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Old 10-09-2008, 12:52   #61
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People who can not alter their language and behaviour accordingly for the circumstance. People act differently when with different groups of people and thats fine, but some people seem completely incapable of doing it. They also don't even seem to understand why they should.

You know the sort.... You go to a restaurant on a Saturday lunchtime and the place is filled with families having a nice lunch. Mum, Dad, little kiddies and grand parents. Then a bunch of young people come in and sit at a table really close by being loud and lairy. All seemingly incapable of uttering at least one sentence without saying *******, ****, ******* and the like. Telling tales of how ******* hillarious it was seeing one of their mates spewing in the street or who ****** the ugliest ***** and had to run away before they woke up this morning. Commenting on how 'well ******* tasty' the food is.

I really don't get that. It's not like I never swear, but do these people not understand there is a line?
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Old 10-09-2008, 15:51   #62
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Mubs that is something that really bothers Faysh and I.

We get kids like that at the park and we tell them straight that its not on and that the C word infront of kids is out of order and they should know better.
FFS Its not big and its not clever.
We kept telling them to stop swearing in the park or we'd call police as there was loads of small kids and although Josh wouldn't repeat it I can't say that the other children wouldn't.
I know that Georgie would have as she isn't old enough to know its a bad word.
Anyways this girl said there is nothing the police can do its a free country.
So Faysh told them exactly what they would get charged with if police got involved.
made them shut up until we left park and a few decided to start swearing loudly and being idiots.
Iain got phone out and rang speaking clock lol and they ran faster than we could say boo lol

Kids today tut tut
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Old 10-09-2008, 22:29   #63
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I dont get clothes sizes in shops and how they work them out.

How can u go in and try on a pair of jeans and it fit fine.
Tehn try on another pair, of the same brand, but slightly different style, and the SAME SIZE doesnt fit?


and annoying!
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Old 10-09-2008, 23:45   #64
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Originally Posted by Olibubble View Post
I dont get clothes sizes in shops and how they work them out.

How can u go in and try on a pair of jeans and it fit fine.
Tehn try on another pair, of the same brand, but slightly different style, and the SAME SIZE doesnt fit?


and annoying!
Just to rub salt in the wound. Went to Next after work as I needed some new jeans and they are the only ones that seem to fit me right. 3 different pairs, all the same size and they all fit the same
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Old 10-09-2008, 23:57   #65
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Originally Posted by Wossi View Post
Just to rub salt in the wound. Went to Next after work as I needed some new jeans and they are the only ones that seem to fit me right. 3 different pairs, all the same size and they all fit the same
next is even gayer.
I dont care what the label says, the size they say it is isnt the size it is.

I'm just going to sulk

also.... another jeans gayness....

regular length that is too short, and long length that is almost too long.

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Old 11-09-2008, 00:27   #66
Dr. Z
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Originally Posted by Admiral Huddy View Post
American Football ???

Why on earth they get all excited about making 10 yards, then bring a whole new team on, then have a break, then bring the other team back on.. .. then they have to have the padding etc to make them look tough.. Have the Amricans not ever seen Rubgy Union? .... And the obvious of course of why it's called Football when it isn't... The fact that they have cheer leaders is self admiting that it's so boring, the crowd needs waking up by a bunch of screamming school girls jumping around showing their knickers making older men watching feel like a bunch of pervs..

Hmm, not sure I agree with you here!

American Football is only called American Football in the same way what we call Rugby is really called Rugby Football (and "football" is really Association Football, hence Soccer).

American Football tackles are SIGNIFICANTLY harder than Rugby tackles - if they didn't wear the padding they do, they wouldn't last a season. You just don't see the sort of tackles you see in AF in Rugby, its a totally different approach to stopping the ball.

The whole 4 teams thing is a bit strange to get your head around but it actually makes a lot of sense, AF is way, way more strategic and mentally challenging than Rugby, there are a vast number of plays and then variations on each of those plays and each team member needs to know exactly which one is being played and what to do. Its so complex that you need to be either one or the other, learning both would just be stupid.

I don't know if you've ever watched a full AF match (perhaps the Superbowl?) but if you did watch one with someone who knew what was going on you'd see it was actually a really, really good sport to watch - not perhaps for second-by-second drama but for the analytical parts of it and the last-second hail mary plays that really get you on the edge of your seat.
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Old 11-09-2008, 07:47   #67
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Originally Posted by Garp View Post
Golfers manage to hit the ball every single round

You need to play golf with Picky and I...
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Old 11-09-2008, 08:13   #68
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Originally Posted by Admiral Huddy View Post
Actually, I don't get why people smoke and what they get out of it? I tried it once, like you do, and nearly died.. I'm confussed by this.
I have this arguement with my brother and sister who both smoke. If I knew there was a chance that chocolate would give me lung cancer I would give it up in a heartbeat, but they dont seem to see the logic in it. Despite the fact that the health problems that my grandad had for the last 25 years of his life, which we three kids all had to witness, were due to smoking.
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Old 11-09-2008, 09:33   #69
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Originally Posted by DRZ View Post
American Football tackles are SIGNIFICANTLY harder than Rugby tackles
I beg to differ, examples here, here and here.

The hits are harder in american football is because they have padding and wear helmets. You try headbutting a player full pelt in their chest without a helmet and you'll be lucky to not break your neck. American Football is a very much a burst sport, rugby requires stamina.

After watching some videos on youtube I'd say this is my favourite "big hit" which is similar to the AF style tackle. It's from the recent GB vs NZ RL test.
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Old 11-09-2008, 09:54   #70
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Originally Posted by Knipples View Post
I have this arguement with my brother and sister who both smoke. If I knew there was a chance that chocolate would give me lung cancer I would give it up in a heartbeat, but they dont seem to see the logic in it. Despite the fact that the health problems that my grandad had for the last 25 years of his life, which we three kids all had to witness, were due to smoking.
Steven Fry (as an ex-smoker) comments that as there is no actual chemical benefit from it, it's tantamount to taking a turnip and hitting yourself on the head with it at regular intervals. Blessay see the section "The Leaf Arrives"
Mal: Define "interesting"?
Wash: "Oh, God, oh, God, we're all gonna die"?

Last edited by Garp; 11-09-2008 at 13:59. Reason: corrected grammar
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