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Old 06-10-2008, 16:19   #21
Long Island Iced Tea
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Originally Posted by luke View Post
i spent £180 in 2 hours at the cobra club in wolverhampton

i try and avoid said establishments tbh
180quid in two hours? Even rocket scientist don't earn that in an Hour. on a more serious note, looking back on it now, do you think it is money well spent?

Overall, it kinda feel good for me personally to know that am not the only one that do not get the whole idea of strip club and lap dancing. I suppose it is a case of liking and loving it or just not getting it like someone pointed out.
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Old 06-10-2008, 16:21   #22
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Originally Posted by ElRazur View Post
180quid in two hours? Even rocket scientist don't earn that in an Hour. on a more serious note, looking back on it now, do you think it is money well spent?
yeh **** it, i had a great time, its only money
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Old 06-10-2008, 16:29   #23
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Originally Posted by luke View Post
yeh **** it, i had a great time, its only money
I wish I could be as carefree with my money as that!

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Old 06-10-2008, 16:37   #24
Von Smallhausen
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Never been in a strip club and never had a private dance.

Stan will back me up.

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Old 06-10-2008, 17:07   #25
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I've visited a few in the UK and a few in Europe & one in Las Vegas

most of the visits were on stag nights or lads night for a birthday or something

most of the UK ones were just dancing and stripping , the European ones tended to be a little bit seedier with the dancers offering "extras"
The one in Vegas was a Spearmint Rhino and the women were stunning , touching was allowed although no showing of their foof

they're fun to visit but tbh its never been a pure sexual thing , just a few drinks with some good looking half naked women dancing about
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Old 06-10-2008, 17:29   #26
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Went to a dodgy stripclub whilst on holiday in Majorca as a nipper. I was only 17 and we'd all had a skinful. The girls were munters and the beer was warm & expensive. We tried to leave and the bouncer got a bit rough, it ended up in a bit of a scuffle!
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Old 06-10-2008, 18:40   #27
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Originally Posted by Del Lardo View Post
The basic appeal is that you can get a woman who is far more attractive than you could pull on a night out to dance / do dirty things to you.
...and there is the exact reason I would have an issue with my partner going to one. I have issue enough with my appearance as it is without having the worry in the back of my head that my partner doesn't think I'm attractive enough. I'd like to think that when I get into my corset I'm more than enough to make his eyes pop

I don't see the attraction at all, but then I can't grasp what's sexy about someone who has to be paid to pretend they find you sexy. I mean someone who doesn't find you sexy trying to sex you up... eeeyyyeeew that's quite a gross thought

I remember being out one night, a bunch of the lads including my bloke (at the time) were out somewhere else too. They all went to the strip club and spent a fortune, instead he arranged to come back with me. They tried to mock him the next day, being under the thumb and all that. Only he responded 'So you guys spent hundreds last night on women you really fancied who wouldn't want to go anywhere near you and you couldn't touch? I went home with a woman I really fancied and got the real deal all night and I didn't pay for anything' they stopped mocking him at that point
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Old 06-10-2008, 18:59   #28
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Been to one in Magaluf, went twice with the lads was good, free entry, drinks where not a rip off and the women where fun to talk to, they had every type of woman you wanted, picked a slim big boobed blonde woman.

I think if you was going to them every week and got on first name terms I would start to worry. I wouldnt go to a seedy one, there where a couple of back street ones but we went to the one on the strip up the hill.
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Old 06-10-2008, 19:01   #29
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Wandered into a few places on the backpacker trail in Australia. Some of the 'clubs' in Kings Cross were little more than brothels with a pole and loud (crap) music playing.
That was nothing compared to some of the mining towns out in WA. Most had bars with 'skimpy' (saucy underwear) or topless bar maids. You kind of get used to that after a while though. One came over to collect the glasses from the table and blocked my view of the football, so I just sort of leaned around her. She got right huffy and stomped off and some of the locals started glaring at me so I had to quickly apologise and tell her how nice she looked in her pants.
The only time I've been in this country was on a stag do when a dance cost £10. For which I got about 3 minutes of mild titillation and a peck on the cheek. When I think what the equivalent could have bought me on Hay St in Kalgoorlie it seems like very bad value.

In the end it's just about sampling what life has to offer for me. Can't see me ever making ahabit of it.

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Last edited by Pumpkinstew; 06-10-2008 at 19:04.
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Old 06-10-2008, 19:11   #30
Del Lardo
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Originally Posted by ElRazur View Post
If that is the real appeal behind it, then it is flawed in my view. Paying money for something like that simple because I cannot pull such "quality" will make me question my abilities and somehow put a dent on my confidence. In other words, it will be a case of these ladies are merely coming to me for the money and will probably wont look at me twice in real life.
But that's you. There are plenty of guys out there who know that in real life they are never going to get a 21 year old stunner so paying £20 to have one dance for them is just a fantasy come to life for a few minutes.

When I was visiting them a lot I was going through a dry spell and paying £10-20 to have an attractive young lady rub her boobies in my face was well worth the money. Now I have an attractive young lady who will rub her boobies in my face free of charge whenever I want I don't feel the need to get dances when I do go to them.

With all due respect do you not feel it may put some sort of trust issues between you and her? I mean, if you go what is there to stop you from touching. How would you feel if the table was turned around? You do not have to answer. [I'm trying not to step on people's toes here]
I travel A LOT for work and could quite happily have multiple affairs going on in different cities if I wanted to and she realised very early on in the relationship that she could either trust me or leave me. She chose to trust me and I in turn am quite happy to sit there and enjoy the view when I do go to a strip club.

If the table was turned I really couldn't care less. If she wanted to go and watch male strippers and get dances off them I'd wave her off and tell her to have a good time because I know that it's not real. It's kind of like a more realistic version of her daydreaming about snogging Daniel Craig.
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