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Old 12-01-2009, 11:03   #1
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Default Game wish list

A little bored in work here today as there's nothing to do already, so thought I'd start a game thread to keep me occupied! Anyway, it's a wish list with a difference....

What game do you wish could be remade using todays technology, and why?

Mafia. For me it's the best PC game of all time, and even though it doesn't look bad, if it were remade using current gen tech, and perhaps adding in some current gen gameplay additions (like a Gears/Rainbow 6 cover system) it would make it even more amazing. Honourable mention has to go to X-Com Apocalypse though, I'd love to see that made using current gen technology.

What game do you wish you could forget, just so you could experience it again like new?

Difficult choice, as I was tempted to say Mafia again. Probably would have to be Bioshock though. It was an exceptional experience that in hindsight I went through far too quickly (I had it finished the weekend it came out). It's been so long since I played it that I might well have forgotten bits, but it will never be quite as amazing as it was the first time.

What game do you wish you could forget simply for how bad it was?

Another difficult choice as I tend not to play too many poor games, but I reckon X-Men on the 360 is right up there with the worst of them.

What game do you wish was available on your format that currently isn't?

It'd be Metal Gear Solid 4 for me. I've played the other three Metal Gear games (though never finished the 3rd after my save got corrupted near the end) and as I don't currently have a PS3 there's no chance I'll be playing it any time soon. Fingers crossed for an Xbox release at some point, as unlikely as it is.

What game do you wish would just hurry up and get released?

Resident Evil 5. The new co-op mode should make the game even more enjoyable.

What game do you wish you were playing instead of reading this thread?

Left 4 Dead, really need to spend more time playing it as I've still only had one real session on it.

Feel free to add your own wishes as well

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 12-01-2009, 11:09   #2
The Night Worker
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Originally Posted by Davey_Pitch View Post
A little bored in work here today as there's nothing to do already, so thought I'd start a game thread to keep me occupied! Anyway, it's a wish list with a difference....

What game do you wish could be remade using todays technology, and why?

What game do you wish you could forget, just so you could experience it again like new?

What game do you wish you could forget simply for how bad it was?

What game do you wish was available on your format that currently isn't?

What game do you wish would just hurry up and get released?

What game do you wish you were playing instead of reading this thread?

Feel free to add your own wishes as well
A. BF2 because it is the Best FPS Ever released & 64 man IO server are my Online gaming Heaven.

B. BF2, Same reasons.

C. Stalker, I waited for years & even had a sig made only to be let down dismally by the released game.

D. Dunno as I don't know any PS3 titles.

E. BF3. I can see a theme developing here

F. BF3, Can't wait to Teabagg the first mofo I see & then get shot because I am laughing to much only to exchange banter with whoever & laugh some more

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Old 12-01-2009, 12:06   #3
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What game do you wish could be remade using todays technology, and why?

Little Big Adventure; it was just an amazing game which despite having quite basic graphics took you to a different world and frustrated the hell out of you. I was always astounded by how much atmosphere and fantasy could be created with so little tech.

Syndicate needs to be remade desperately, definitely one of the coolest games ever made!

What game do you wish you could forget, just so you could experience it again like new?

Thats a hard one, I actually really liked Guild Wars for the first few weeks I played it, fantasy RPG one of my favorite genres mixed with online play, but the problem is how seriously people take games like that and they soon become unappealing for the casual player, at least they did for me.

What game do you wish you could forget simply for how bad it was?

I tend to turn games off quite quickly if I don't like them so there aren't many I remember, I was recently very unimpressed by FEAR but want to remember it or I'd buy it again!

What game do you wish was available on your format that currently isn't?

Gran Turismo 3/4

What game do you wish would just hurry up and get released?

Alan Wake, GT5 (so I have an excuse to buy a PS3)

What game do you wish you were playing instead of reading this thread?

I have a hankering to go back and play Forza 2 from the start again, I picked it up last night and found I'd got to a point where it was getting tough and hence why I had put it down in the first place, I need to play from the beginning to see if I can develop the skills to get it completed


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 12-01-2009, 12:11   #4
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What game do you wish could be remade using todays technology, and why?

Elite, quite possible the best space trading/combat game ever made. Some games have had a good go recreating the atmosphere of Elite, X series & Freelancer to name 2, but none match it. The only thing I would be worried about is if modern day graphics would ruin it, was it the wireframe graphics of the original that made it great or the storyline?

What game do you wish you could forget, just so you could experience it again like new?

KOTOR 2, just to forget one of the best twists in a game I’ve played in years.

What game do you wish you could forget simply for how bad it was?

I’m going to agree with me bro here, I can’t remember many games that really stunk, but X-Men was one of them.

What game do you wish was available on your format that currently isn't?

I don’t really think there are any/many games on other formats that I think “must play” right now.

What game do you wish would just hurry up and get released?

Mass Effect 2, and then 3 followed closely behind. Mass Effect is one of my all time favourite 360 games, can’t wait for the follow-ups.

What game do you wish you were playing instead of reading this thread?

Anything, because it would mean I’m not in work

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Old 12-01-2009, 12:33   #5
Admiral Huddy
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What game do you wish could be remade using todays technology, and why?

Return to Castle Wolfenstein as it's just simply the best game ever.

What game do you wish you could forget, just so you could experience it again like new?

I'd have agree with Dave on Bioshock. After I completed it, I wish I'd gone about things differently. Maybe not have killed off the the girls. I was only really learning about the many different bio weapons too late in the game.

