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Old 15-11-2006, 00:00   #1
Join Date: Jul 2006
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Default I knew I shouldn't have said anything....

The Are BMW's Crap in Motors on the other place.

I put an opinion up that I'd rather have a Yugo than a BMW....aaand apparently my opinion is wronger than a very wrong thing indeed.

First reply - points out that I drive a Renault Megane *and implys - so what do I know...*

I'd truly forgotten what a friendly place that is. As I put in my last post in that thread. I really do feel as welcome as a turn in a sandwich there.

It's turned into a "Don't like BMW's? **** off" forum.

I can only think of one positive thing about BMW..they produced a supremely good 6.2l V12...15 years ago. Although - I was very pleasently surprised by their F1 team this year.

Thats the Motors URL added to my blocklist.

GAAAAH! It used to be nice there.

Then I started getting told to prove my mates collection of cars. Said that I didn't want to as it's HIS collection not mine so it's not really right for me to go splashing photo's everywhere.

Then I started getting abused by people I didn't know for my opinion on a F1 driver they didn't know or have worked with. *police investigation is still ongoing...death threats are fun... *

I give up.....

I'm going to go and get a car that certain people on there will really object to as it's old *and as such only worthy for a scrapyard*,
Italian *will break down before I've even tried to start it*,
Not a mobile computer *how will I drive it in the winter?*,
Not a mobile armchair *whats the point if it's not comfortable*
and most importantly FUN! *who needs fun when you can have diesel economy and german build quality*

Hang on.........I did do that...

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Old 15-11-2006, 00:04   #2
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There is one good thing about BMW

They didn't put their name on this


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 15-11-2006, 00:21   #3
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Were they that ashamed?

*goes back to the naughty corner*
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Old 15-11-2006, 00:30   #4
Screaming Orgasm
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Fox gets a Mondeo, Mondeo fans everywhere.
Fox gets a BMW, BMW fans everywhere.

Can I see a pattern emerging here?

As far as I'm concerned, a car gets me from A to B. So long as it's comfortable and doesn't break down in the process, then it'll do. Having said that, fast cars rock. 140mph (GPS verified) down the M4
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Old 15-11-2006, 00:41   #5
BBx woz 'ere :P
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With Will Gill n'est-ce pas? What a nutter that man is!

Why isn't he here...
No No!
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Old 15-11-2006, 01:00   #6
Screaming Orgasm
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Yup, that be him. You're right, we really should invite him here. Family resemblance and all that stuff.

I've also had the pleasure of blasting down an Autobahn, being driven by a German.

Oh, and a certain JCW Mini doesn't fare too badly either. Love that engine whine.
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Old 15-11-2006, 01:35   #7
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Originally Posted by Captain Indecisive View Post
Fox gets a Mondeo, Mondeo fans everywhere.
Fox gets a BMW, BMW fans everywhere.

Can I see a pattern emerging here?
IRC is the same. The channel has turned into a BMW garage. I personally don't really like the car. Its bland, normal, kinda dull. It has no spark. Its so clinical. Mathematically precise with no soul. Of course I can't say anything because I drive a Corsa. I also can't say anything in the channel about the recent conversion to a beemer garage because I just know they'll have a go at me for all the stupid camera chats we have. Thing is, I'm not into photography for the kit. I'm in it for the lifestyle, for the drama, for the ability to see the world in different ways. But of course I can't say anything on IRC because I'm out numbered by bloody BMW fanboys with more E numbers than a bag of skittles!
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Old 15-11-2006, 01:58   #8
Screaming Orgasm
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That IRC channel is just an extension of Motors most of the time anyway. One reason I don't bother going there (my Q account has expired - again - kinda proves the point).
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Old 15-11-2006, 02:01   #9
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Over the past few months its been ok, while a certain person hasn't been there But when they appear boom its a beemer garage
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Old 15-11-2006, 09:03   #10
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People are exceptionally proud and protective of the cars they buy not least because they can cost a hell of a lot of money.

A lot of people can't joke about their cars; many think they drive the fastest/ best handling/ best looking thing on the road because it is theirs. You have been in a the uneviable position of driving a lot of great cars and this probably makes you a better judge of cars ability and handling than any one of us here which is cool, but, what it won't do is change peoples minds about their own personal tastes and choices. Its like walking into someones house and telling them the place they spent years decorating is tasteless and rubbish, they won't take your opinion seriously.

Fox has spent years in motors constantly pimping Ford and now BMW hes so prevalent hes almost like subliminal messaging and yes a lot of people do agree with what he says but he also NEVER EVER says anything really contraversial. Mondeos are cheap and OK = Yes Fox, BMWs can be had at a low price, run forever and handle well = Yes Fox. These are givens because they run alongside most peoples existing thoughts (even if its just from adverts).

I love my car (you may have noticed) you don't like it, you've made that very clear and thats your progative but maybe you need to respect that I spent a lot of money on it and drove some other cars before I decided on it and thought it was the best, rather than just dismissing it. I think because of the points I outlined above I'm probably very touchy about people being rude about my choice.

Theres proabably more of an OcUK attitude in this sub forum than any of the others because if you disagree with my choice of politics or what to have for dinner or what TV series is good we can discuss it and if you argue your point well maybe you can change my views, its a damn site harder and more expensive for me to change my car


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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