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Old 10-09-2012, 07:27   #2441
The Last Airbender
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I think you're right Belmit, it was almost like a TV pilot rather than a film.
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Old 10-09-2012, 08:16   #2442
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Maybe it was done that way due to there being another film made (I think its in 2014) called "Dawn of the planet of the apes", as a follow on.
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Old 10-09-2012, 09:24   #2443
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Day of the Dawn of the Rise of the Planet of the Apes, surely?

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Old 10-09-2012, 17:06   #2444
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Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman, Shia Labeouf, Guy Pearce

Apparently based on a true story, the original novel written by the grandson of one of the Bondurant brothers. Whatever, it's still a fine piece of story telling. I thought it was well shot, well directed and nicely acted. A few amusing moments break up the tension and there's the seemingly obligatory love interests thrown in to keep the romantics happy. It's quite graphic at times, so much so that my wife almost walked out as she felt so sick. I loved it.

It wasn't perfect and as a supposed true story it felt a little too far fetched at times, but it was still one of the most enjoyable films I've seen for a while.

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Old 10-09-2012, 20:02   #2445
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Cidade de Deus (City Of God)

  • Alexandre Rodrigues
  • Leandro Fermino
  • Phellipe Haagensen
  • Douglas Silva
Crime drama

8/10 A really good film based on a true story about the different paths of two boys growing up in a Brazilian slum in the 1960s. Brutal, clever and yet at the same time strangely hopeful. I last watched it a good few years ago and it's just as good now as it was then.
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Old 12-09-2012, 23:10   #2446
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Killer Elite

****e name, decent film. Was most impressed with the prolonged fight scenes, especially as I never had Clive Owen down as a full-on fisticuffs action guy. Jason Statham actually gets to play a role that isn't tongue-in-cheek for once and Robert DeNiro plays a smaller but significant role.

Based on The Feather Men by Ranulph Fiennes, it tells the true (or is it?) story of a sheikh trying to get revenge on the SAS men who killed his sons in a secret British insurgency in the late 70s (film set circa 1980).

Smarter than I was expecting, though the action is too perfect for it to feel true to life enough to be entirely believable. Overall though a lot better than I was expecting.

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Old 13-09-2012, 00:06   #2447
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Biopic of "Britains most dangerous prisoner", Michael Peterson was sentenced to 7 years for armed robbery. Since then he's spent over 35 years in prison, 30 of those in solitary and only 69 days free. Starring a very bulked up Tom Hardy and a great moustache.

It's missed out a lot of what has actually happened to Bronson, glossed over some bits and made other bits up. I don't know if they were trying to "artify" the story, but all the monologues with Charlie dressed in clown makeup confused the hell out of me.

Ultimately dissapointing.


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Old 20-09-2012, 14:29   #2448
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Originally Posted by Desmo View Post
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
I liked the storyline to this explaining how the apes became intelligent, it had some decent potential but it just never really hit the spot for me. It was just kind of OK throughout the whole film but never anything exceptional.
I watched this too (Sky Movies ftw) and didn't feel the same sense of disappointment you did and thought it held up well too the end. I'd give it 7 or 8 and I can't wait for the sequel.

I've also watched quite a few more films since my last post (you'll see a theme here.)

White Zombie Regarded as the original zombie film from 1932 starring Bela Lugosi. It's definitely feels like a film from the 1930 but actually holds up well with a good story and hammy acting. 7/10

Fido A satirical box office failure starring Billy Connolly as a pet zombie. Pretty hilarious and reminded a bit of Edward Scissor Hands. 7/10

Zombie Women of Satan A British northern b-movie of a burlesque group including Pervo the Clown battling a lot of topless zombies. If you get it it's quite hilarious, if you don't you'll think it's awful. 8/10

City of the Living Dead A cult 1980s horror/zombie film from Italian director Lucio Fulci. It's disturbing and very gory but oozing atmosphere. it's all a bit surreal too. 8/10

I also watched, the new Dawn of the Dead, a good modern zombie story but not a patch on the original, 7.5/10. Return of the Living Dead, the hilarious 80s zombie comedy, brilliant, 9/10. Zombie Virus on Mulberry Street, a bit odd as they're not zombies but infected rat people, still it was done by the guy who did Stakeland and you can see his genius even if the film's a low budget and a bit average, 6/10. Land of the Dead, Romero's 4th zombie film. I bloody loved this and would recommend it to anyone who likes post apocalyptic sci-fi. Finally I looked at Scooby Doo on Zombie Island. I watched this with my girls and I can honestly say it's not only the best Scooby Doo film I've seen but a great film in its own right, 9/10!
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Old 13-10-2012, 00:07   #2449
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John Carter

Well I haven't read the books but the Martians looked a lot like the guys from Unreal 1. Fairly predictable story line but nice effects. A nice film for the kids but I won't bother with it again.


Underworld - Awakening (2D)

I'm never getting that time back in my life you know! Jeez talk about yet another film cashing in on the 'Yey 3d' bandwagon. Plot..... what plot? What actually happened during this film? Stuff blew up and there was a lab, then that blew up, then there was a guy.... and he blew up. Complete with crazy amounts of lame cgi.

Worse than the other two. And no, beckinsale in leather didn't look as good this time around.

2/10 Avoid
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Old 13-10-2012, 10:28   #2450
Deep Throat
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Madagascar 3

AWESOME FilM! I laughed out loud super amounts, so bloody random but absolutely hilarious! Best of all of them by far!

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