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Old 11-06-2009, 10:42   #81
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Originally Posted by Jhadur View Post
I'm tempted with a new iPhone but I've been thinking about what I actually use on my current phone.
Really I just use texting and I'd use web access more with a 3G phone I don't use any of the email or other bits atm so probably won't on a new phone.
What's the touch keyboard like on iPhones for texting?
I was much the same, hardly used web and never had e-mail on my phone. Then when I got the iPhone I was using web all the time (seriously all the time ) and linked my gmail to it, which I also use all the time.

But it's not just the web and e-mail, it's the thousands of apps, which make it so useful. Even simple things like weather and tube status are incredibly useful. One of the big things for me was the ebook reader (meant I could finally dump my M600... well, put it in its box and then into a cupboard) and the way its so easy to use.

The touch keyboard is very good (will be better once landscape in text and e-mail is released) other than the predictive text being in american :/

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Old 11-06-2009, 10:53   #82
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Personally I think once people buy an iPhone I don't really see them changing because they'll have invested so much money into apps and accessories
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Old 11-06-2009, 10:58   #83
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Great, installed Facebook app and tried to call from the phonebook and my phone completely locked and had to hard reset it

This is why I need something other than WinMo, someone else might be bothered to fiddle about, I'll just never use that function again. An open platform is all very well but it the apps aren't vetted then that can be very flakey


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Old 11-06-2009, 10:59   #84
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Hmm will see what sort of price the iPhone 3Gs is in a couple of months when my contract is up with orange..
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Old 11-06-2009, 10:59   #85
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Originally Posted by Jhadur View Post
This is probably the reason I don't use my phone features more, I'm too much of a lazy wotname to sort things out if they don't work straight away.(gotta pay for data atm too)
As I've said before, I'm exactly the same. Even though I'm a Linux fan, I don't care what OS a phone runs, and I don't have the patience to spend hours finding and installing apps from all over the place (or writing scripts).

It isn't just a phone thing, either - I've been the same with my Mac - haven't installed anything on it for absolutely ages.
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Old 11-06-2009, 11:01   #86
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Originally Posted by leowyatt View Post
Personally I think once people buy an iPhone I don't really see them changing because they'll have invested so much money into apps and accessories
Au contraire monsieur Leo!

SO far I've spent no more on accessories than I would have on any other handset (dock, case, better headphones) and have spent nothing (yes, that's zero of your english pennies) on applications

Khef, Ka and Ka-Tet....
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Old 11-06-2009, 11:05   #87
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Originally Posted by Dymetrie View Post
Au contraire monsieur Leo!

SO far I've spent no more on accessories than I would have on any other handset (dock, case, better headphones) and have spent nothing (yes, that's zero of your english pennies) on applications
well you may be an exception but I know people who've spent a fair whack of money on apps and wouldn't change it for the world
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Old 11-06-2009, 11:08   #88
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No iphone accessories here (it came with everything I needed ) and only about £5 spent on apps in the 14 months I've had it. That was on Tweetie, Flight Control and I think one of the train apps I got was a couple of quid.
So many free apps about, never really felt the need to spend a lot.
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Old 11-06-2009, 11:08   #89
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Originally Posted by Jhadur View Post
Must be better than my standard Touch
Assuming you have the standard HTC Touch like I do, the iPhone keyboard is a million miles better. Rather than having to use the stylus like I do with the Touch I can use my thumb and be much more accurate with it, even on the move (I've tried it on my iPod Touch, I imagine the keyboard on the iPhone is identical.

For me I think the iPhone is perfect. I only want to carry one device instead of a phone and my iPod Touch, I want something I can use to access the net when out and about, I want something I can play games on, and I'm not fussed about spending hours fiddling with it. The iPhone ticks all those boxes which is why it's currently top of my list.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 11-06-2009, 11:45   #90
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I've been looking at this and have worked out a way to be able to get one ahead of my contract due date which isn't until March next year although it depends on having some cash available up front and it is a bit of a risk.

So, this is what I'm looking at doing.

Buy a new 16Gb iPhone on PAYG, take my SIM and put it in the new phone. My existing 16Gb iPhone is in mint condition under the hard case and the Zagg invisible shield so I can put it back in the original box which is again in mint condition. This is where the risk comes in because I'd need to sell that phone and realistically the only place to sell it is on eBay. However, being the 16Gb version and because of the condition, I should get around £300 for it (anyone interested? ).

That will also leave me with a PAYG iPhone SIM which comes with 12 months free internet access and 12 months free wi-fi access via The Cloud and BTOpenzones etc. If I can get around £60 for that then it all helps (anyone interested? ).

So that will give me a new model iPhone that isn't tied to a contract for an effective cost of about £90. The risk of course is that I have to sell my current 16Gb iPhone 3G.

Looking at how the iPhone has developed, there's been a new model announced and introduced on a yearly basis. Our 18 month contracts make it tricky to upgrade without having to buy oneself out of a contract when they come out so if I do the above I'm not committing myself to a new contract and it means that if I want to, I can do the same thing in a years time if/when another new one is released.

I don't need to upgrade but I quite want to
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