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Old 21-02-2007, 23:25   #11
Screaming Orgasm
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Nice thought, but despite my egging on in the Smut thread, it's not actually done much for me.

PS - by party games I include things like Wii Sports. I don't have the reactions or co-ordination of a hyperactive five-year-old, but Wii Sports, poker, mental challenges, that sort of stuff, it's all good.
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Old 21-02-2007, 23:31   #12
Long Island Iced Tea
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well, dont get wii play (if you get a wii) its complete crap tbh.
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Old 21-02-2007, 23:40   #13
Screaming Orgasm
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Yeah, that one isn't going on the list unless I want a spare Wiimote, and even then it's questionable.
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Old 22-02-2007, 00:52   #14
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Originally Posted by Mark View Post
In that respect, £250 is probably about 15 days' difference.
From experience that path's never good Keep thinking 'oh it's only soandso, I can cover that much' and suddenly it's a lot more than you think because you keep doing it. I try not to do it anymore but it's easy to fall into the trap.

Also never use games to cover up craving company, it's incredibly unhealthy in the long term and not at all recommended. Again from my experience, mainly during my counterstrike days.

Not sure what to suggest as I don't really know much about your interests. Reading's a good generic one, or learning something new if that appeals.
Otherwise maybe something that means you meet new people? You could incorporate that with learning something new possibly.
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Old 22-02-2007, 01:05   #15
Screaming Orgasm
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Yeah, I know what you mean there. I've always been reclusive though. Going to meets has managed to break that to some extent, but I'm not sure how much further I can take that. The meet thing had the benefit that I could talk to people online first, but that wouldn't be an option elsewhere.

A few years ago I wouldn't have bothered, but having the meets now means I know more what the outside world and meeting people can be like, so I miss it all the more when the meets end.

Anyway, this is the wrong forum for such talk.

It is an impluse buy though, so I'll put a stop to that. I can review it in May, which isn't so far away, and that has the benefit that if I get a bonus payment, it'll cover the cost. They'll also be easier to find then.

The question stands, but with a not-so-urgent deadline.
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Old 22-02-2007, 01:09   #16
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Yeah, see how things are in May and how tempted you are still to get one
I feel a bit rubbish being the negative one but just don't want to see you waste your money in a rush.
Plus you can look forward to when you do buy it if you decide to I spent about 2 months doing that with the 360 and it did actually make it a lot more satisfying and exciting because I knew I was certain.
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Old 22-02-2007, 01:27   #17
Screaming Orgasm
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No problem with being negative. I've done a few of these now and there's no harm in people talking me in/out of stuff. T'is what friends (and BD) are for.

We'll see what the next two weeks bring at work too. I might find I need Wii Sports and a Mii likeness of my boss to smack the **** out of.
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Old 22-02-2007, 09:57   #18
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Originally Posted by Mark View Post
Yeah, I know what you mean there. I've always been reclusive though. Going to meets has managed to break that to some extent, but I'm not sure how much further I can take that.
Why not, you've come along way, why limit yourself but even suggesting that you can't take it much further, did Edmund Hillary say to Tensing "OK mate were nearly to the top but we've come a long way so we won't bother with the last 100 yards"?

Originally Posted by Mark View Post
The meet thing had the benefit that I could talk to people online first, but that wouldn't be an option elsewhere
Again why not, there are masses of forums out there some of them with specialist interest areas, some of us have been to meets with other forums why not explore whats available and mix it with something which is going to give you a hobby. It strikes me that at the moment most of your hobbies and interests are quite "solo" if you can find something more social then the two things will jigsaw together quite nicely.

Originally Posted by Mark View Post
It is an impluse buy though, so I'll put a stop to that. I can review it in May, which isn't so far away, and that has the benefit that if I get a bonus payment, it'll cover the cost. They'll also be easier to find then.

The question stands, but with a not-so-urgent deadline.
Very sensible, I stand by the Wii being a very social console, we'll continue to bring ours (or someone else will) to home meets as it presents a very good opertunity to play so you'll get a chance to play socialy at there events.


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