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Old 03-02-2009, 02:32   #11
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This is the problem with what I want, I want a phone that I can get on here, facebook and a few other sites fast and easy and be able to browse and reply to stuff easy not like standard wap phones.
I want to be able to sit and watch my kids play at soft play centre while being able to connect to wifi lol
I want a camera and a good one as phones go that is.
Ummm can't think what else ooooh mp3.
But I am rubbish with gadgets so I need an idiot proof phone (nokia is my usual lol) hate chosing phones lol
Just want something a bit more than a phone this time, and I really want a good internet phone.
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Old 03-02-2009, 02:49   #12
Joe 90
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yeah, well in terms of web browsing, my TyTNII does that rather well - with Opera 9.5 for windows mobile it can handle pretty much anything i've ever tried to use online.

I would like to see something available though that (as i was getting at with simplicity) enables WM etc to upload photos etc to said social sites as the iphone does so well with its Apps.

but then after what you're saying, an iphone is going to be hard to beat as long as you forgive its crap camera; its got mp3 (ipod basically), its idiot proof (apple do all the hard (fun) stuff so you can't), and its probably one of the best 'internet phones' available.

and i can't believe i've said all that after last week a friend got an iphone and all i did was tell him how much of a fool he is for ditching his TyTNII for it without ever even flashing the HTC!!
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Old 03-02-2009, 07:52   #13
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If you want idiot proof easy and generally good features (apart from camera, its *****) the iPhone is definitely the (expensive) way forward. Otherwise you're looking at other smartphones to get the job done, which inherently will be more "complicated" for you. So you'll have to play around and see what you can do. I think personally you should look into the symbian side of thing, WinMo can get deep/complicated much faster than symbian. Nokia 5800, n95, n82, n79 (and more they're just off the top of my head) all have decent cameras good browsing, wifi and music capability (all have 3.5mm headphone i think too).
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Old 03-02-2009, 11:17   #14
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Originally Posted by Lozza View Post
If you want wifi that rules the iphone out not so much a problem if you can get a decent contract with unlimited data.

All iPods use wifi (extensively) and i thought they were all sold with unlimited data tariffs? Well with o2 anyway.

Although i agree, i'd probably rather have the 5800 i think, although i wish they've ditch the silly resistive touchscreen. I'm waiting to see how much of an improvement the n97 will be, and then probably just buy a palm pre I held the 5800 the other day, it felt small, but big enough to have a qwerty keypad.
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Old 03-02-2009, 11:41   #15
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It will be on o2 LP I can get an 8gb iphone free but £45 a month contract, I am paying £35 now so only a bit extra but not sure I like it "that much" it will be a 18month contract so I need to be 100% sure about it.
I will have a look at the nokia ones you mentioned thank you
I will also look at the one you have Lozza.
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Old 03-02-2009, 13:50   #16
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I'm not sure they can negotiate with the iPhone actually due to the Apple contract. You can get it on a £35 tariff, but you have to pay some upfront.
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Old 03-02-2009, 15:06   #17
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Originally Posted by Lozza View Post
hmmm might be confusing with the blackberry storm which doesn't have wifi.
Yeah, i was thoroughly disappointed with the storm personally, well maybe thats a little harsh but i don't think it was as great as hyped.

Originally Posted by Lozza View Post
I really like the resistive touch screen - not as much of a depression as with the storm, but it means I don't accidentally select things I don't want and i can keep my gloves on when it's cold outside and my phone will still function - still getting used to it though.
You're definitely right about the cold something i haven't thought about (but living up here probably should have done!) The storms physical feedback is interesting and clever, but even simple well thought out haptic feedback is fine. I still feel capacitive apart from wearing gloves gives you such nicer control. I think i've come to feel this though because i'm always using my laptop and its touchpad and i just expect touch things to be ultra sensitive to a light touch like my touchpad when clearly resistive will never be this...

Originally Posted by Lozza View Post
Size/shape wise I think it's exactly the same as the N73 so same as my N70 though a bit bigger than my 6110 navigator - which brings me to the fact you can't run tomtom on the 5800 yet! or any others for that matter, but Garmin, copilot will be releasing an update and there is another that works ummmm can't remember now
Theres already a working version for the 5800 running around on ipmart the last time i checked, tomtom isn't so lucky right now, but to be fair garminXT actually looks better to me, and i'd use it if i could get it to play fair with my external GPS.

Originally Posted by Lozza View Post
I'm sure if you rang them up and said you were leaving they would give you the iphone on your current £35 tarriff though do make sure they throw in unlimited data, if you don't already have it on your tarriff.
Doubt they would they're a bugger with the iPhone because apple have them all tied up in knots really, i guess theres some wiggle room but not compared to other phones.
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Old 12-02-2009, 20:42   #18
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So many phones to chose from lol
I will have a play (fnarrrrr) nearer the time with the pixon, nokia ones, and the other ones I liked the look of and forgotten names of lol.
May ask for you advice on them once I have chosen a few to pick from.
Thanks guys/lozza
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Old 12-02-2009, 21:27   #19
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Apart from the camera possibly being a little poor for your usage, I think the iPhone is the perfect choice. It's SMS support is basic, MMS is non-existent, but it's e-mail is absolutely superb. Exchange Support is better than my Windows Mobile based XDA which just sums it up really. Internet browsing is very very good. Not truly mobile, as it loads the full HTML where it can, but it works well with the pinch and slide gestures. Then there's the apps: Hundreds of free/cheap little applications that install straight to the phone with zero fuss. There's loads out there, from gimmicky iPint games, to useful eBay monitors etc. After a while it really does become more than a phone. With the iPod built in as well, there's not a lot it can't do. Except SatNav.

It is subjective though, it all depends on what you use, and what you don't. If you're a big texter, I'd say leave it. But if you're into e-mailing, facebooking, then you'll struggle to find anything as innovative and stylish.
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Old 04-03-2009, 16:34   #20
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Well I just sent o2 an email asking them if they can help me get an early upgrade it said this on the site "You can upgrade online if you're a Pay Monthly customer in the last month of your contract" well thats not right because I am in the last month and I can't upgrade yet
I told them that I need a phone as mine is broken and I need it because of school contacting me about my children and If I can not upgrade yet then I will have to go elsewhere basically.
I hardly ever go over line rental which is £35 a month and so Faysh said they will probably say kthnxbye.
If they do then who should I go with? been on o2 like umm forever bah!!
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