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Old 15-10-2008, 22:55   #31
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Loki just put together a mini review in the now playing thread.
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Old 16-10-2008, 13:45   #32
Long Island Iced Tea
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Just played Pro Evo 2009 from 9pm last night till 2am this morning.....damn it was motherfunky fun!

On start up you are greeted with a flashy type graphics user interface, while this may not be everybody tastes. The game from this point start to show some reminisce of the previous installation. Remember that song "I want go...go for the gold"? The never ending horrible song? It was included in this version as well lol. Okay so it is a minor issue and you can always turn down the music level if you don't wanna hear it.

Anyway, I went into the exhibition mode and played a couple of games and while I lost these games, I noticed there are massive improvement over the 2008 version and a very different game entirely from the demo version most people played - Tweaked to ooze out more smooth play and performance.

The animation is not the best when compared to fifa and it appears the players feets are some how running faster than they are actually moving - kinda like the road runner bird. I also noticed that the turning of players when changing directions is some how closer to 45Degrees perfect turn. This may seem odd in the first few games but you quickly learn to get use to it and wont even notice it.

Tackling is much more refined now and defenders do close down on any potential attackers. They also seem to have better intelligence and can "read" what one is about to do and quickly counter such action. This gives an impressive style of play and did caught me off guard as I lost my exhibition matches.

The Goal Keepers in the game are a bit random in performance in my observation. It appears that shot coming from an angle can easily go past them, than powerful direct shot. This may be one of the reasons some complained that the keeper is rubbish in this 2009 version. I personally think overall, they are doing are better job and do not parry the ball for opponent attackers to only rebound past them into the net.

The shooting mechanism and physics have been tweaked. It is tweaked in such a way that one have to learn the whole process all over again. This may make it less likely for people to score screamers from long distance. On comparison to 2008 version, I would say one need less power to get the shooting system right and bang on target.

Attackers in the game can no longer sprint past your defenders. So say goddbye to using cut backs and people like eto, henry, adriano et al to win in online matches suckers. You will have to go back to learning the basic if your game play rely on such tactics.

Other things I observed is that people like Drogba no longer do that silly leg over thing when turning to the other feet - He makes that funny turning in 2008, which makes it easier for defenders to take ball off him.

Shevchenko appears to be improved and faster, but his shooting accuracy is toned down a bit.

Rejoice if you are an Arsenal fan. The previous installation have under-rated us, however this version seems to have things balanced out. You can challenge team like Barca and still have a good game and win. The whole thing is more reflective of how things are in real life I think.

Okay now the online sides of things. I played several games last night and while it was excellent I did have a few lag. Now it must be noted that the servers are still in preparatory stages and wont go live until 1300hrs BST. Anyway, during my online play, there wasnt any slow down, teleporting and random and weird drop outs. However, I did encounter a new issue - it appear that the players switching on line is some what slow.

This morning, I fired it up again and guess what I was greeted with an update from Konami. I have no idea what this fixed, but I will think it is something to do with players update???? or some other unknown issues.

Overall the game is better and while it may not be what some will call a classic footy game, it is a step in the right direction and things will be way better than last year.
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Last edited by ElRazur; 16-10-2008 at 13:57.
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Old 16-10-2008, 13:52   #33
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It sounds like a band-aid for a bullet wound to be honest.
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Old 16-10-2008, 15:36   #34
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El, are all the players at their proper teams? Robinho at Man City, Berbatov at Man Utd, etc?

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Old 16-10-2008, 15:43   #35
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Robinho isn't at Man City. He may be at Manchester Blue though .
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Old 16-10-2008, 17:27   #36
Long Island Iced Tea
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Originally Posted by Davey_Pitch View Post
El, are all the players at their proper teams? Robinho at Man City, Berbatov at Man Utd, etc?
Nope it ain't up-to-date. However, there is an update coming out soon.

The update I had this morning was for something else. The one Knami promise to come soon will include more kits, up-to-date squad, and a few other licence apparently.

Shevchenko is still at chelsea, so is Wright Phillips etc.
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Old 16-10-2008, 17:46   #37
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Oh, fantastic work from Konami again I see. Released 2 weeks after Fifa with the wrong squads, yet Fifa gets them right.

And believe me, Konami have 'promised' fixes before.
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Old 16-10-2008, 17:58   #38
Long Island Iced Tea
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Originally Posted by NokkonWud View Post
Oh, fantastic work from Konami again I see. Released 2 weeks after Fifa with the wrong squads, yet Fifa gets them right.

And believe me, Konami have 'promised' fixes before.
I cannot defend that point. Konami on comparison to EA, appears they are taking the piss with their customers.

You know the online issue I mentioned, it appears a few people have experienced it as well. However, I wont jump into conclusion now as the server was fully operational from 1300hrs today.
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Old 17-10-2008, 13:00   #39
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Originally Posted by NokkonWud View Post
Loki just put together a mini review in the now playing thread.
Review of what dude. I had some router issues last few days so been on and of line quite a bit

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Old 17-10-2008, 15:32   #40
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Originally Posted by loki View Post
Review of what dude. I had some router issues last few days so been on and of line quite a bit
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