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Old 06-11-2008, 13:38   #101
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Originally Posted by semi-pro waster View Post
That would be almost impossible to quantify as I'm sure you know but I'd say beyond a shadow of a doubt some people will have voted primarily on race but some of those who did will be white. It does help that Obama seems the stronger of the candidates so maybe America gets the right man even if some people voted for the wrong reasons - a case of the end justifying the means perhaps?
Of course some whites will have voted for McCain because he was white, as some blacks and perhaps other races perhaps voted for Obama because he is black (well actually mixed race). Both voted for the wrong reasons, but yes I am happy with the end result. I don't know what the Obama presidency will turn out to be like, but I am optimistic and even excited about the prospect, whereas a McCain administration filled me with dread.
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Old 06-11-2008, 18:52   #102
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Race is significant, not because it's completely fair that we see people as different from one another but, because it is an important part of this nation's history. The fact that 40 years before Obama gave his acceptance speech in Chicago, at that very location, were riots in that park after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. 40 years ago if you would have been told a black man would be elected president within a generation no one would have believed you. So yes, people are talking, because many people out there were alive when blacks (and women) were not allowed to even vote.
Originally Posted by TinkerBell
This is quite a scary thing to have to say, but I think an american may be right about something
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Old 06-11-2008, 19:00   #103
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I agree with Mel. People either forget or don't know that the US once had an Apartheid system as bad as the one we all know about from South Africa, so yes, it definitely is a big deal.

As for that 95% claim, personally I trust it about as far as Geoff Capes could throw it. On what basis was it calculated? One polling place? One district? It certainly isn't a national thing.
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Old 06-11-2008, 22:37   #104
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I have to say I find myself agreeing with DD. I think there possibly was more of a push to vote for him PURELY because he was black. Rather than any policies he may or may not have. Don't get me wrong i think he's the better choice out of the two, however owing to the US's black or afro-american population contributing to over 13-14% of the total population it's a significant number. Unlike the UK where the number is down at around 2-3% so for us it's less significant, and bear in mind they have had black inhabitants over 200years ago I believe compared to us.

However, I think race is silly, we are the "human race" - there's no such thing as race in my eyes. Just genetic differences, and as such we are no different to black people as I am to my father, just a few genes mean that someone has darker skin, and can suffer from certain conditions (sickler cell etc...) is no different to anyone else IMO.

Anyway that's a moot point, what I disagree with is the emphasis of him being of afro-american descendency as if that should make a difference. Yes I understand that in the US they had problems as Mark stated, and people were oppressed, but you know what? Get that chip off your shoulder - we've all had oppression of some kind. Do we really want to be living in the past or going forward? Why bring the past up as it serves no purpose in such things as modern USA.
No No!
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Old 06-11-2008, 22:56   #105
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Originally Posted by Will View Post
however owing to the US's black or afro-american population contributing to over 13-14% of the total population
I think it would be naive to assume only other black people were voting for him purely because he was black, plenty of white people will have done too.
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Old 06-11-2008, 23:10   #106
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I have heard several examples of old white men who were racist towards blacks voting for Obama simply because they liked the guy. I'm not saying race SHOULD be a factor, but it is, because of this country's history, especially since it's still such recent history. It is proof that we've come a long way.

I think he got the attention of some voters (including black) because of his race, but I think he held their attention because of who he was and what he stood for and people actually listened to what he had to say about the issues. All in all I see it as a victory and a success.
Originally Posted by TinkerBell
This is quite a scary thing to have to say, but I think an american may be right about something
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Old 07-11-2008, 10:47   #107
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Could somebody just tell me what is Good about the Dude, PLEASE.

I don't mean I think he is bad as I have No idea at all, I would just like to know what it is about the Dude that we should be happy/positive about, What's his plans etc

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Old 07-11-2008, 13:41   #108
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Originally Posted by Justsomebloke View Post
Could somebody just tell me what is Good about the Dude, PLEASE.
Some of his policies in brief: tax cuts for the average citizen but slight increases in tax for the wealthy, he wants to move towards a measured withdrawal of troops from Iraq, allows abortion, wants to fund renewable energy. All of these are issues he has campaigned on, it remains to be seen how many would be implemented, if any.

You could take a look on the Barack Obama website for a further breakdown although obviously note the potential for bias.
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Old 07-11-2008, 13:52   #109
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Not to mention better health care for the poor.

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Old 07-11-2008, 13:59   #110
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Originally Posted by Mel View Post
I have heard several examples of old white men who were racist towards blacks voting for Obama simply because they liked the guy. I'm not saying race SHOULD be a factor, but it is, because of this country's history, especially since it's still such recent history. It is proof that we've come a long way.
I think this result shows that the band may have changed but the song remains the same - 95% of blacks have proved themselves racist voters (not to mention that about 80% of blacks voted yes on prop 8) - its also interesting to note that the majority of white voters didn't vote for Obama either... so perhaps it isn't quite the moral victory that Obama has been implying throughout his campaign.

I think he got the attention of some voters (including black) because of his race, but I think he held their attention because of who he was and what he stood for and people actually listened to what he had to say about the issues. All in all I see it as a victory and a success.
I've not seen any intelligent explanation of why Obama is a better candidate, not one single Obama supporter have managed to explain their perception of the man with any clarity. According to exit polls, the state of the economy was the most significant issue for voters, and whilst Powell claimed that Obama's vision for the economy was superior it was almost identical to McCain's plan.

Last edited by cleanbluesky; 07-11-2008 at 14:13.
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