What game do you wish you could forget simply for how bad it was?

DXII - was just awfull

What game do you wish was available on your format that currently isn't?

GoW II with with added Physics and invcreased level design. As too Mirror's Edge.

What game do you wish would just hurry up and get released?

Quite simply the next episode of Half Life.. Nothing on the horizon yet which as a shame.

What game do you wish you were playing instead of reading this thread?

Far Cry 2.. I'm 50% through and broke off with no pending missions so I can play catch up with a few others. I don't won't to rush through it so i thought a break would keep the interest alive. That said, I would like to be playing it now

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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Old 12-01-2009, 12:42   #6
The Mouse King of Denmark
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What game do you wish could be remade using todays technology, and why?

Thief. It looks so blocky by today's standards and the collision detection wasn't quite perfect. I seem to remember you even had to mess with the settings so you could mouse-look! It could be made even more atmospheric with today's standards. I think this was one of the first games (after the godawful Trespasser) to utilise proper physics on objects. I definitely remember knocking boxes around accidentally alerting people to my presence. This could definitely be improved upon too.

What game do you wish you could forget, just so you could experience it again like new?

I'd again have to go with Thief and Thief II. Brilliant storylines. And Half-life. The first playthrough seemed like it would never end, and really like I was being hunted by everyone. You don't get that on replays.

What game do you wish you could forget simply for how bad it was?

JSB called it. 18 months on pre-order and I'm handed a bunch of toss. STALKER. Far too many fundamental problems and, whilst not a truly bad game, the anticipation made for an epic let-down.

What game do you wish was available on your format that currently isn't?

That one on PS3 that's like Indy meets Tomb Raider. It has a very forgettable name but looks really good. I know you all know which one I mean so I'm not going to bother looking it up!

What game do you wish would just hurry up and get released?

RE5 is a good shout. Had it on pre-order for a while. I seem to remember there may be a Dead Rising 2 in the works also.

Oh, and Duke Nukem Forever.

Edit: Forgot about HL ep3 Huddy! Come on!

What game do you wish you were playing instead of reading this thread?

Scene It. Just fancy a game of it right now!
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Old 12-01-2009, 12:55   #7
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Originally Posted by Barfmit View Post
What game do you wish was available on your format that currently isn't?

That one on PS3 that's like Indy meets Tomb Raider. It has a very forgettable name but looks really good. I know you all know which one I mean so I'm not going to bother looking it up!
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune I think it's called

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 12-01-2009, 12:57   #8
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What game do you wish could be remade using todays technology, and why?

Tough one, so many games that I'd love to see! I'm conflicted between Final Fantasy 7 (bit of an obvious choice for me) and Deus Ex. I'd probably lean towards FF7 though. Deus Ex would be great to see revamped but I probably wouldn't have the specs to play it anyhow I'd almost say Everquest but I don't think it'd work without the charm its graphics brought to it.

What game do you wish you could forget, just so you could experience it again like new?
Final Fantasy 7! I'd love for it to be new and exciting again. However I'd also not like to lose the memories of when I first played it and the wonder I felt so that wouldn't really work. I have too many memories of that game connected with memories of my life at the time that I'd rather not lose. So I think it'd also have to be Bioshock as that game was such a great experience the first time round

What game do you wish you could forget simply for how bad it was?
Again, got to be X-Men on the 360.

What game do you wish was available on your format that currently isn't?
Final Fantasy Crisis Core or the Star Ocean game that's on the PSP, just my kind of thing but I can't afford a PSP so they'll just have to wait! Wouldn't mind Valkyrie Chronicles on the PS3 either.

What game do you wish would just hurry up and get released?
Final Fantasy 13

What game do you wish you were playing instead of reading this thread?
Hmm probably Quantum of Solace as I'm working my way through it again, forgot what surprisingly good fun it is, plus I get to stare at various pictures of Daniel Craig. Can't be bad
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Old 12-01-2009, 13:15   #9
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Originally Posted by Barfmit View Post
What game do you wish you could forget simply for how bad it was?

JSB called it. 18 months on pre-order and I'm handed a bunch of toss. STALKER. Far too many fundamental problems and, whilst not a truly bad game, the anticipation made for an epic let-down.

Just goes to show differing opinions.

Despite the bugs I really enjoyed STALKER. Another game maybe I could have played differently. Maybe not so nutural throughout as I was.

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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Old 12-01-2009, 13:26   #10
Vodka Martini
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What game do you wish could be remade using todays technology, and why?
Final Fantasy VII cos, well, it's Final Fantasy VII

What game do you wish you could forget, just so you could experience it again like new?
Final Fantasy VII (seeing a trend anyone?)

What game do you wish you could forget simply for how bad it was?
Fallout 3, it isn't necessarily bad, it's just so far departed from the original two i loved so much when i was younger. I've recently started playing the original again and i can safely say it isn't rose tinted glasses syndrome, the originals were just so much better.

What game do you wish was available on your format that currently isn't?
Only game i don't have access to that i want is Ninja Gaiden 2

What game do you wish would just hurry up and get released?
Final Fantasy XIII - as stated in another thread, what should be a great announcement that it will be released on both platforms turned out to be a huge dissapointment; that being that the PS3 release will be held back for a simultaneous release.

What game do you wish you were playing instead of reading this thread?
Rock Band... speaking of which, toodles

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