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Old 23-02-2008, 12:01   #1
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Default How important is it that food looks good?

I don't mean the final dish. It's always nice to present food in an attractive way and even the simplest of dishes can look good if a little thought and care are taken over the presentation.

I mean the raw ingredients. If you go into a supermarket, all of the packaged foods are packaged in a way in which the manufacturer thinks will make it most appealing to customers, this is easy to understand. What I would like to know is, how much our decisions are swayed by the way in which the contents are presented?

Also, fruit and veg. In most supermarkets and greengrocers I have been to in the UK, you never see any blemishes on the produce. Take oranges for instance; every orange in the supermarket is a uniform size, shape and colour and not a mark on it - most of them are waxed to make them look more appealing. I've just eaten the orange below which I got from the galley on board the rig. It was one of the sweetest, juiciest oranges I have ever tasted - far better than any I've had back home. As you can see, it's not the prettiest orange in the world and would have been rejected by the majority of the supermarkets in the UK.

(That's actually quite a flattering photo - it looked a lot scabbier in real life).

Do we, to a certain extent, value appearance over flavour when it comes to ingredients? Who can honestly say they haven't by-passed a piece of fruit or veg or meat simply because the one next to it looked more appealing?

Obviously I'm not trying to say that unnattractive ingredients will automatically taste better but are we too fussy when it comes to how our ingredients look?

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Old 23-02-2008, 12:07   #2
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
but if it's covered in clingfilm or shrinkwrap, then appearance is all we have to go on really.

The same does apply to finished meals as well - my presentation skills suck majorly; something like a lasagne will fall apart as soon as I go to dish it up not had any complaints yet though *touch wood*
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Old 23-02-2008, 12:23   #3
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I just think of shopping in Cyprus. The fruit and veg all come from farms just down the road - they are all odd shapes and sizes, all smell fresh and have lots of little blemishes. Somehow good quality fresh fruit/veg just looks nice no matter how it's presented. They haven't really discovered cling film over there, it's great you just pick what you want.

I don't like it when supermarkets clingfilm everything, or reject funny looking apples or bananas - and I much prefer the "help yourself" style.

That orange looks great - it wouldn't have lasted than long around me!
No No!
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Old 23-02-2008, 12:40   #4
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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Originally Posted by Will View Post
I just think of shopping in Cyprus. The fruit and veg all come from farms just down the road - they are all odd shapes and sizes, all smell fresh and have lots of little blemishes. Somehow good quality fresh fruit/veg just looks nice no matter how it's presented. They haven't really discovered cling film over there, it's great you just pick what you want.

I don't like it when supermarkets clingfilm everything, or reject funny looking apples or bananas - and I much prefer the "help yourself" style.

That orange looks great - it wouldn't have lasted than long around me!
If I'm buying fruit and veg in the supermarket, I avoid clingfilmed stuff wherever possible - If it's wrapped up, I always wonder why they felt the need - are they trying to hide something? Does it have no smell or something?

I have another one I'm keeping for later. The oranges out here are so good just now, I'm eating 4-5 a day - I'll be turning orange soon

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Old 23-02-2008, 13:11   #5
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I think we have gone through a period when we did choose appearance over quality of flavour. Trouble is the quality has lowered at the expense of appearance especially with fruit. I will normally choose fruit that feels right and smells good, as long as it's not bruised or damaged it's fine by me. Meat I really think ought to have pictures of farmyard animals on it. I swear a lot of people think it comes from plastic boxes and not from baa baa black sheep or moo cow.

I noticed what Will said about produc in Cyprus, the fruit and veg is all out of shape but it's lush smelling and you know it's going to be packed with flavour.

Once it's on the plate it's another matter. Make a meal look nice as well and it can make it twice as good
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Old 23-02-2008, 13:20   #6
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i get funny looks smelling fruit and veg in the supermarket
we're looking for a local farm shop to buy from at the mo - but for me, it's about fresh, local food (no air miles in my veg thank you very much), that tastes great - i would rather have an ugly delicious apple, than a pretty and tasteless apple
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Old 23-02-2008, 13:46   #7
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Originally Posted by goldilocks View Post
i get funny looks smelling fruit and veg in the supermarket
we're looking for a local farm shop to buy from at the mo - but for me, it's about fresh, local food (no air miles in my veg thank you very much), that tastes great - i would rather have an ugly delicious apple, than a pretty and tasteless apple
That's pretty much what I was getting at. Most of the fruit out here isn't pretty, it has blemishes and is often misshapen but, for the most part, is juicy and delicious. Back home, supermarket fruit and veg tends to look good but is quite often bland and dry.

I agree with the air miles thing too - I went to the local Morrison's when I was living in Peterhead and fancied some apples. I wasn't expecting anything too local considering where I was but was looking to find some nice English apples. I couldn't find a single apple that was grown in the UK Some were from as far away as Chile ffs. I'm not a rabid environmentalist by any stretch of the imagination but flying apples from South America to the North of Scotland is, frankly, taking the piss. Needless to say, I had no apples that day.

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Old 23-02-2008, 14:03   #8
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Originally Posted by Bigstan View Post
I'm not a rabid environmentalist by any stretch of the imagination but flying apples from South America to the North of Scotland is, frankly, taking the piss. Needless to say, I had no apples that day.
this week we had no salad - because it all came from spain - we have the ability to grow under glass all year round in the uk - so why do we still import?

isn't there a silly statistic that 'a kiwi fruit used more than it's own weight in aviation fuel to get to the uk' - how daft
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Old 23-02-2008, 14:20   #9
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
they do have ports and boats in Spain/England/Scotland you know. Not everything is flown over!
Really? OMG

They also have ports and boats in Chile and New Zealand but they don't put fruit for the UK on them.

Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
In a lot of cases, fruit/veg etc are put onto planes already travelling to that destination either for post/parcels/freight etc.
I'm sure they are - and I'm equally sure that there are dedicated flights from ridiculously far away, just to satisfy our desire for produce from ridiculously far away.

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Old 23-02-2008, 14:30   #10
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We don't grow cherries in Scotland because it's easier to fly them over on planes.

What Goldilocks and I were referring to specifically was the shocking fact that things which are relatively easy to grow in this country were imported ridiculous distances.

We can't grow bananas easily in this country so it makes sense to import them. We can (and do) grow delicious apples in this country yet I couldn't buy one from closer than Spain in a British supermarket. That's just bloody ridiculous.

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