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Old 26-08-2008, 11:32   #1
Combat Spanker
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Question Recall a childhood memory...

Not sure what made me remember this, think something on the news earlier prompted me…

I was about 8 years old walking home from the park with a friend, when we turned onto my street to find it swarming with police cars and an ambulance. We got all excited wondering what was happening in our quiet little street, until I realised the police and paramedics were in and out of *my* house :/

I cant remember thinking a great deal, but I ran into the house to find my mum and dad with a neighbour, who was just wearing a dressing gown covered with blood. Turns out she had a very heated argument with her daughters boyfriend who both lived with her at the time, she had gone into the bathroom, and in true psycho style, he had stabbed her in the shower :/

My brother was playing in the street at the time, and from when I was told, he was very mature for a 4 year old. She had run into the street trying to find someone to help her, and he took her to our house knowing my parents were home, and he even managed to catch a glimpse of this guy as he fled the scene, he had to help the police out after the drama bless him

Anyone got any childhood memories?
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Old 26-08-2008, 11:41   #2
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Heh, nothing as exciting as that, but here's a very clear one of mine.

I was around 4-5 years old, and was playing in the back yard of our shop/house. Opposite our back gate was a block of flats and a path leading upwards towards them all. It was slightly uphill and I used to love going up there on my little toy car and riding down the hill at speed. My Dad always told me I was never to go out there on my own as it could be dangerous without someone watching me.

Anyway, this particular day, our back gate was open as the shop was expecting a delivery, and my Dad was in the front serving customers. I was playing on my toy car in the back yard, and desperately wanted to come flying down the hill. As I knew he was serving customers and would never know, I rode up to the top as quick as I could, then came flying down again. About halfway down I looked up towards our back gate, and saw my Dad stood right in the middle of it, looking at me with a very mad look on his face.

After the rollicking I received that night, needless to say I never went out there on my own again

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 26-08-2008, 11:50   #3
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Can't remember anything like that happening no =/

I can't remember much of my childhood having been knocked out quite severley 3 times before the ages of 10 The ones I mainly remember are all sports based, or involve infilcting injurt of somekind.

The one that sticks out, is when I was maybe 10 or 11, and we had a heavy snowfall, me and a few friends werew out in the street, messing around as you do. It eventually lead to us building a 6-7 foot high snowman in the middle of the road...

Just after this, a few of the twatish kids from down the road came out and decided they wanted to annoy us as much as possible (hoses, water baloons etc) We promtly took the snowman appart (with dropkicks), picked up the bottom bit, ran after one at threw it at him, knocking him clean over and into the path of the hose, which was still on. He was very cold, and in a lot of pain...which we took great pleasure in.

The kids are still twats now..they're just a bit more weary whenever my friends and I are around. It's good to have power
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Old 26-08-2008, 16:26   #4
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My earliest memory is of going on a picnic with my dad, and coming back with my mum....

We must move forward not backward, upwards not forward, and always twirling, twirling, twirling...
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Old 26-08-2008, 17:11   #5
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Once I remember I was out playing with my friend and we went back to her house for ice lollies... little did I know that mum and dad were frantically looking for me...

I arrived back at the house and they both scolded me rotten.... then for some reason I got in a strop and slammed the living room door really hard and two panes of glass smashed :/

I was grounded for a month... I think.. I was 7ish.

BB x
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Old 26-08-2008, 17:32   #6
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I remember trying prawns for the first time when I was about 3 or 4 years old... is that weird?
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Old 26-08-2008, 18:03   #7
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This one time (at baaand camp... ) I decided to play around outside on the huuuuuuge hill next to our house. It wasn't particularly steep, but incredibly long, meaning going down it whilst sat on a skateboard/on your bike/in roller boots often meant building up lots of momentum and thus equaling lots of scary fun. Failure to stop in time however would result in either:

a) Falling in a stoney ditch/skidding into some trees
b) Whamming into the back of a parked car
c) Landing smack bang in some nasty bushes (with nettles and dog wee and all sorts in) or...
d) If you had managed not to lose control and had 1337 steering skills you could do a near 180 degrees turn and jump/push up slightly from the road when hammering towards a kerb and land on a muddy leafy woodland path (though if you didn't jump in time you'd wreck your face/ankles).

