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Old 06-02-2008, 23:44   #1
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Default My card got skimmed :-(

Tonight I got back home from work to check my savings account and thinking there should over £600 in there only £15 came up. Im not sure if it has been skimmed but someone has managed to copy my card and use it in an atm.

I phoned up Yorkshire and they confirmed this balance, and I questioned whether my dd of £300 went in on the 1st and she replied "Yes but then also on the 1st £250 was withdrawn from an atm, then £150 on the same night...the next day £100 and yesterday £40 tried to be withdrawn but we stopped it"

I havnt touched my savings account card for a while now and it can only be used at an atm link or at the bank. Over the past week £550 has been stolen from my account

The women said its odd as only £250 a day can be taken out yet it let £400 go out in one day, and even though they stopped a payment they didnt bother informing me and she cant tell me the location of the cash point it got taken from.

They have sent me a form in the post to fill out and I should get it back but Im low enough for cash as it is and thats my travelling money thank god iv pushed travels on 6 mths or I'd be screwed.

gahhh *lots of harsh swear words aimed at the idiots who did this*

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Old 06-02-2008, 23:44   #2
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Ouch, bad luck
I'm surprised they wouldn't tell you where the cash was withdrawn from although I guess it wouldn't help you much anyway :/
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Old 06-02-2008, 23:49   #3
Screaming Orgasm
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Data Protection. :/

I had £2800 disappear off a card over Christmas 2005. One of the transactions on the card was for the London Congestion Charge, which you'd think could be tied to a car registration number and then the address. Mind you, using low-value transactions like that to 'test the water' is a common tactic. The rest of the transactions involved at least one holiday booked on

They didn't tell me either, but as it was over Christmas and I'd spotted the problem within 7 days, they wouldn't have had the chance. Whoever it was tried to book more holiday stuff after I'd stopped the card too. :/

I had the same procedure - sign a declaration that you didn't make the transactions and they were reversed within a few days. Sounds like Yorkshire have accepted it as fraudulent though which is good news (having to prove you didn't make the transactions is a PITA).
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Old 06-02-2008, 23:52   #4
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But surely it'd appear on their transaction history and they'd say 'there was a cashpoint withdrawal from this location'?
Was always the case with Lloyds TSB at least. Obviously they wouldn't be able to tell you anymore than the name of the cashpoint though such as time etc.

Makes perfect sense they wouldn't be able to call you when it was rejected though, that's always down to waiting till the customer phones up to complain a payment's been rejected.
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Old 06-02-2008, 23:54   #5
Vodka Martini
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That sucks :/

Glad youre getting it back though, it would be such a shame if it had ruined your travel plans.
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Old 06-02-2008, 23:55   #6
Screaming Orgasm
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Actually, I have had fraud departments call me to verify transactions (I made several small internet transactions within a very short time). I wasn't at home at the time problems happened to me so they wouldn't have been able to call anyway.

As for the transactions, yes, it might show up on a statement, but data protection pedantry still applies.
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Old 06-02-2008, 23:56   #7
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Originally Posted by Mark View Post
As for the transactions, yes, it might show up on a statement, but data protection pedantry still applies.
Evidently Lloyds TSB must break those laws then whenever a customer asks for a transaction history
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Old 07-02-2008, 00:05   #8
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I had Natwest Fraud dept call me up yesterday to verify a transaction on my Visa card, as I'd not made any purchases on it for well over 6 months. They said the request had literally just been made, and wanted to know whether they should allow it or decline it. Needless to say I was very impressed.

As for you Holly, that sucks royally. Hope you get the money back without too many problems

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Old 07-02-2008, 00:06   #9
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Originally Posted by Davey_Pitch View Post
I had Natwest Fraud dept call me up yesterday to verify a transaction on my Visa card, as I'd not made any purchases on it for well over 6 months. They said the request had literally just been made, and wanted to know whether they should allow it or decline it. Needless to say I was very impressed.
That is good going I wish HSBC had done that for me, would have saved me a lot of hassle last year. :/
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Old 07-02-2008, 00:57   #10
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Very sorry to hear that.

My girlfriend's debit card was nicked out of her purse by a clever little **** in a pub a few years ago. Her handbag was down by her feet; he kicked it over and her mobile and purse fell out of the top. He picked up her mobile (and swiped her debit card out of her purse at the same time), tapped her on the shoulder and said "Sorry, I kicked your bag over and your phone fell out - here you go" which immediately made her think "Cheers" rather than "Thieving card-lifting bastard" so she didn't check to see if her card was there until the following day by which time he/they'd used it to make about £500 worth of online purchases.

Thankfully when we reported it to our bank (A&L) they sent us a form to sign to say that none of the transactions were ours and then refunded the whole amount.

Hope you get it sorted.
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