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Old 21-06-2008, 22:31   #31
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I think it looks fine personally, certainly not awful anyway. If I lean back at that angle you can see the outline of the bottom of my ribcage too and I'm far from skinny!
You can't see that models actual ribs poking through - that's the point I start thinking "Hmm, bit skinny perhaps".

ie like Michelle Trachtenberg looked in Eurotrip:
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Old 21-06-2008, 22:58   #32
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I REALLY like the pics that Muban posted - that to me is the epitome of a perfect shape for a woman. But I love curves and don't like skinny stick insects.

The picture that Pheebs posted isn't all that flattering and she doesn't look that sexy to me, certainly not compared to Mub's pics. However I don't find it offensive or vulgar, just not very flattering at all, and the angle is crap too.
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Old 22-06-2008, 10:33   #33
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Wow... debate!

Goldilocks - I understand what you're saying and it's very much a marmite-esque debate... some will think as you do (it's a fine picture) and others will think the opposite.

You just have to understand that it's a fact that *A LOT* of people just feel rubbish when looking at pictures of beanpoles in underwear... they feel they can't be like that and thus the underwear would look pants on them (haha! Pants!) and not buy them. It's sad and frustrating - I am exactly the same. I put on bikinis and think "OH DEAR GOD I don't look like these attractive women that are supposed to wear bikinis" and therefore cover up as I don't feel good about myself feeling I'm not on parr with the girls and therefore shouldn't wear it/won't be sexy in it.

Bras and bikinis advertised in say, Bravissimo, make me feel 100% better to begin with because... I don't feel so abnormal as these models who are larger... look good in their underwear.

Now I'm really not saying everyone thinks like this but so so soooooo many do. Every party I hear the same kind of line I mentioned above "OMG I would look awful in that - only skinny people could get away with it" and I am *ALWAYS* asked about larger sizes and whether they look good/hide handles/pull in the tummy/push up the boobs/keeps your boobs in one place.

I swear, hand on heart, if they had larger models I would flog many more items. In fact, the new catalogue has a couple of items that go up to a G... and the model they use has HUGE norks. Fantastic of Ann Summers to do that, however, they've cocked up again as the sizes are stupid and thoughtless... One sec I'll type them out:


8 - A/B
10/12 - B/C
14/16 - C/D
18/20 - D/DD
22/24 - DD/E


8+ - C/D
10/12+ - D/DD
14/16+ - DD/E
18/20+ - E/F
22/24+ - F/G

For starters, they've immediately classified those with larger norks as a "+" size and not "regular", which can make people feel a bit "meh". Secondly, they're using weird sizing! I am a 32 E... so to suit my E cup, I would need to go for 14/16 - which is too big! It's such a shame as they were sooo nearly hitting the nail on the head by using a big norked lady looking sexy, but they've ruined it by the sizing! *rollseyes*.

Back to the original piccie though, I am not saying it's a vile picture, I am not saying I'm massively offended by it but it's a bad picture to have as their main promotional poster/fronts of catalogues as the likes of me will just go "Oh fab, fanbloomingtastic, to be attractive I have to be so skinny that when I lean back my ribs are quite evident". It doesn't make me want to buy the product at all. Their last picture was much better... wait a sec... here it is:

I have sold *SooOOOOoOOoOO* many of these. The majority have bought them because it covers lumps and bumps BUT still remains sexy. The girl is attractive buuut she doesn't look like the other one by a million miles.

And as for whether it's the right job for me I do a blooming good one when in it because I am very aware of how sensitive people are and due to my honesty on products and approach I have a long list of regulars and make muchos monies. My job - is to make women happy and feel sexy and comfortable in what they wear. Ann Summers... makes that hard for me at times

(Oh yeh - made over £100 yesternight at a party For two hours work... I can't complain. Oh... and they've already booked 3 more parties and put in orders for those ones! *YAY*!)
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Old 22-06-2008, 11:35   #34
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Originally Posted by Will View Post
I REALLY like the pics that Muban posted - that to me is the epitome of a perfect shape for a woman. But I love curves and don't like skinny stick insects.
Snap, I think the blonde is simply stunning.

