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Old 03-09-2007, 19:13   #11
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Was working in Edgware today, so reasonably local, finished at 2. By 3 I was in Chelmsford Halfords to get the flexy-bodge-hose.

Of course, my MD managed to choose that afternoon to let the monkeys there loose on his motor getting a hands free fitted.

Fortunately, I'd popped into the office first thing this morning to drop my shiny new certificate in, so instead of saying "What the heck are you doing here when you should be working??" he said "Ooh, congratulations, we must have a chat!"

Anyway, plumbing in the engine bay done, one shock done, found the new bolts for the rear axle are the wrong size, despite being genuine Saab. Hmm. I think maybe someone has changed the axle for an earlier one at some point as the originals from the Turbo fit...

Of the bits I need urgently, some were NLA, so only 3 are now winging their way from Sweden, should have them some time tomorrow assuming I can get to Dunmow in time. I've cleaned up the remaining fuel fittings I have to reuse. Not pretty, but servicable.

Getting there...........
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Old 04-09-2007, 23:25   #12
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Nuts. Literaly. That's all that's made it from Sweden, the rest is NLA. Grrr!

So I started making up fuel lines myself this avo, promptly slipped, and took a mahoosive (man size) chunk of knuckle out. Bled a lot, but strangely no pain.

So no gain - still need to make the damned fuel lines

Really ought to take some piccies of the work done, would make some sense then...
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Old 22-09-2007, 12:44   #13
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Progress Despite being thoroughly knackered, got an hour or so a day done. Except yesterday cos I was a right lazy sod

Fuel lines are done (assuming when I pressure them up, no leaks), back axle is on along with new springs and shocks, and some of the wiring is done. Still to do:

Finish wiring, reconnect brake lines and bleed (awaiting a second nut from Sweden, coming normal route so takes a few days), slap the wheels on.

Replace exhaust, but to do that I need to get one section of pipe made as it's NLA and damned if I can find one. Only a straight bit (I won't get a silencer put in as original), so should be easy enough.

The wiring will be the hardest bit as it has to go to the ignition switch etc.

Might get that done tomorrow.
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Old 22-09-2007, 12:52   #14
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Oh, and some pics



And my none-too-proud-of water hose bodge

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Old 22-09-2007, 18:23   #15
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Wiring was easy in the end, well most of it, I still need to run one thick cable all the way from the engine bay relays to the fuel pump in the boot. Not looking forward to that. That'll wait until tomorrow!
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Old 29-09-2007, 14:38   #16
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Wired the pump in last Sunday. Dead pump

Got a replacement used one in the post yesterday and fitted it this morning. Sprayed fuel all over the floor from a filter banjo I'd neglected to do up

However, not sure the pump is any good as it rattels a bit, and the engine won't start.

Run out of time, will do a flow check tomorrow.
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Old 15-11-2007, 16:00   #17
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Ok, about time I did an update!

Replacement pump obtained from Scotland, but whilst that ran, the car wouldn't. Eventually got it sort of running, but it would stall after a few seconds. A few people suggested stuck pressure regulator, but this was fine.

After much head scratching, I found the return line was blocked near the tank. Same effect as a stuck pressure reg...

So it would now run, but high revs, and the electrics on the dash were dead.

Finally found some more time today, the electrics was a cracked connector from the ignition relay. And the high revs was the throttle cable not returning properly.

So it's now tuned up and almost ready to hit the road Not happy with the brakes yet so I'll bleed them again tomorrow, and the last couple of suspension nuts need tightening now it's on the ground again.

And it's in dire need of a wash...
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Old 28-06-2008, 18:12   #18
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/me whistles.

Poor car pretty much abandoned for the last few months

Got mr Friendly welder bloke coming round tues to turn rust into metal though. Had to take the fuel tank off though to allow access to the worst of it. Ugh, hated putting it on, hated taking it off again!

Hoping to have the thing on the road by the end of July.

Not sure what year though...
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