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Old 25-09-2007, 12:30   #21
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I have a routine on Monday and Thursday when i have 9am lectures:
6:45am Wake up
Put on shower, go to toilet whilst waiting for it to get to temperature. Have shower get dried in bathroom, thump around room trying to locacate clothes from large pile on chair lay out on bed. Get underwear from drawer and then get dressed. Mum brings through cup of tea and i dry my hair whilst drinking the tea.
7:55am Start walk to bus stop
8:06am Get on bus
9am Arrive at lecture

Jim Garrahy's Fudge Kitchen

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Old 25-09-2007, 12:52   #22
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I don't really have a routine either, I tend to try and conserve as much time in bed as I can manage.

Though my routine would loosly consist of;

07:00 - alarm goes off
07:10 - finally get out of bed
07:15 - have shower
07:25 - brush teeth and get dressed (depending on my laziness I might still be in bed at this point)
07:30 - feed minions..sorry animals
07:35 - prepare lunch (if there is anything in to take) - if not read BD.
07:45 - realise I should have left and get stuff together
07:50 - find car keys and house keys
08:00 - dash to car and try to get into work on time.
"Dr Sheldon Cooper FTW!"
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Old 25-09-2007, 14:13   #23
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05:30 - Alarm 1 goes off, press power button on pc or laptop and the snooze button. Automated processes run
06:00 - Alarm 1 goes off again, followed by Alarm 2. I check e-mails and any problems before I get to work, I also run any reports that will take a long time to run
06:30 - BBC world news
06:45 - Breakfast
07:00 - Shower
07:15 - Get dressed
07:30 - Leave for work
08:00 - Arrive at work
08:05 - Order bacon roll for 11 and JP for lunch
08:10 - Fight through crowds of people telling me their problems
08:20 - Nervous breakdown 1

Originally Posted by Piggy
HAHAHAHA !!!! .. perhaps I should try my bum instead *ponders*
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Old 25-09-2007, 14:28   #24
Reverse SuBo
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Originally Posted by Blackstar View Post
Put on shower, go to toilet whilst waiting for it to get to temperature.
I do this too... very bad for the environment and my water bill (but its split between all the flats in the block anyway) except I brush my teeth instead of having a wizz

6.30 alarm goes off
6.40 alarm goes off again
6.50 alarm goes off again
7.00 alarm goes off again
7.15 Rob's alarm goes off...should get up but don't
7.20 alarm goes off again and REALLY have to get up
7.21 put kettle on
7.22 go to loo
7.23 make tea and coffee
7.24 Turn on shower and brush teeth
7.26 I use shower/Rob irons shirt
7.33 I do lenses and make up/Rob showers
7.36 drink tea/coffee
7.41 get changed
7.55 leave for station
8.05 catch train
8.20 arrive London Bridge/catch bus
8.45 arrive work/check BD etc etc and eat breakie

BB x
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Old 25-09-2007, 14:45   #25
Dr Cocktapuss
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Don't really have any routines, bar get up, go to work, go to lunch, do more work, go home.

I suppose my weekly routine is best described as:

Between 7:00-8:00 - wake up/get up/shower/dress/eat breakfast plus general pottering around depending on when I get up (latest usually 7:45)

Between 8:05 and 8:15 - leave house to get the 8:24 or 8:32 train to work.
9am - 1pm - work
1pm-1:30 to 2pm - out at lunch
2pm-6pm onwards depending on whether I'm finished for the day or taking work home, sometimes as late as 10pm sometimes 6pm on the dot.
Go home and eat/watch TV/play on computer if I'm not out somewhere in London village have after-work drinks!

Don't really have any responsibilities or places I need to be at certain times bar work, it's quite nice
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Old 25-09-2007, 15:19   #26
BBx woz 'ere :P
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I never really have a routine for any aspect of my life. Especially in my old job like Burble - travelling meant I could **** off any idea of planning anything.

As of now, the only thing I routinely do is get up at 5am during the week and go to bed at about 11pm. I have breakfast - that is my only routine I have to eat first thing in the morning.

Otherwise everything else in between is however I take it. I don't need routine as I can function without it and I find life easier that way.
No No!
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Old 25-09-2007, 15:25   #27
ex SAS
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I find it very hard to believe that anyone who gets up at the same time each day and goes out at the same time each day hasn't settled into a repetitive routine for their morning activities.
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Old 25-09-2007, 15:26   #28
Admiral Huddy
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Consistently inconsistent !!!

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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Old 25-09-2007, 15:35   #29
Dr. Z
I'm going for a scuttle...
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I get out of bed 10 minutes after the last possible moment I could wake up to get where I need to get to on time. Dash to the bathroom to empty my bladder and brush my teeth (I don't bother with a shave 99.9% of the time).

Everything after that happens in whatever order I happen to stumble across it until the point I am walking down the hallway towards the front door, when I pat my pockets in order: Phone, Keys, Wallet.
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Old 25-09-2007, 15:38   #30
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Think I already answered this one Huddy

Originally Posted by Dymetrie
I get up when I want, except on weekdays when I'm rudely awoken by the alarm that I set (dymlife)
I have some coffe, smoke a cigarette and run out of the house to catch my train (dymlife)
Seriously though...

6am - Radio turns on.
6.10am - Alarm goes off, I get up, pull on trousers.
6.11am - Wee, wash, brush hair and teeth
6.20am - Make coffee
6.25am - Smoke and read BD
6.35am - Put in contact lenses then read e-mails and browse other intermaweb stuffs...
6.45am - Drink coffee
6.55am - Put on shoes, pick up keys/phone/travelcard/ID/headphones, put on coat
6.57am - Leave the house...

Khef, Ka and Ka-Tet....
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