The picture that Pheebs posted isn't all that flattering and she doesn't look that sexy to me, certainly not compared to Mub's pics. However I don't find it offensive or vulgar, just not very flattering at all, and the angle is crap too.
Agreed again. Ribs aren't very sexy, but she does look like a pretty girl, and it's definitely a bad angle.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 22-06-2008, 12:17   #35
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No wonder you're speshul
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Old 22-06-2008, 15:54   #36
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To be fair, the girl in the red pic is just as skinny, you can clearly see her ribs in that picture. It is just the angles and I doubt the girl in the first pic is anymore thinner than the blonde one.

As for people feeling bad about looking a models much thinner than they are are feeling down about it because they will never look like that, I really don't think the have that in mind when they shot the ad, and I doubt they ever will, not a company like Ann Summers anyway.

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Old 22-06-2008, 17:01   #37
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Originally Posted by Mondo View Post
To be fair, the girl in the red pic is just as skinny, you can clearly see her ribs in that picture. It is just the angles and I doubt the girl in the first pic is anymore thinner than the blonde one.
absolutely - if pheebs sold plenty of the red, and now less of the black - it's just the item, and not the 'slim' model which is so-say causing the customers to be put off purchasing.
and as i've said - that is an issue with the product and not with advertising.
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Old 22-06-2008, 17:01   #38
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You can see the girls ribs in the red and she doesn't look as bad cos of the position she's in and also because she's covered up unlike the 1st pic.

I think the girls mub's posted are far sexier and if they was wearing the lingerie then it'd look far better than the skinny girls.
Women are meant to have curves.

Last edited by Lomster; 22-06-2008 at 17:04.
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Old 22-06-2008, 17:05   #39
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Off the path o debate, well bloody done pheebs, sounds like you're getting right into the AS party scene! Nice to hear
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Old 22-06-2008, 17:56   #40
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Thanks Lep - I don't do too badly

The red picture one is a smaller version and although looks like the ladies ribs are poking out it's actually a ruffle in the cami (the catalogue piccie is muchos bigger so you can see that)

Okay. I'm going to put this plain and simply as I think my message isn't coming across right.

The pictures similar to the OP picture makes *A LOT* of people feel crap about themselves.


These people have stood there, in front of me and exclaimed they will *NOT* buy the item as they will never look like the model in alike pictures/good in the item.


I believe this is because they cannot visualize themselves in the item, so I ensure I have ordered their size in before the party in a couple of items and then get them to try it on. This - pretty much guarantees sales. Why? Because they can see it is a gorgeous item and they can look good in it. If they did have some larger sized models then there wouldn't be such a fight to get people to feel like they will look good.

This is my opinion judging on sales and comments experienced in the past 4 months with Ann Summers.

Pictures like the OP make *A LOT* of these people feel like they have to be super skinny to be attractive.


I have heard countless people stating that "if only" Ann Summers had larger sized models in bras/undies/camis/suspenders etc, they would feel better about it and more inclined to purchase it. (Like Bravissimo catalogues do)


People who tend to say the above often have the mentality that they shouldn't bother participating with the first part of the party (I go through the clothes first and then the vibes after) and generally feel uncomfortable about it all.


Ann Summers should take into consideration these type of people more often as their job is to please women and make them feel great. Using this as their front cover picture really doesn't help and thus is a poor choice in advertising.

I am very much aware that you can never please everyone, but this isn't a happy medium in my eyes.

If anyone wants proof of the above they're more than welcome to join me at a couple of my parties and ask the people themselves! Either that or become an Ann Summers rep and then you may understand what I am up against.

NB. You *will* be asked to model though and take part in squirty cream and banana games
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