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Old 02-03-2009, 09:30   #1
Baby Bore
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Default Stupid PC World, stupid Techguys, lucky me

As I've writen about in a couple of other threads I bought a netbook from PC World last year, yes I know it was stupid but it was a bargain and also a bit of an impulse buy. The Advent 4211 is a rebranded MSi Wind and I thougt that because of this things would probably be OK, the Wind doesn't have a reputation for breaking [< see what I did there?]

Anyway 3 months after I bought it and it died suddenly and terminally. I call PC World who say, call the Techguys who are a bunch of muppets hired to look after all PC Worlds screw ups. Actually in the ffist instance they were quite good 'send it to us' they say 'we'll look at it they say', 'should only take a week' they say, 'we're a useless bunch of lying retards' they don't mention :/

So the Netbook goes back and I spend my every waking hour by the phone waiting for a call to tell me that my netbook has been revived and will be retuned to me in time to be taken on holiday (allow me to download my days photos and check them) Alas a few days before we are due to fly and still no call (its been at PC hospital for three weeks now, three times as long as I was quoted) so I call.

Upshot is that its waiting for parts, a new mobo and for some odd reason a new keyboard :/, so no PC for me to take on holiday, I'm annoyed but its hardly the end of the world.

Last week when I get back and decide to call them for a status report and guess what, the bits have turned up \o/, but its not fixed yet and they can't tell me when it will be /o\. Not happy I call the customer service line and they don't answer for 5 full minutes, so I email expressing my disapointment and what do you know on Saturday morning I get an email saying that as I have waited over 28 days then I am entitled to a replacement and if I walk into a PC World store they will be able to give me a direct swap \o/

So on Saturday we drive up to PC World and they confirm that yes I can have a new netbook there and then, however I would prefer a Samsung NC10 is it possible, 'of course' says purple muppet I'll check stock you'll just pay the difference', which seems fair the NC10 is about £50 more but will be better built and worth it in my eyes.

No Stock :/


Well says well meaning muppet 'I can put the money on a gift card and you can go to another store and pick what you want'. Seems fair, so I pocket my £280 gift card and walk away without the time to visit another store I spend Sunday considering my options with a final conclusion that I can wait a while for a new netbook, maybe even put the money towards a new camera instead.

This morning at 8.00 I recieve a text

'This is DPD we are happy to confirm we will be delivering your mended laptop between 8.30 and 6.00pm today'

Its a funny old world.


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 02-03-2009, 09:52   #2
I iz speshul
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Yet another story that confirms why I'll never buy anything but little things like blank DVDs from PC World, their incompetence is legendary.

Wonder if they'll be harassing you for your refund or not?

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 02-03-2009, 09:57   #3
Baby Bore
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I doubt they'll realise to be honest :-)MB

"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 02-03-2009, 09:57   #4
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O_o a case of arse and elbow not talking? Or purple shop dimwittedness?


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Old 02-03-2009, 10:05   #5
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Nice result. I had a vaguely similar thing happen with Tesco after Christmas. I ordered myself a shiny new espresso maker and ordered it using a voucher code that meant I got it for £236 rather than the £245 it was shown as.

I went to collect it at the arranged time on the arranged date and within a couple of minutes was walking back to the car with a massive heavy box in my arms. I got it home and all was well.

For some reason later that evening I checked my order status online and it said that there was a problem and that someone would be in touch with me shortly. The next day I got an email apologising for the espresso machine getting lost in transit and confirming that a refund for £245 had been processed and would hit my visa card within 3 days. 3 days later there it was.

So I ended up getting paid £9 to have the machine. Nice.
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Old 02-03-2009, 13:14   #6
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It just showed up, all fixed and with the old hard drive which is apparently faultly and a new one installed, I could have told them that, why they ordered a new mainboard and keyboard is beyond my comprehension.

I'll have a crack at getting the HD working later


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 02-03-2009, 13:16   #7
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Very nice result for you
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Old 02-03-2009, 13:25   #8
Goes up to 11!
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Yep I think you will get away with it They are rather special. My student discount card came in handy for years until they finally changed the colour of them. I only buy emergency bits there, like my mums printer cartridges cost £5 if she runs out.

Hmmm.... Keyboard knackered through them using a screwdriver to yank it out? Sounds similar reason for a new mainboard as well. Infact unless they have changed the design, the keyboards use a ribbon style lead that connects to the mainboard. If you don't remove this correctly, its really easy to break both the keyboard end and the mainboard bit..... I fixed mine with a bit of tape.

Last edited by Zirax; 02-03-2009 at 13:29.
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Old 02-03-2009, 13:39   #9
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Old 02-03-2009, 13:45   #10
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Jammy bastard
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