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Old 04-12-2007, 01:11   #1
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Default Meh of mammoth proportions

I'm getting CS gassed tomorrow


...faster you naughty little monkey!
Running through hell, heaven can wait!
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Old 04-12-2007, 01:19   #2
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Ewwww nasty!
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Old 04-12-2007, 01:21   #3
Reverse SuBo
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No hot showers, rubbing or anything hot!!!

BB x
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Old 04-12-2007, 01:22   #4
Screaming Orgasm
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Ooh, delightful. Not. Good idea to take contacts out if you wear them (CS and contacts do not a good mix make), and agree with BBx's comments too - rubbing makes it worse. Apparently cow's milk helps clear the vision if not the rest of the effects.

Going to get tasered too?
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Old 04-12-2007, 01:47   #5
BBx woz 'ere :P
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Have you prepared by spending time with Jamie? Should help.
No No!
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Old 04-12-2007, 02:03   #6
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Mmm spicy!

Do you still use CS down there?

TVP have CapTor, it makes me cough when they bring one in who's been marinated in the stuff.

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Old 04-12-2007, 02:05   #7
Dr. Z
I'm going for a scuttle...
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A quick google turned up this:

You will line up in a group (usually 5 to 15 recruits) outside of the gas chamber door. Your group will be asked to file into the gas chamber. Once inside the gas chamber you will be joined by a Drill Sergeant (or several of them). The room will be very foggy. The fog you see is CS gas, and you may smell it slightly through your mask. You will see a Drill Sergeant with a coffee can next to a table. This coffee can will have a flame inside -- this is the CS gas burning. A Drill Sergeant will touch your shoulder, and ask you to lift your mask and state your name, rank and social security number. Many recruits get nervous and forget the answers to these simple questions. If you remain calm, you will do fine.

As the Drill Sergeants touch your shoulder take in a deep breath, close your eyes, lift your mask, answer the questions in one breath, put your mask back on, and clear the mask. This part of the gas chamber is not difficult if you stay calm. However, over the years, Drill Sergeants have learned that recruits accomplish this without inhaling any CS gas. The Drill Sergeants want you to inhale the gas, and recognize the importance of chemical gear. Therefore, after your whole group is finished stating their name, rank and social security number, they will ask you to take off your mask and file out in order without closing your eyes.

The Treatment
As you are exiting the gas chamber, your eyes will fill with water, and mucous will fill your lungs and face. The best treatment is air. Immediately upon exiting the gas chamber, you should open your eyes. This will seem like a hard task under the circumstances, but keeping your eyes open in fresh air will allow any discomfort to dissipate very quickly. I cannot emphasize enough to not touch your eyes. You will no doubt feel the urge, but touching and/or rubbing your eyes is the worst thing you can do. Take deep breaths of air with your arms over your head, and you will be surprised how quickly the CS leaves your system. In less than a minute you will be nearly, if not, 100 percent better.
Its about the army but it cant be too dissimilar, can it?
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Old 04-12-2007, 04:04   #8
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Originally Posted by Captor decontamination
14. Aftercare

After an offender is restrained the officer will:
  • Reassure the offender as to the temporary effects of the irritant
  • Prevent the person rubbing their eyes or face as this will increase the effects of the irritant
  • Instruct the subject to breath normally which will aid recovery and prevent hyperventilation
  • Solvent seen on exposed skin can be rinsed off with cool water. NEVER USE WARM WATER
  • Exposure to fresh air will normally result in complete recovery within 10 – 15 minutes. Prisoners would be handcuffed with hands behind their backs providing the restraint method used and the physical position of the prisoner does not affect breathing. DO NOT LEAVE OR TRANSPORT A PRISONER IN A PRONE, FACE DOWN POSITION.
  • Inform the FCC that the aerosol incapacitant has been discharged, allowing medical examination by a Police Surgeon or Custody Nurse upon arrival. ALL PERSONS MUST BE EXAMINED.
  • Monitor the prisoner from time of arrest and during transportation until the effects have worn off. NB: EYE IRRIGATION WILL ONLY BE UNDERTAKEN BY A POLICE SURGEON OR A CUSTODY NURSE.
  • Contaminated clothing will be replaced.

Officers will pay particular attention to persons:
  • Who are obese;
  • Who are known to be under the influence of drugs and / or alcohol;
  • On whom the use of the aerosol incapacitant appeared to be ineffective;
  • Exhibiting bizarre / violent behaviour;
  • Experiencing breathing difficulties.

A person who displays an abnormal reaction to the spray, i.e. collapse, excessive breathing distress, etc MUST be taken from the scene to the nearest Accident & Emergency Unit.


Persons wearing contact lenses may experience greater discomfort. Allow them to remove their lenses at the earliest opportunity. This will only be done by the individual, an optician or medical practitioner. Advise such a person that exposure to the aerosol incapacitant may cause damage to certain types of lenses and individuals who experience problems after normal cleaning should consult an optician.

Continue to monitor the subject throughout the recovery period. If the prisoner is detained in a cell they will be subject to the same cell supervision provided for prisoners who have consumed alcohol or drugs. If there are any adverse signs or unusual reactions, then obtain medical attention immediately.

If the subject requests it or if symptoms persist beyond 45 minutes, additional medical attention will be provided. This may include the recall of a medical practitioner or taking the subject to a hospital.

Until a full recovery is made, the subject MUST be supervised.

In addition to the medical treatment for a detained person as given previously, a custody officer must ensure that when a detained person has been sprayed with aerosol incapacitant:
  • The detained person is given a form 1810, (Advice on aerosol incapacitant Contamination) before release from custody;
  • That an entry is made on the custody record that form 1810 was given and the detained person should be invited to sign the custody record.

An officer who believes that a person who has not been arrested, has been contaminated with aerosol incapacitant spray, MUST ensure that:
  • The person is given the form 1810;
  • That a record is made in the pocket notebook of the officer giving the notice and the person contaminated is invited to sign the Note Book.

An officer who uses aerosol incapacitant spray in any premises must ensure that:
  • The owner / occupier of the premises are given a form 1810 before the officers leave the premises;
  • Where aerosol incapacitant is sprayed inside any premises which are then left unattended a form 1810 must be left clearly displayed;
  • A record is to be made in the pocket notebook of the officer who gives a form 1810 to an owner / occupier or leaves a form 1810 in unoccupied premises, including where the form 1810 was left.
May be more appropriate?

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Old 04-12-2007, 08:04   #9
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Originally Posted by DRZ View Post
A quick google turned up this:
Its about the army but it cant be too dissimilar, can it?
I _think_ its done in a role play situation? At least using a spray can rather than walking into a gas chamber

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Old 04-12-2007, 08:36   #10
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After what I ate last night, me been gassed all night
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