as you have a list of when the calls are due you'll be OK.

- Make sure you're not engaged in combat or in a tricky spot when the transmission comes through. When the call comes you have to stay on the radio for the duration of the call or it gets interrupted. You can't wield a weapon when on the radio so can't defend yourself. If you get attacked or nudged by a zombie, or fall off a surface, the call is interrupted. Otis will only call three times for each alert if interrupted before giving up, but occasionally there's two or three alerts in succession so delaying one may bump others off the queue.

That's about it for the main part but there are a couple of things the guides don't mention. Hopefully these are the only two glitches as I've now been caught out by both of them.

1. When you get back to the security room to complete a main case, hang around long enough for it to register the end of the case. After finishing the medicine run case I returned to the room and Jessie said 'Thanks for getting the medicine', and then I left. Eventually the time for the next case came around and I got no alert. Upon returning to the security room the case ended and the others timed out. Balls.

2. I assumed it was safe to not rescue anyone non-essential to the transmissionary achievement. There are six named people from side quests who have to be rescued in order to get all the transmissions (which I was aware of), because after they are back in the security room they have other demands that you get called back for. The first of these is the Restaurant Man who you have to rescue by giving him food so he'll follow you. No problem. Unfortunately when it came to the time where you're supposed to get a call saying he's demanding more food or he'll mutiny, I got nothing. It turns out (after a spot of research) that you have to have 5-7 people rescued already in order for it to activate. This glitch happens with a couple of the other survivors as well - if you haven't saved enough people you won't get the call about any mutinies. This means that you can't just cruise through the game missing the non-essential survivors and just going for the ones required for the mutiny transmissions, because they won't activate unless the level of other survivors is high enough. Sucks, but that appears to be the case. On my third attempt I've already rescued about seven people, with a couple more in hand, so hopefully when it gets to the Restaurant Man it'll sort itself out.

Hope that's clear enough! I'll update it if I get anything else.

Last edited by Belmit; 11-02-2008 at 15:34.
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Old 14-02-2008, 23:33   #15
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Edit: Just looking through the other achievements for DR - completely forgot about the five and seven day survivor ones. Those are the golden eggs.

Last edited by Belmit; 15-02-2008 at 00:29.
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Old 04-03-2008, 19:27   #16
Do you want to hide in my box?
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For pure thank **** for that appeal.
I finally completed Bladestorm and got the 150gp achievement for clearing the story.
It's quite a fun game, but it did feel rather neverending at times after 40hrs of play. I suppose any game based on the 100 years war is going to feel a bit long though
I've still got 2 achievements to go for, but not sure if I can be bothered. Certainly no time soon.
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Old 04-03-2008, 20:37   #17
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*Ears prick up*

How much
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Old 04-03-2008, 20:40   #18
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Erm....£15? Seems to be about right looking at ebay. It's a promo copy though just so you know. Let me know.
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Old 04-03-2008, 20:41   #19
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Is there any real difference between a promo copy and full release?
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Old 04-03-2008, 20:54   #20
Do you want to hide in my box?
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It has promo written across the box in yellow (like bundle copies do), the disc has no picture printed on it, and there's no manual.
You really don't need the manual though due to the tutorial in the game and the fact the controls are simple.
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