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Old 14-06-2010, 10:50   #11
Vodka Martini
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Telling someone to avoid titles that are both critically and consumer acclaimed seems a bit strange to me. Sure you may not have liked them but the majority of people do, so he should still certainly check out Heavy Rain, Killzone 2, Resistance and Ratchet + Clank to see if he likes them for himself. Given that most people do, i'd wager he'll enjoy at least one or two of them.

PSN & Live! ID: Streeteh
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Old 14-06-2010, 12:06   #12
I iz speshul
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I'd agree, especially with Heavy Rain, which is such a unique game that I can see why it's a bit like gaming marmite, but to me it's one of the games of the year so far.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
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Old 14-06-2010, 20:06   #13
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The way I look at it is there is another long list of games to get through I still need to finish off Batman: AA first I'm currently squeezing a seller on a ps3, we'll see if he breaks and flogs it cheap.
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Old 14-06-2010, 22:26   #14
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Originally Posted by Streeteh View Post
Telling someone to avoid titles that are both critically and consumer acclaimed seems a bit strange to me. Sure you may not have liked them but the majority of people do, so he should still certainly check out Heavy Rain, Killzone 2, Resistance and Ratchet + Clank to see if he likes them for himself. Given that most people do, i'd wager he'll enjoy at least one or two of them.
I didn't recommend them because I thought it was awful. Those are my recommendations.

Firstly, Heavy Rain was awful. It asked you to do mundane tasks where failing them had no impact upon what you did (unlike what was promised), if I fail closing a cupboard door then I am simply asked to try again until I do. Running through a different form of input soon loses its originality and becomes nothing different to simply pressing a face button to complete the same task.

Then there is the voice work, which, at best, is poor. The script is shockingly bad. Then there are big loop holes in the game and some flaws. Or the fact that for a game that 'depends on the choices you make', it's rather odd that nearly every game comes out exactly the same. You have no connect with any of the characters.

Outside of the graphics I could not think of a single area I could praise this game in consistently, because although it has 2 or 3 really memorable set-pieces, 90% of them are complete dross. Bad controls. Bad story. Bad characters. Zero replayability.

Ratchet and Clank: ToD is just plain bad. I imported this and looked forward to it, but it's just... well, crap. Quite honestly, it's one of the worst games I've bought this generation, and I paid full import price too. It's widely regarded as the worst of the R&C games.

Killzone 2 is very, very pretty, but it's phenomenally generic. They really took the term 'corridor shooter' to heart with this, providing absolutely nothing memorable. Generic levels, generic enemies, generic weapons, generic story, you know, just like the first game. Online is apparently pretty good, I tried it several times and it was much better than the SP (not hard), but I always seemed to get the same map. It's also much harder to jump online now and have fun as it has a dedicated player base.

I've given my opinions on Resistance so many times before that I really don't want to give it again. Long story short, I wanted to love it, I bought a PS3 on launch day to play it, but it was just very formulaic, lacked any form of character or individuality and had a story which was so poorly presented that cut-scenes were nothing more than an extensive form of water torture.
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Old 14-06-2010, 22:35   #15
Vodka Martini
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It's not that you didn't recommend them or the fact that you didn't like them that i was commenting on, it's the fact that you said they should be avoided. They shouldn't, they should be looked into as the majority like (or in several cases out of that list, love) them, not necessarily be purchased but they should certainly be investigated. To encourage someone to just plain write off a very popular and well received title because you didn't like it is unfair to the person seeking advice.

An example of the flipside would be Grand Theft Auto games, i hate nearly all of them (Vice City being the only one i truly liked), but i would never tell anyone to avoid them as they're so utterly popular there must be something to them i'm missing.

Game such as Lair and Gundam, fair enough, they're rubbish and nearly everyone would agree they should be avoided. The majority of the games in your list aren't rubbish, they were well received, they just don't meet your tastes.

PSN & Live! ID: Streeteh

Last edited by Streeteh; 14-06-2010 at 22:39.
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Old 16-06-2010, 07:36   #16
Vodka Martini
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It's definately worth playing the Killzone 2 demo as before I played it I was going to get it :P A dreary, lifeless, corridor of boredom imo....

Uncharted 1 & 2 are the picks of the system along with Heavy Rain (play once, enjoy it then please don't think about it as the plot holes will ruin the experience for you) and Demon's Souls. I've also picked up Flower (wife loves it) and LBP (ok for a few hours but soon bored of it tbh). I like Motorstorm as well.

I'd certainly recommend one but if you're anything like myself, Nokkon, Creature you'll soon find yourself playing mostly on the 360 again.

I am looking forward to The Last Guardian, though no E3 mention was disappointing.
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Old 16-06-2010, 10:38   #17
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Originally Posted by Aboobie View Post
I am looking forward to The Last Guardian, though no E3 mention was disappointing.
Criminal in fact.
You should have seen my Twitter light up last night at the end of the Sony conference, people in disbelief that one of, if not the most anticipated exclusive was just ignored.
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