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Old 18-09-2008, 15:01   #11
Metalface Mark
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Originally Posted by Darrin View Post
Mark, I've had a few bad experiences with them. Mostly in the military. I joined the navy and had only ever had one cavity. 3 months prior to joining my family dentist did a checkup and said all was good.

6 months after going to bootcamp I had to take a mandatory military dental exam. I couldn't go to a civilian of my choice, I couldn't even pick the military dentist to go to. I got stuck with someone that makes your experience sound like heaven. All of a sudden I had two teeth that needed extraction and 12 cavities that needed work. Yeah, I was a guinea pig for this tool. And when he's all done, he's left me with TEMPORARY fillings. So by the time I get back from the Gulf, all the holes he drilled and left unprotected had turned in to comlete and utter rot.

Now I'm left with over $6,500 worth of dental work to get dentures, two root canals, two crowns, and a bridge. All coming out of my pocket. When if he'd left my damned teeth alone I would still have all of my originals instead of only having 12 teeth in my upper jaw (all of them broken off) and 9 of my lower remaining (two of them being the ones needing the root canals and two needing the crowns).

Me bitter? Nah!!
Crikey, i went to a different dentist a few years ago, straight out of dental school (every time i hear that i think of Clerks :P ) she did an x-ray, and said i needed 6 fillings and a root canal, i went back to my other dentist next time and said i needed nothing of the sort.
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Old 18-09-2008, 15:14   #12
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Originally Posted by Darrin View Post
Mark, I've had a few bad experiences with them. Mostly in the military. I joined the navy and had only ever had one cavity. 3 months prior to joining my family dentist did a checkup and said all was good.

6 months after going to bootcamp I had to take a mandatory military dental exam. I couldn't go to a civilian of my choice, I couldn't even pick the military dentist to go to. I got stuck with someone that makes your experience sound like heaven. All of a sudden I had two teeth that needed extraction and 12 cavities that needed work. Yeah, I was a guinea pig for this tool. And when he's all done, he's left me with TEMPORARY fillings. So by the time I get back from the Gulf, all the holes he drilled and left unprotected had turned in to comlete and utter rot.

Now I'm left with over $6,500 worth of dental work to get dentures, two root canals, two crowns, and a bridge. All coming out of my pocket. When if he'd left my damned teeth alone I would still have all of my originals instead of only having 12 teeth in my upper jaw (all of them broken off) and 9 of my lower remaining (two of them being the ones needing the root canals and two needing the crowns).

Me bitter? Nah!!
That's quite a ****ing experience.

Are you getting fake teeth? Do you currently have dentures?

Last edited by cleanbluesky; 18-09-2008 at 15:17.
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Old 18-09-2008, 15:24   #13
Dirteh Kitteh
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I'm going to be getting a full upper denture plate. To start with. That way I can finally smile again. I haven't had the sick leave nor the money at the same time to do anything about my teeth in quite a few years. Now I finally have both (due to selling my house) I'm going to get something done about it.

I'm tired of only being able to chew with two teeth (one on bottom, one on top) because there's not enough left of any of the others and it's too painful.

A bullet may have your name on it, but shrapnel is addressed "to whom it may concern".
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Old 18-09-2008, 15:32   #14
Metalface Mark
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Originally Posted by Darrin View Post
I'm going to be getting a full upper denture plate. To start with. That way I can finally smile again. I haven't had the sick leave nor the money at the same time to do anything about my teeth in quite a few years. Now I finally have both (due to selling my house) I'm going to get something done about it.

I'm tired of only being able to chew with two teeth (one on bottom, one on top) because there's not enough left of any of the others and it's too painful.
At least you never had to worry about finding your can opener, im forever losing mine.
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Old 25-09-2008, 14:43   #15
Metalface Mark
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Im about to head back for my one week check up, ive got a big hole in my mouth and ill be disgustingly honest and tell you, it stinks, theres obviously something fallen in the hole and i cant clean it out.

This will probably not be pleasant.

I fully realise i am admitting to having a smelly crevice.
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Old 25-09-2008, 18:50   #16
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Best thing how is, after you've been battered, bruised, abused and you're still in agony, they say, "That'll be £xx.xx please sir".

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Old 25-09-2008, 19:06   #17
Metalface Mark
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He's given my socket a good cleaning out, i had food stuck in it, eww. It felt like he was tickling my brain.
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Old 25-09-2008, 21:27   #18
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Originally Posted by Metalface Mark View Post
He's given my socket a good cleaning out, i had food stuck in it, eww. It felt like he was tickling my brain.
sorry but that just sounds so wrong
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Old 26-09-2008, 15:47   #19
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Originally Posted by Metalface Mark View Post
only to see him produce a monkey wrench and a smile that told me he was well up for it.
Sorry but that did make me laugh out loud

I've recently had a root canal done on a problem tooth I've had for years, also right next to the wisdom. That wasn't pleasant either as he spent about 15 minutes trying to pry the crown off it and, having failed miserably, then drilled the bugger off That was nothing compared to the excavator thing he then used to empty out the roots of the tooth

My worst experience was years back when I needed two teeth in my lower jaw removed as they were coming through late and dislodging other teeth. Spent an hour under general anaesthetic in the local hospital having them removed and, as they were still 2/3rds within my jaw he had to peel back my gums and then drill away part of my jaw on either side!

He said it'd take a year or two for the jawbone to grow back properly and not to bite anything hard with my front teeth or I might snap it off! He also traumatised the nerves in my gums so much that my entire lower jaw was numb for two months afterward! Started to worry I'd never get the feeling back at all after a while.
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Old 28-09-2008, 20:29   #20
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I've got to go to the dentist tomorrow. Had a filling fall out last week and it got infected.

So 3000mg of antibiotics a day for a week and either a root canal and huge filling or an extraction.

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