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Old 02-05-2008, 19:22   #1
Combat Spanker
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Angry I need to rant, some people are so arrogant

I had my monthly catch up phonecall with my dad the other night, how his holiday was, how the Stags are now out of the league, how the cat is etc etc. He told me what his mate Stuart is getting up to, and he just reminded me what an arrogant ****er he is. He has been told about his attitude time and time again, but he will never listen. I was getting quite mad on the phone.

Basically, Stuart has money. And he knows it. They will all go out to the pub, meet at the bar, and the first thing Stuart will say to everyone is "Like my new shirt? £125 quid" or, "Like my new shoes? £75 quid". Why? Why must some people do this? Why must you INSIST on telling everyone how much you spent on something? My dad said, "Stuart, what time is it?" "Half seven" said Stuart. "Funny that", said my dad, "Mine says that too, my watch was £5, I dont need a £2000 Rolex to tell me that"

A few years back, me and my dad were struggling to live. My mum had moved out, and I decided to stay with my dad. The mortgage and bills were higher than we thought, and we really battled through for a good couple of years, sometimes paying the mortgage off on my credit card. As such, my dad cut down on going out, but on the rare occasion he did, there was Stuart, bragging about his latest purchase. "Like my new shirt? Only £80, Ted Baker" Well my dad flipped. "Stuart, do you realise the crap I am going through? Do you realise how much I am struggling to live? To pay my bills? How dare you have the balls to brag about how much your new shirt cost when I can hardly afford a beer?"

His response? "You're just jealous" ****ing self centred prick

To me, its rubbing it in someones face. How DARE you flash your cash around when you know damn well some people are not as well off as you.

Dont anyone dare flame me for saying some people like the best and most expensive things. Thats fine with me, just stop ****ing bragging about it. At least have some tact, something that Stuart seriously lacks.

I need to calm down, Ive had a lovely relaxing day and my blood pressure is shooting up
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Old 02-05-2008, 19:36   #2
Screaming Orgasm
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I think there's degrees here. The odd mention of something you're particularly proud of is fine, but excessive bling sucks, and excessive bragging sucks more (and this includes subtle but constant remarks as well).

If someone got a particularly good deal or someone asks then fair enough.

Stuart sounds like one of the types that are so far up themselves they think you should feel priviledged when they dump on you, and the only reason they go down the pub and buy people drinks is just to flash their cash in public. The expression 'get a real life' seems appropriate.

Last edited by Mark; 02-05-2008 at 19:38.
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Old 02-05-2008, 19:38   #3
Combat Spanker
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Were talking excessive here, thats what winds me up so much.

Me on the other hand, I will always brag about a purchase, but only because it was so cheap I am sure all the girls heard about my Peacocks trip lately, 7 tops and a pair of shoes for £13 I am totally ok with that kind of bragging

Hell, I encourage my mates to do that!!!!
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Old 02-05-2008, 19:40   #4
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Nope, no flaming from me. Arrogant ****er if you ask me and too much nose rubbing for my liking.

My friend from school who was always hard up when we were young hit it big when he graduated and at 24 he was on about £92K per year. He doesn't earn that much now but it's not far off. You know what, he never changed and never has done. From the outside you'd never know he earned that much and he's still the really nice guy he has always been. Money does bad things to some people, they buy power cars and become bullies to try and make it look like they made it. Truth is, all they make is enemies.
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Old 02-05-2008, 19:55   #5
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Errrrrrr, I maybe stating the obvious here but if your dad was that bothered by it he'd tell him to **** off and not be mates with him anymore :/. The bloke isn't going to care until he loses all his friends from being a cock.


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 02-05-2008, 19:55   #6
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The hell with that, if his shirt from Ted Baker was worth anything people would be asking him about it. What is the saying? Something like 'a rich man doesn't need to tell you he's rich'

Add 'if he does, that is because he's a ****'
Originally Posted by Matblack View Post
Errrrrrr, I maybe stating the obvious here but if your dad was that bothered by it he'd tell him to **** off and not be mates with him anymore :/

Not always easy to do if they have friends in common...
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Old 02-05-2008, 19:59   #7
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Originally Posted by killerkebab View Post
Not always easy to do if they have friends in common...
Yes it is, you just say

"Stuart, you are a ****, you money doesn't interest me, shut the **** up, if you don't find something else to talk about I don't want to associate with you"

Keep stum and he'll stay a **** forever


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 02-05-2008, 20:14   #8
Joey Tempest
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Originally Posted by Matblack View Post
Yes it is, you just say

"Stuart, you are a ****, you money doesn't interest me, shut the **** up, if you don't find something else to talk about I don't want to associate with you"

Keep stum and he'll stay a **** forever

I've done similar things (over different matters) and just walked away - half of the reason why I live in kent now rather than staying at home in fareham, I didn't want to associate with any of the people there anymore

He does seem like a complete cock, and the correct reply from him should have been "sorry, I'll keep to other subjects" not what he said.

Seems he was just boasting as he knows that he can't be outdone in this case, and he got the reply HE wanted which was confirmation that he's doing better than other people.

Deserves a good kick in the crotch.
No Sig.
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Old 02-05-2008, 20:21   #9
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MB, trust me. He has seen less and less of Stuart over the years, best story I heard was he was seeing some bird who made him pay for all their holidays, he bought her sheds loads of new clothes, and even a new car on her birthday *rolleyes*

Then she pissed off once she got what she wanted I am sorry, is it wrong to laugh?
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Old 02-05-2008, 21:32   #10
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Seriously, telling everyone how much your stuff is worth? The way it works is the people who actually HAVE money don't need to brag about it, but the ones who want to be seen as having it can't stop talking about it. Sounds like Stewie feels like he has something to prove. It would irritate the heck out of me, I think. Some people just have no class. I love your dad's comment don't need to spend thousands on a watch when a 5 quid one tells the time just as well:-)

betty---me too! I had a handbag that cost $4 in the states, and everyone was telling me how cute they thought it was. It made my day to tell them what it cost me.:-)
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