The flakey black painted skateboard we had and often used to dare devil ourselves down this death trap was a wee falling apart 15cm wide bit of plank attached rather precariously to a couple of stone age ancient wibberly rusty wheels. If you were to sit on it and go down the hill, the key to not being catapulted off was to hold your legs out straight and pretty much grip on to the side for your life. As soon as it started to wibble... you knew you were in trouble and could either attempt to bravely regain control, knowing full well that failure to do so would probably mean the end of play time and a visit to the doctors, or throw yourself off, admitting defeat and succumbing to a few minor bruises/scratches only. Steering was a doddle though, all you had to do is slightly clench one buttcheek and you'd veer off in the opposite direction. You had to be sure though not to clench too hard as it was stupendously sensitive. You'd certainly daren't break wind whilst riding it as it would catapult you off like a rodeo.


Me being me and liking speedy things and stoopid ideas thinks "OooOOoh... I have a good idea... why not go down the hill sitting on the skateboard *WITH* my roller skates on! Genius! I'll go super fast! Ha haaa!"

Hindsight is beautiful isn't it.

About a third of the way down, just after failing to avoid a snail in the road and crushing it with my roller boot, everything felt like it stopped and within a brief moment my facial expression fell from being one of glee to that of a confused-yet-blank state whilst it suddenly occurred to me...

"Oh..... I can't stop."

I think due to sudden loss of concentration on butt clenching/shock of running over a snail/realisation I was pretty darn screwed, the skateboard started to lose control and go wibberly. The rest of my journey was somewhat of a shakey blur - one second there was a tree, then a car, then a tree, then a cat, then a car, then a tree, then a bush... and despite desperately trying to aim for option D to stop... I went straight into the kerb and was flung mercilessly into the bush of all skankiness.

Man... did that hurt.

Oh and after I regained semi-lifeness and clawed myself out of the stinging nettles and up the hill I discovered (somewhat to my relief yet disgust) that the exploded snail I had killed had in fact been dead a long time. How'd I know? It's shell was splattered across the road and his dried up body was covered in a load of maggots (some squished and thrown a few centimeters away from the scene - whoopsy).


Last edited by Pheebs; 26-08-2008 at 18:06.
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Old 26-08-2008, 18:19   #8
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My very earliest childhood memory is from when I was 4 or 5. I remember having a yellow digger thing and using it to ferry sand from the pile being used for cement mixing to build the consevatory over to a paddling pool.
Then it got dumped in the pool.

Not too sure on the reason for it. It wasn't a big digger. I probably moved like a handful of sand at a time.

Get old, or die tryin'
- Chunks of Meaty Reviews, Mixed with Your Five a Day of News, Comment and Opinion, Floating in a Broth of Suspect Grammar and Seasoned Liberally with Mixed Metaphor. Tasty.
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Old 26-08-2008, 18:29   #9
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Edit after posting this....I remember more about this trip than the rest of my childhood!

I remember going to Gibraltar when I was about 6 or 7, I'm not too sure of the details but I went to school there for a while and they made me drink milk Bleugh! Still hate it! Anyway, I did a leapfrog over a bollard but I was wearing a skirt and got hung up on it. The other kids had to go and get my dad to lift me down. I remember seeing fish in the marina there and eating sorbet for the first time. I remember climbing the rock of Gibraltar with my dad and getting a certificate for it. I remember driving down it and the door of the taxi flying open on my sisters side....that was the first time I saw my mum cry. I remember getting a 5m swimming certificate but I cheated by walking along the bottom. I remember being in an inflatable ring and being blown down to the deep end of the pool by the wind and my uncle having to rescue me. I remember my aunt and uncle had a balck and white cat called Timmy Two Shoes. I remember watching my uncle parading (he was a drummer in the Royal Marines). I remember a monkey walking up me at the top of the rock and leaving footprints on my yellow tshirt. I had no front teeth while I was there! I remember being the only one brave enough to be poked into the giant cannon to have my pic taken. I remember poking mud through the open window of a car to 'feed' the dog in there which was a King Charles Spaniel. I remember doing that thing, you know where you get a bar and lean on it and then flip over the top of it and hanging under it...well I did that there for the first time.

Oddly I dont remember a single thing about flying there or back :/

...faster you naughty little monkey!
Running through hell, heaven can wait!
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Old 27-08-2008, 12:18   #10
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I remember going to see my American grandparents in Pennsylvania and packing my rucksack for the journey. Not having much to pack (I think my teddy and a jumper were about all I needed), there was plenty of room left in the bag. So I filled it with my hardback dictionary. You never know, there might be a spelling bee on the plane!
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