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Old 01-02-2011, 19:47   #81
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And tales like the above are what creeped me out when you said you HAD NOT watched Paranormal Activity
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Old 01-02-2011, 22:18   #82
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Originally Posted by Pheebs View Post
Aww that does sound horrible!!! Boo Do you get it frequently? Sounds really petrifying!

I've often been led there trying to do crosswords in my head when falling asleep... when I don't have the answers or clues. Bit weird. But it really irritates me and I keep trying to think of the answers but... I don't know what to!

O_o deep and meaningful! Hahahaha!

Paralysis... I do have my eyes open. I've been told I do and then suddenly I sit bolt upright and gasp for breath. It's weird. I used to be able to see whoever I was with moving and I would be blinking like crazy hoping they'd notice and wake me. I properly hallucinate though. I see dead people appear at my doorway and then have rapid blurred head movements and appear at the end of my bed... keeps happening until they're right against my face where I can feel their breath and sometimes the putrid smell of decaying flesh. I hear noises too... normally slow thudding footsteps coming up my stairs and down my hallway... and all the time I'm like "ARGH ARGH WAKE UP WAKE UP BREATHE MOVE TWITCH DO ANYTHING Suuuuuuuummmmmmmmmon some energy and SCREAM" and all I can do is make little muffled noises. I can feel tears running down my cheek too I'm so distressed over it.

It sucks.

What made it worse the other night was my bedroom door reaches a point where it automatically swings open. I had obviously not closed it properly and throughout the night it had been blown slightly open by an open window and when I "woke" I heard the footsteps and then the door just swung open for real and then the dead person appeared at the door. Normally the door just disappears. So it moving freaked me...

...Freaked me out entirely.

Thus no sleeping after as I sometimes fall straight back into it. I have to get up and move around and splash my face with ice cold water!

Luckily all was well last night YAY!
I was getting it a couple of times a week at one stage, but I rarely get it bad now... only when I'm stressed or particularly tired.

I know what you mean about the crossword clue thing. If I read a book before bed I often get "caught up" in the book and have the same thoughts going over and over about it, like I'm actually in the book.... hard to explain, but I think it's similar to what you mean.

Yeah, I didn't say you had your eyes closed, just that you're actually still asleep, despite what your body seems to be doing. It's like being "physically" awake, but "mentally" asleep. You are sort of awake, but your brain is still sleeping. That's why you see dead people in your room, coming to get you... it's a cyclic dream reaction to the fear of the paralysis effect. You get the paralysis, get scared, and you start to "halucinate" the dream images of scary stuff. This makes you more scared, which increases the scaryness of the images, which makes you more scared and so on...

I rarely used to see people, mine were usually accompanied by a rushing noise, a blinding white light and a certain amount of pain. Not strictly painful, but more "take your breath away" pain, like a head rush from standing up too quick but magnified considerably.

I know it's really hard, but the best thing to do is to try and relax, chill out and accept it... it usually doesn't last long and the more relaxed you can get, the less wierd **** goes on and the less time you are paralysed for... at least that was what it was like for me...
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Old 01-02-2011, 22:55   #83
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Heh yeh I went through a lot of sleep analysis when I was younger and it was all explained to me that my body is still asleep but my brain is partially awake and hallucinating! So weird! I know I should be relaxing but I'm not rational when it's happening In a way there have been times when I've been wondering who I will see dead. Normally it's people I know which isn't so great!

Jingo - I know it proper freaked me! First time I have had paralysis and heard footsteps since watching the movie and all I could think of was "NOT THE ATTIC NoOoOOOT THE ATTIC!"


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Old 01-02-2011, 23:43   #84
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I used to get loads of sleep paralysis, scary as hell the first few times, seen everything from room totally full of snake to a flaming satan. Not pleasent.
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Old 02-02-2011, 00:03   #85
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What did Satan look like?

p.s. Flaming as in FEEL MY WRATH?!!! RARRRRRRRRRRRGH! *flexes evil trident in tattooed muscle arm of doom*


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Old 02-02-2011, 00:11   #86
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Your standard red muscular horns on head, with flames all over boady.
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Old 02-02-2011, 00:35   #87
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Old 02-02-2011, 09:47   #88
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Originally Posted by Pheebs View Post
Heh yeh I went through a lot of sleep analysis when I was younger and it was all explained to me that my body is still asleep but my brain is partially awake and hallucinating! So weird! I know I should be relaxing but I'm not rational when it's happening
I know what you mean. I think I benefited because when I used to get it I was also into the idea of lucid dreaming, so I was teaching myself to remember my dreams when I woke up. I think it helped me "analyse" my dreams while dreaming them, so I could recognise the fact and take control. Then when I got paralysis, I could see it for what it was.

It helped in other areas as well, to a degree, as I began to suffer panic attacks a few years ago, for no apparent reason, just stress and stuff, but being able to almost take a step back from my thoughts and think about those thoughts while they were happening helped me deal with the anxiety. I was quite quickly able to notice the early signs and then while my body began to freak out I could sit back and say "Hmmm.... interesting.... now why am I feeling this..." lol.

On the other hand, it's not a great habit in normal life. I now analyse and replay almost everything that I do which makes people think I'm a perfectionist. I'm not really, just that I have a habit of looking at everything and thinking of ways I could could do, or could have done, it better...
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Old 02-02-2011, 19:03   #89
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Originally Posted by AcidHell2 View Post
Your standard red muscular horns on head, with flames all over boady.
Hahahaha! When I read that I thought "horns" as in "Honky honk" and was like "eh?!"

*brain malfunction*

Vol - I recall most of my dreams fairly easily because I have such a disruptive sleep pattern I can control my dreams to some degree but never paralyses.

Over analysis sounds not fun! I used to do that when I went to the theatre from my theatre studies days but now I've learned to switch off! Happy days!
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Old 08-02-2011, 01:22   #90
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Its not the dead woman who used to own the house before you creeping into your mind while you sleep is it? *runs*

Originally Posted by Piggy
HAHAHAHA !!!! .. perhaps I should try my bum instead *ponders*
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