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Old 07-03-2008, 08:57   #131
Deep Throat
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Hello hello!

Yeh the categories bit, whichever one you're on we're gonna make it more obvious! But for the time being it's just as it stands until we can get other stuff done (the request page at some point but there's niggly bits still being updated!) (me being fussy basically )

What might have to happen with NEws is to make the writing box larger and then turn it into a scrolly job (so current news up top, other news stories below but as a linky so when you click on them the full story opens up)

Am so god damn chuffed though! Really am!
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Old 08-03-2008, 02:22   #132
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Good for you pheebs, nice to see you all pleased And no reason not to be at an excellent job like that! All sounds excellent Jasper, obviously in good hands anyways Keep us up to date as the site progress'
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Old 01-04-2008, 17:06   #133
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Okie pokie!

We're nearly there people!

Jasper has worked his ARSE off for me - he is the website God with no butt cheeks now.

He's just finalising a few bits this week and poss next week (though I know it's getting on his tats now so he wants to finish it asap) but then it will be done!

He's done this AWESOME control panelly type thing for me to use (it's AYMAYZING) so I will be able to update pictures and texts pipsqueekly and actually understand what I am doing without wanting to cry! HURRAH!

He's also just finishing the requests page bit.

However. There's been a hiccup. Which I didn't forsee but stupidly should have asked around more prior to sending him the final mock up.

Basically, I showed a few people before Jasper did it and they were like "yeh it's great"... so I asked no questions and let him spend HOURS on it this weekend (like a millennium on it). When I saw the mock up I thought "WOOOOOOOOW it RULLLLLLES" but upon showing it to other people I was told there were problems

You can go looky at the mock up here but below there should be a screen saver of it.

People liked it but pointed out the that with a growing database, there will be no easy way to get to the last pages of drawings as you have to scroll through each 15 lines at a time. This means people wont be bothered to scroll through them and look at all the pictures.

This kinda made me go Noooooooooooo and Ragh and upon telling Jasper.. well I'm expecting a little red dot to appear on my forehead in a minute and hear a kablam.

Listening to people I realised that I had made a fundamental error (one which I should have figured out before) and quickly have mocked up the following idea.

Just curious to know what people think of that?

It's more than annoying for Jasper as he spent a lot of time doing the one prior so I really want to make sure that what we eventually change it to be will be absolutely spot on - thus less trouble for Jasper.

As said to Jasper over tinterweb, I am massively sorry I didn't see this coming and am gutted and feel awful We'll figure something out in the future but as long as you know I'm not titting around with this on purpose - I've just been severely dumb and wasn't up to scratch with market research.

I wub woo lots Jasper. And Charlotte - great choice in colour for the bars
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Old 01-04-2008, 18:35   #134
Screaming Orgasm
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Firstly, Jasper has done a fab job for you and anyone who has been in the industry will know problems like this happen. I've been in situations where entire projects that have taken several people three or more years work ended up getting scrapped completely due to an unexpected change of plans. Trust me, frustrations like this turn into a needle in a haystack when that happens.

OK - just a few more tweaks I hadn't thought of when pondering this over MSN.

In the new date panel you've highlighted the month and year, so could you think of any way to shorten the dates to give more room for the requests themselves in the requests panel (it's essentially repeating information). In fact, how much do the dates really matter?

Once I realised what the scrolly thing was down the side and how to use it (I tried dragging on the star first) I quite liked the effect as it lets you know how far through you are, but the redesigned one is more in keeping with what the gallery does and doesn't have the problem with the non-draggable star, so dunno there.

Otherwise, even though I admit I didn't spot the problem until you told me, I agree with the general idea behind the changes. If the requests section does end up getting big then adding a search facility there in future might help (same goes for the gallery).

Looking forward to trying it all out for real.
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Old 01-04-2008, 18:56   #135
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I'm going to do some drawings tonight of ideas to maximise the space. The problem I can see is that there's a lot of space being taken up by the request box. The way I see it is the focus will be taken off that, with a link to make it pop up (like the request items do now) so that more space can be spent on the fulfilled requests.

I've spoken to Pheebs and I think we've agreed that this will be for a near future version of the site, so things are going to stay the same for the short term.
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Old 01-04-2008, 19:38   #136
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Originally Posted by Jasper View Post
I've spoken to Pheebs and I think we've agreed that this will be for a near future version of the site, so things are going to stay the same for the short term.
Makes sense. Get it up and running now and then make improvements over time.
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Old 01-04-2008, 19:42   #137
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Old 01-04-2008, 20:55   #138
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Makes sense on both counts.

Taking the focus away from the request box may well be a good thing in general actually as one would hope it might encourage visitors to look at existing requests first (which I'd argue is what they should be doing).
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Old 01-04-2008, 22:57   #139
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There will be a bum cheeks inspired card, won't there?

I really hope so

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Old 01-04-2008, 23:16   #140
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