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Old 08-06-2009, 12:39   #11
Long Island Iced Tea
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They should just add a none of the above to ballot papers to let people show the dissatisfaction. Instead people use that as a way to show their feelings. I live in cambridge but work in luton. The difference in racial tension between the two places is huge.

I can find no one to vote for.
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Old 08-06-2009, 12:44   #12
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I like the idea of a none of the above option but I don't think it'd work as well as it should.
When people are so apathetic about voting (in Swansea, two of the areas were at under 25% for turnout and my area was only 31%), I suspect many of those that do vote have quite extreme views that they really want to get across.
The problem is so many people just saying 'Oh there's no point, they're all the same', such a frustrating attitude imo as nothing will ever change if over 50% of the population think that and don't bother voting.
It's particularly so frustrating seeing the amount of people my age simply not care about such an important thing
But I guess I'm a bit of an exception as I've always been an avid news and politics hound for as long as I can remember.
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Old 08-06-2009, 13:03   #13
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Originally Posted by Desmo View Post
I guess this is a shot across the bow for the main parties.
Indeed. A real wake-up call to the main parties that they need to get their **** together.
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Old 08-06-2009, 13:07   #14
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The bunch of thugs who live down the road for us have a BNP poster in their front window, it didn't surprise me at all when I saw it.
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Old 08-06-2009, 13:53   #15
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They'll be destroyed at some point. They're not a credible party and they'll say/do the wrong thing sooner or later and they'll fade into the cesspit they came from.
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Old 08-06-2009, 15:01   #16
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Originally Posted by Danny View Post
They should just add a none of the above to ballot papers to let people show the dissatisfaction..
I like this idea. Let them see those who would vote if there was someone worth voting for, rather than lumping them in with too lazy/apathetic.
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Old 08-06-2009, 17:02   #17
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Voter apathy is a very worrying thing, official figures show:

TURNOUT: 15,136,932 ELECTORATE: 44,173,690

That's only 34%(ish) of the electorate that bothered to vote in the European Elections last Thursday. Such a woefully small percentage which isn't even a majority.

This, and the quite effective campaign the BNP have been running (masking their racism with nationalism), have allowed them to get the seats. They got 6.2% of the vote (a 1.3% increase on the last European Elections), but when you remember that it's only 6.2% of 34% then it gives the impression that the people of this country just don't care.

I'm not sure whether I would actually ban the BNP as it would be showing the same level of intolerance they themselves display, however it wouldn't be a bad thing if they were banned.

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Old 08-06-2009, 21:50   #18
Von Smallhausen
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I am very disppointed but not really surprised that the BNP have gained seats given the utter contempt that the elctroate has for mainstream politics.

They disgust me as a political party and I would not vote for them no matter how disillusioned I was with mainstream politcs.

I wonder if Nick Griffin will be claiming salary and expenses as a Euro MP, the very organisation that he wants out of and slags off ?

The ******* hypocrite makes me sick.

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Old 08-06-2009, 22:25   #19
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And the legions of middle England who voted UKIP, don't forget them.

Clearly the pound nosediving against every other currency worth mentioning is absolute proof that the Euro just doesn't work.
Isolationism. That's the way out of economic turmoil. Shut the doors, lock the windows and tell Jonny Foreigner we don't want any of their investment in our ailing industry.

Some votes will have RON (Re-Open Nominations) at the bottom. I can only assume it's not used in these elections because it could leave too many seats unfilled and sections of the country effectively unrepresented in parliament.

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Old 09-06-2009, 09:52   #20
Nice weak cup of Earl Grey
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to be fair, pirate bay got at least a seat! it's hardly a massive issue is it?

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