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Old 22-11-2007, 08:29   #21
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He never should have got the job in the first place, if he can't bloody help Middlesbrough how on earth is he going to help a national team.
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Old 22-11-2007, 09:07   #22
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At the end of the day - even with the team he picked, they should have done better. They showed no heart and put in a terrible performance.

Sack him and sack them. Then redistribute the savings made by not paying said players into the economy
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Old 22-11-2007, 09:11   #23
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Originally Posted by Feek View Post
So why is it that the manager is the person who gets slated? Why don't the press rip the crap out of the team who are the people who got the actual result?

I've been wondering this for a while and nobody has yet been able to give me an answer that makes sense.
Football is about more than about just the players on the pitch. As much as I don't like the sport, there is a hefty amount of tactics behind it just like with any/most sports. The Manager of any team has to decide which players to put on the pitch, their strengths and weaknesses, who they'll instinctively work best with and which formation to use that would most take advantage of it. They have to anticipate the decisions of the opposing manager too, try to anticipate who the team will be up against on the pitch, what tactics they're going to be playing, what strengths and weaknesses there are in the other team.
The Manager sets the training plan for the team working with the coach, putting emphasis on different aspects of the game, e.g. set pieces, ball skills, general fitness and so on.
A good example from the last world cup, when Sven in his omniscience decided to play a 4-1-4-1 formation, when up until that point he'd been training and playing 4-4-2, and most players were used to that. All of a sudden Wayne Rooney was stuck way up the front with no support, waiting for players to feed him a ball so he could try and get a goal. The opposing teams knew exactly who to mark, and how to debilitate England. Keep the ball away from Rooney and things were a lot harder.
The difference between a good manager and a bad one is huge. If it wasn't you wouldn't see them earning anywhere near the amount they do, nor would you see teams desperate to hold onto the good managers. Sure a good part comes down to the players on the pitch, but if you're suddenly playing out of position under bosses orders, or are playing to specific set pieces and instructions given by the manager, there is little you can do.

England has for a long, long time been a quarter-final football team. To not even qualify for the European cup when there are still talented players on the pitch suggests something more significant is going wrong, especially when they lose to teams like Russia.
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Old 22-11-2007, 09:15   #24
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
Almost as annoying however, are the people on this forum who insist on posting even though they have no opinion, or no interest in the subject. It happens in nearly every thread to do with sport or TV and it's just not necessary. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but when it's the same each time and we know what it is without even reading, it just gets boring.
I can have an opinion without any real interest in the subject, there's nowt wrong with that and I think I've hardly made any real comments about football in the past apart from stuff similar to the 'overpaid twats' bit. This is the first time I've ever gone any deeper and asked the question which I've been pondering for a number of years.

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Old 22-11-2007, 09:24   #25
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I told Davey last night they were going to lose. I don't claim to be a huge football fan and I can't tell you how they can improve but they need to sort it out!

Players say it means so much to them, so if they get knocked out, they don't get paid. Just give them that extra push. I don't just mean the players, I think the manager should have terms like that too!

Just gives me a bit of a meh feeling really :/

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Old 22-11-2007, 09:30   #26
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Old 22-11-2007, 09:41   #27
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
its more the 'who cares' (sorry dym ) and the 'i dont watch football/watch tv because its rubbish' posts that just get boring because they appear in almost every thread now and add nothing except post counts.
It may come as a surprise, but I actually like football and thoroughly enjoy a good game.

Unfortunately it's been quite some time since the England team have provided us with even a half decent game.

Apologies for being caustic in my previous post.

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Old 22-11-2007, 09:49   #28
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An opinion is an opinion, it's easily ignored if people want to ignore it. A subject always has more than one side of a story. I agree (and I'm guilty of this too) that a one off 2 word comment doesn't help but anyone's opinion is allowed and accepted on this forum, but a debated comment like Feek's is unconditionally and unequivocally acceptable. I understand the frustration maybe that some people are excited about certain things that other's aren't, if someone makes a negative comment, either try and address the issues and convince the person that it's not that bad, or just ignore the negative comment. People will judge people, you can't help it, so comments are just the same they will happen. There is a bit of snob in all of us - it's life.
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Old 22-11-2007, 09:53   #29
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I don't like it much, but I did watch it and thought it was OK-ish, the come back was certainly exciting starting with the penalty and I also though the Crouch goal showed a lot of skill but I have trouble getting really excited about football in general.

Feek I think the manager plays quite a big part in creating a team who will work well together, I presume its all about compatibility, bit like a chef choosing ingredients, if you cock up the mix then certain ingredients won't work well together, he certainly seemed to choose a lot of untested ingredients but all the nice stuff was out of season (injured) so I think he was a bit limited.

I do regret how much publicity football gets though, there are so many other sports which are just as worthy for funding and/ or publicity but even when our athletes continuously compete and often win at the highest level our papers only seem to be interested in Beckham's latest tattoo and if we can repeat the '66 victory


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Old 22-11-2007, 09:58   #30
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To be perfectly honest, all though sacking him seems to be the obvious answer, it's like sticking a plaster on an infected wound. The damage is much deeper.

The problem that English football faces is the abundance of foreign players now playing in the premiership and the the lack of English players breaking through both here and abroad. The selection is becoming more and more restricted.

When you look at Germans, Italians, etc.. their top players are present in their respective domestic leagues and leagues abroad. English players don't have the same amount of exposure and presence.. I think theis was illustrated by the fact that brought on two Tottenham subsitutes for Englands front line.

We have to allow more English players in at the top end or last nights dissapointment will only become a common occurance.

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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