23-03-2009, 13:54 | #991 |
Columbian Coffee
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 90
Though I loved Legend and Anniversary, I've not got on with Underworld. I think this was partly because I played it after completing Prince of Persia so I was making risky jumps that the game won't let you get away with, but also because it felt like more of the same so I got bored after a couple of levels. Lara's Shadow is meant to be very good. I'm sure I'll get back to complete it at some point, but I'm in no rush!
If Assassin's Creed's Altiar, the Prince from Prince of Persia and Ms Croft could form some crazy love-child, I'm sure I'd be in adventure gaming heaven! |
23-03-2009, 14:25 | #992 |
BD Recruitment Officer
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I know what you mean about TRU, I think it's because you have a lot more control over characters, where as Prince of Persia is very on-rails to a degree. It was almost strange being able to turn and move quickly in Tomb Raider.
I have heard it's not as good as Tomb Raider Legend, but then again, I really didn't think it would be. |
23-03-2009, 15:48 | #993 |
Vodka Martini
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I just got KillZone 2 off a mate at work so I will be giving that a whirl this evening
23-03-2009, 17:19 | #994 |
Vodka Martini
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I quite enjoyed TRU once I got past the first chapter. Too many collectibles though.
25-03-2009, 13:51 | #995 |
Crispy Coated
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Grinding on Rumble Roses Double X. In the middle of going for my 3rd achievement of the day. Should hopefully get all the singles titles done by the end of the week, then I can start going through the costume ones....woo. Should have 1k by the end of the year =/
25-03-2009, 14:23 | #996 |
BD Recruitment Officer
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It really is a ridiculous grind.
Seems to be the case with fighting games though. Dead Or Alive 4 and Street Fighter IV look the same! |
25-03-2009, 14:59 | #997 |
Vodka Martini
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Street fighter 4 actually isn't that bad tbh, the longest achievement i've seen is the 500 online matches, but i managed to churn those out by just playing casually over the course of a month. The 10 wins in a row is the only half-difficult multiplayer achievement.
Single player doesn't seem to have many grinds, i can see the trophies for challenges taking a while however you dont have to repeat the same challenge more than once. The rest is just completing the game on different difficulties with different characters. I'm not capable of this though as i can only play Abel half-decently.
PSN & Live! ID: Streeteh |
25-03-2009, 15:46 | #998 |
I iz speshul
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I'm bouncing between a few games at the moment.
First up is Race Pro, my review game. Despite the excellent physics in place for the racing, I'm not enjoying it as much as I hoped I would. There is no fanfare for your achievements, neither for winning a race or even winning a series. The AI seems overly aggressive at times for a supposed "simulation" racer, and I've been intentionally spun by someone as I was leading going into the final corner. The racing line as previously mentioned is static and doesn't change depending on your car or speed. It's obviously meant as a guide as Nokkon said, but it's often so far out that it's practically useless, forcing you to decide yourself when the braking points are. It's very obviously aimed at the more professional racing gamers out there (the default difficulty is the highest) but I don't feel it caters well enough to everyone else. Thanks to Daz, I've also gotten back into Crackdown again. I forgot how much fun it is simply jumping around from building to building, orb hunting and blowing people up. It really is a near perfect example of what a sandbox game should be. Still picking at The Godfather here and there. All the missions are done so it's now just a case of taking over every business and robbing all the banks, etc. Not something you can really settle into for a few hours as it can get boring with no missions to break it up, but I really want to get it all done at some point. Also went back to Rock Band 2 the other day, finally unlocking and defeating the Impossible Guitar Challenge, and slowly working my way through the world tour mode. Still about 430 stars away from unlocking the Endless Setlist 2 so that'll take me some time to get to I think.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. |
25-03-2009, 15:52 | #999 |
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Much like Davey, I'm also bouncing between games.
Purely for fun, I'm playing Condemned and PGR4. I'm only playing a level or so of Condemned at a time so even though it's quite a short game, it's taking a while for me to finish. PGR4 I've had since Christmas and play in short bursts, good fun, but with most racing games, I can't play them obsessively. I dip in and out of them instead. Review wise, I've just finished Wallace and Gromit: Fright of the Bumblebee (excellent fun if you ask me!), and now onto Drakensang for one site. It's an RPG, looks a bit like Baldur's Gate which is right up my street. Not played it much yet though. Also got Silent Hill: Homecoming which is very creepy and unsettling but the combat is awful which is a terrible shame. And currently got a few iPhone games on the go too as I've branched out into that, busy times Finding I can't settle into a game since Fallout 3, I need something with a strong storyline again I think. I want a new RPG but I've played everything that's currently available :/
Halycopter |
25-03-2009, 16:33 | #1000 |
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Uncle is coming this weekend and bringing Resistance 2. Time to get Streeteh's copy of Resistance 1 completed and sent back! \o/.