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Old 25-07-2009, 15:10   #1
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Default Need your opinions! :)

Hey all,

Just a quick and easy one! I was wondering if you could give me some feedback on outdoor/camping shops you've been to over the last year?
Things like staff knowledge/helpfullness, the shops layout + environment (displays etc), and the availability of whatever it was you was after.

Got a meeting with my Area Manager, Regional Manager, and Retail Director () next month and trying to prepare a report they need from me!

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Old 25-07-2009, 15:25   #2
Screaming Orgasm
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Millets Newbury and Reading. The rest is difficult to answer because I don't know enough to know what I'm doing there anyway.

Staff seem to be helpful when asked but ignore you otherwise. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing.
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Old 25-07-2009, 16:56   #3
Joe 90
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I bought a North Face jacket from Blacks at the end of last year. That's the only time I've been to an outdoors shop in the past few years.
Service was great and despite forgetting my student card, the girl in the shop gave me discount

and in terms of the shop it was nice and easy to find what I was after. They always seem to have similar items in the same area, grouped by brand so that made things easier
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Old 25-07-2009, 17:21   #4
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Originally Posted by |Show| View Post
I bought a North Face jacket from Blacks at the end of last year. That's the only time I've been to an outdoors shop in the past few years.
Service was great and despite forgetting my student card, the girl in the shop gave me discount

and in terms of the shop it was nice and easy to find what I was after. They always seem to have similar items in the same area, grouped by brand so that made things easier
So did you go in looking specifically for a TNF jacket? Did you want it for it's outdoor usage, or more as a branded jacket?
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Old 25-07-2009, 17:40   #5
Screaming Orgasm
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Ah, you wanted specific products. I came away with two rucksacks (on different visits).

First, I wanted a small one for everyday use which turned out to be a Eurohike for £10. There are already several small tears in the material on that one. :/

Second, I wanted something bigger for travel use. Came away with a 45l one, also Eurohike, but made from material which looks like it'll stand up to abuse rather better.

Both times I asked the staff what to get and they pointed me in the right direction.
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Old 25-07-2009, 20:45   #6
Rusty Shackleford
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Largely comes down to availability, of specific brands and of suitably technical gear. Perhaps a little unfair but my impression of most high street chains is that they specialise in selling beghaus/tnf waterproofs to dogwalkers. But I suppose this is relative to having previously lived in the Lakes with the gear shop meccas of Ambleside and Keswick nearby.

Most recent experience, Braemar Mountain Sports, had the jacket I was after (researched on the net) although the assistant did have to point out where after I failed to spot it after couple circuits of the shop. I like big tags on the rails telling me a few basic details (model, price and a brief description), rather than having to root around for the manufacturers tag. Didn't have my size so they called the manufacturer on the spot and ordered to arrive a few days later. Got 10% discount (pretty standard on anything at MSRP?) without needing any proof of membership (BMC/SYHA,etc.) so was content with the price.
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Old 25-07-2009, 22:33   #7
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Originally Posted by Rusty Shackleford View Post
Perhaps a little unfair
I'm looking for criticism

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackleford View Post
but my impression of most high street chains is that they specialise in selling beghaus/tnf waterproofs to dogwalkers.
This is one of the main things I was going to say to them. I'll quote the email in a minute so you can have a nose... It's all well and good getting technical stuff in but most Blacks/Millets employ part time students that are there for the money and wouldn't know a monkeys about the outdoors.

Originally Posted by Rusty Shackleford View Post
But I suppose this is relative to having previously lived in the Lakes with the gear shop meccas of Ambleside and Keswick nearby.

Most recent experience, Braemar Mountain Sports, had the jacket I was after (researched on the net) although the assistant did have to point out where after I failed to spot it after couple circuits of the shop. I like big tags on the rails telling me a few basic details (model, price and a brief description), rather than having to root around for the manufacturers tag. Didn't have my size so they called the manufacturer on the spot and ordered to arrive a few days later. Got 10% discount (pretty standard on anything at MSRP?) without needing any proof of membership (BMC/SYHA,etc.) so was content with the price.
This is what annoys me. ALL Blacks/Millets stores have the ability to do this, but hardly any staff even know that. If Blacks spent money on training instead of throwing it down the drain (another story!) then they have the ability to make soooo much more money.
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Old 25-07-2009, 23:01   #8
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We have a Go Outdoors near us, which is pretty good usually. We bought our tent from there plus a camping stove and a few other bits. The only bad thing about the shop is the awful staff. They have a wide range of equipment and we usually find what we want.

The chavvy girl on the counter informed me that my brother's discount card (you can use family discount cards) ran out in 2003. When I pointed out that the store wasn't even open in 2003, she just looked at me blankly and shrugged. No solutions, no calling a manager to get help. Nothing, just a shrug. I went to another til and the girl there had no problems finding my brother on the computer and sorting me out.

So, my main issue as in most shops is the chavvy disinterested USELESS staff who clearly couldn't give a crap about their job

Oooooh Cecil, what have you done?
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