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Old 14-09-2008, 12:50   #31
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One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Fantastic film, one that everyone should watch. Jack Nicholson at his finest. Jack plays McMurphy a man who fakes madness to get out of work duties while incarcerated. His plan goes badly wrong when he realises that he's not just there for the duration of his sentence but that he's there until they decide to release him.

9/10 - They don't get much better than this.
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Old 14-09-2008, 15:15   #32
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Iron Man

I watched Iron Man this morning and was really suprised at how good it was in a dumbed down action comic book port kind of way. If your expecting high brow entertainment to stimulate you intellectually then you may want to move onto the next shelf in BlockBuster

Robert Downey Jnr is perfectley cast as Tony Stark aka Iron Man. Think big ego, extreme self confidence and oozing self confidence then you can see why Downey Jnr really was made for this role and ensured it was true to the comic books. For those who don't know too much about Iron Man, the comic book at least really came into prominence in the eary 80's under Reganomics after debuting in the 60's. This time round it's Afghan Insurgents rather than the commies of the 60's, 70's & 80's

The movie follows the storyline of how he came into being after his kidnap. His genius is to be used develop a powerful weapon to be used against the Americans in the Middle East. Instead he plots his escape. I won't spoil the inevitable twist that comes up. Suffice it to say it's one of the better adaptations to come from comic book to screen. I doubt it will be as good as this years Batman but it's well worth a watch and certainly one to add to your DVD or Blu-Ray collection


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Old 14-09-2008, 15:17   #33
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  • Brad Renfro
  • Bijou Phillips
  • Rachel Milner

Interesting film, based on a true story of a group of kids who kill a member of the group who bullied some and raped another. Not family viewing, that much is sure. Little bit unsatisfying in the end so 6/10.
"Your friend is the man that knows all about you, and still likes you." - Elbert Hubbard
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Old 14-09-2008, 20:36   #34
Metalface Mark
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Originally Posted by loki View Post
Iron Man

I watched Iron Man this morning and was really suprised at how good it was in a dumbed down action comic book port kind of way. If your expecting high brow entertainment to stimulate you intellectually then you may want to move onto the next shelf in BlockBuster

Robert Downey Jnr is perfectley cast as Tony Stark aka Iron Man. Think big ego, extreme self confidence and oozing self confidence then you can see why Downey Jnr really was made for this role and ensured it was true to the comic books. For those who don't know too much about Iron Man, the comic book at least really came into prominence in the eary 80's under Reganomics after debuting in the 60's. This time round it's Afghan Insurgents rather than the commies of the 60's, 70's & 80's

The movie follows the storyline of how he came into being after his kidnap. His genius is to be used develop a powerful weapon to be used against the Americans in the Middle East. Instead he plots his escape. I won't spoil the inevitable twist that comes up. Suffice it to say it's one of the better adaptations to come from comic book to screen. I doubt it will be as good as this years Batman but it's well worth a watch and certainly one to add to your DVD or Blu-Ray collection

Just watched it myself and concur with what you say, definetly one of the better super hero movies and Downey was excellent (although he rarely plays a different kind of character with his sort of quick fire muttering he does).

Id score it about the same.
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Old 14-09-2008, 20:43   #35
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Your typical Saw style torture movie but with a slight moral twist, mindless but fun if you like that sort of thing 6.5/10


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 14-09-2008, 21:30   #36
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Originally Posted by loki View Post
Iron Man

I watched Iron Man this morning and was really suprised at how good it was in a dumbed down action comic book port kind of way. If your expecting high brow entertainment to stimulate you intellectually then you may want to move onto the next shelf in BlockBuster

Robert Downey Jnr is perfectley cast as Tony Stark aka Iron Man. Think big ego, extreme self confidence and oozing self confidence then you can see why Downey Jnr really was made for this role and ensured it was true to the comic books. For those who don't know too much about Iron Man, the comic book at least really came into prominence in the eary 80's under Reganomics after debuting in the 60's. This time round it's Afghan Insurgents rather than the commies of the 60's, 70's & 80's

The movie follows the storyline of how he came into being after his kidnap. His genius is to be used develop a powerful weapon to be used against the Americans in the Middle East. Instead he plots his escape. I won't spoil the inevitable twist that comes up. Suffice it to say it's one of the better adaptations to come from comic book to screen. I doubt it will be as good as this years Batman but it's well worth a watch and certainly one to add to your DVD or Blu-Ray collection

Just watched it myself. Agree with pretty much everything you have said. Really really enjoyed it apart form the final scene which kind of narked me tbh
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Old 15-09-2008, 09:08   #37
Stan, Stan the FLASHER MAN!
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On the plane back from Egypt last time.

Kung Fu Panda.

Totally predictable storyline but mindless fun and very well animated and voiced. I laughed out loud several times on the plane and got strange looks from my fellow passengers.

Enjoyed it a lot - 8/10.

At the pictures last night.

Hellboy II: The Golden Army.

Loved the first one but this was a bit of a disappointment. Thin plot, mediocre acting (Luke Goss was cheesy as a pop artist and his acting is no better) and trying too hard to be better than the first one made this a bit of a yawn.
Kelleeeeeeeeee and I both agreed this felt more like a prequel to Hellboy 3 than a sequel to Hellboy 1.

Disappointed - 5/10. (It only got 5 because Selma Blair is hawt ).

Just because I have a short attention span doesn't mean I...
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Old 26-09-2008, 23:41   #38
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The Kite Runner

This is a stunning film, beautifully shot and acted, the story line delivers devastating punches, definately recommended 9.5/10.


"we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two"
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Old 27-09-2008, 00:31   #39
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Originally Posted by Pebs View Post
Tom Hanks can do no wrong in my eyes
The DaVinci Code. He was SOOOO bad and he's one of my favourite actors (after Morgan Freeman).
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Old 27-09-2008, 00:42   #40
Metalface Mark
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I watched Hard Candy tonight, wasnt the most pleasant film to watch, but good nonetheless.
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