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Old 02-02-2009, 15:34   #611
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Southland Tales.

Watched it last night and I'm still unsure if I like it. A bit David Lynch and Coen Brothers like in that nothing really makes sense till the last quarter of the film. Lots of famous people and people who you know but can't place: Curtis Armstrong, Nora Dunn, Janeane Garofalo, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Beth Grant, Dwayne Johnson, Christopher Lambert, John Larroquette, John Lovitz, Mandy Moore, Miranda Richardson, Seann William Scott, Kevin Smith (although I don't remember seeing him), Justin Timberlake (who is quite good) and Eli Roth (allegedly).

Basic premise is, 2 nuclear bombs go off in Texas and America goes to war with pretty much everyone. Individual states erect armed military checkpoints at border cossing and the American military take over cyberspace with a computer called USIDent. Everything that you do and say is tracked and because of this Neo-Marxist groups spring up. It follows the story of Boxer Santaros, a famous actor and son of a presidential candidate (Dwane Johnson) who goes missing 1 day and turns up a couple of weeks later with Amnesia an idea for a new film.

That's all I can say without spoiling it.

Won't give it a score before watching it a second time.
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Old 02-02-2009, 19:52   #612
semi-pro waster
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  • Ben Affleck
  • Matt Damon
  • Linda Fiorentino
  • Chris Rock
Kevin Smith Film

8/10 I don't think this is quite the best View Askew film in terms of dialogue or story but it takes on a big subject matter and delivers with aplomb. One of those films that even if you don't agree with it should at least make you think and that puts it above a great number of films immediately.
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Old 03-02-2009, 02:11   #613
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Incredible Hulk
Not impressed at all. I wanted a semi mindless but entertaining couple of hours and tbh it was just uninteresting. No great set pieces but also I didn't find the story very compelling either. Seemed a waste of Ed Norton and Tim Roth. Best part was Downey Jr's very brief cameo really
Wish I'd rented Thick as Thieves instead.


Fingers crossed that Righteous Kill is better as I'm watching that tomorrow night
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Old 03-02-2009, 20:15   #614
Dark Star
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Gone Baby Gone - directed by Ben Affleck and starring his brother Casey

Absolutely brilliant: tense, well acted (if a bit American mumbly at times) and a plot that turns and changes when you least expect it!

Delayed a while in release due to the McCann affair.

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Old 03-02-2009, 20:40   #615
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Tropic Thunder


I really wasn't expecting much of this. I'd heard that Tom Cruise was very strange but funny, and Robert Downy Jr was good, but other than that nothing.

It is actually a seriously funny film. Superbly done, with great turns by all actors involved.. except Ben Stiller who is just Ben Stiller all over again. Picture him in Mystery Men et al and you've got the same character effectively.
Robert Downy Jr is incredible beyond description as "a dude, playing a dude who is pretending to be a dude." Tom Cruise is down right scary and awesome at the same time.

It's nothing groundbreaking story wise, we've seen it all before. A bunch of prima donna actors playing soldiers for a war movie, who end up unknowingly involved in a real fight, believing it's all being filmed reality TV style.

Well worth the watch for scary Tom Cruise alone
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Old 07-02-2009, 09:00   #616
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I watched this last night and really enjoyed it. The film is directed by Luc Beson(Leon & 5th element to name but a few) and stars Liam Neeson and Famke Janssen. The basics of the story are that a guy moves to live near his daughter from his broken marriage. In a show of trust he allows her to go to Paris with her friend. It all turns sour as soon as they get off the plane and end up being kidnapped by some Albanian pimps. Human trafficking and drug dealing are just some of the stand out lines on their CV

Cue Liam Neeson having 96 hours to get from LA to Paris to find his daughter before she is sold to the highest bidder. As an ex spy he uses all his ex contacts to aid his cause and so the story continues to it's natural conclusion.

A good film well acted but it's let down by a poor script. I was pleasantly suprised to see Neeson take on such an active role. Well worth watching for a friday night on rental


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Old 08-02-2009, 14:28   #617
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Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street

I've gotten used to the fact that Tim Burton makes disappointing live action films, but this is a new low. Ropey CGI, lumpy narrative and actually very bad songs from Danny Elfman. The only argument is whether it's actually worse than the Willy Wonka remake.

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- Chunks of Meaty Reviews, Mixed with Your Five a Day of News, Comment and Opinion, Floating in a Broth of Suspect Grammar and Seasoned Liberally with Mixed Metaphor. Tasty.
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Old 09-02-2009, 09:17   #618
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Marked for Death


Steven Segal 1990s action film (pre Under Siege)

Steven Segal is a newly retired undercover DEA agent, after his partner was killed in Columbia.
Goes home to discover Jamaican's spreading drugs "on de streeets, man".
Meets up with a buddy for drinks in a bar and ends up disabling a couple of Jamaican hitmen that were attacking some of the columbian drugs guys in the bar.
He is marked for death, they attack his sister and niece, so he decides to retaliate and hunt down "Screwface"

Let see.. Steven Segal film, so..

Is he highly skilled under cover ops guy? Yup
Laying down arms / retiring / whatever? Yup
Himself, family, or close friends threatened? Yup.
Predictable plot twists? Check.
Gratuitous nudity? Check, several instances.
Every hot chick finding him sexy? Check.
Fight sequences heavily focused on Aikido? Check.
Lots of glass around to either be thrown through or sat hard upon, or otherwise break? Check.

Pretty much your average Segal film. Better in that back in those days he was still fit enough to do a lot more fighting than in his more recent junk. Kari, her father and I were playing "Guess the plot" which was a bit of a no brainer really. Only stand out performance was Basil Wallace as Screwface, the big baddie of the film, a complete voodoo psychopath
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Old 09-02-2009, 22:48   #619
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the wrestler

8/10 but the ending really pissed me off :/
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Old 10-02-2009, 02:00   #620
A Place of Light
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Burn after reading.

Enjoyed it, mainly due to the way it portrays (or some may say gives a window into) the US security services.
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