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Old 29-10-2008, 20:21   #91
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Originally Posted by divine View Post
I'd be pretty pissed off if i'd done something for work, been told it was ok by a superior and then 2 weeks later got suspended because they changed their minds after they'd embarrassed themselves with it.
I believe that the "superior" who initially checked that the programme involving Brand & Ross was safe to go out was the producer, Nic Philps who happens to work for Vanity Projects - a production company owned by one Russell Brand.

As I understand it, Philps phoned Andrew Sachs who said that he didn't want the offending sections broadcast. I suspect that he then checked with someone more senior within the BBC but perhaps he presented Sachs' response in a way that didn't make it 100% clear that he objected?

I suspect that Nic Philps will not be working at the BBC for some while and likewise Vanity Projects may be encouraged to take their unique skills elsewhere.

In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance.

In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.
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Old 29-10-2008, 20:41   #92
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Originally Posted by divine View Post
More expendable or not, Ross has still been suspended for something that was approved and I would imagine he's probably fairly pissed off at getting suspended for something he was probably told was ok.
He's a grown man in his 40s, he shouldn't need telling that sort of thing is OK and even if someone did tell him that, he should have disagreed!

TBH, if you look at how contrite their apologies are, it makes you wonder why they didn't realise how wrong it was immediately *after* the event.
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Old 29-10-2008, 21:01   #93
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This thread amuses me

Khef, Ka and Ka-Tet....
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Old 29-10-2008, 21:02   #94
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Originally Posted by phykell View Post
"Jumping on the bandwagon" is an inappropriate criticism IMO and shouldn't be used to write off the opinions of concerned licence-payers.
Since I used that phrase first, I'll take that as directed at me.

Actually, I think it is fair. It may not be true for you, and it isn't true for all others (I took care not to suggest that I thought it was universal).

How many complaints were there before this media firestorm kicked off. A handful. 99.95% of the complaints have happened since. While that is only 0.03% of the UK population, I have a hard time believing that all 99.95% of the complainers didn't listen to the show, so why didn't they join the handful of pre-firestorm complainers?

Note - this criticism is not directed at anyone who isn't counted in these statistics.

Last edited by Mark; 29-10-2008 at 21:05.
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Old 30-10-2008, 14:48   #95
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Having listened to the conversation on YouTube, it was Ross who said it and who was pressing the conversation on - not Brand as much but obviously he had a hand in it so I think its a bit unfair that its Brand on the front covers being slammed for it and not both of them.

I bet a few people are thinking 'Satanic Sluts?!' omg wtf etc etc... if she was an English rose do you think the furore would have been moreso?

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Old 30-10-2008, 18:56   #96
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Originally Posted by BBelle View Post
I bet a few people are thinking 'Satanic Sluts?!' omg wtf etc etc... if she was an English rose do you think the furore would have been moreso?

BB x
I suspect the name of the group was a bit of a godsend to newspaper editors really, how better to whip up a furore than with such a titilating moniker. I don't know if you've read the latest edition of Popbitch (if not, I'd suggest you should subscribe, I think you'd rather enjoy it) but it appears that English rose is not a description that could easily be applied to Ms Baillie.
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Old 30-10-2008, 19:05   #97
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I can't believe things have escalated so far!

I find Russell Brands show really funny I'll miss his podcasts.

People misbehave, I hardly think it's the end of the world like some reactions have made out; I don't condone what he did, nor Ross, it was infact stupid and very irresponsible for people in the public broadcast scene but there does seem to be a bit of a mountain>molehill situation going on.

I wonder how his book sales are going to be affected by all this polava??
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Old 30-10-2008, 20:05   #98
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Originally Posted by James View Post
I can't believe things have escalated so far!

People misbehave, I hardly think it's the end of the world like some reactions have made out; I don't condone what he did, nor Ross, it was in fact stupid and very irresponsible for people in the public broadcast scene but there does seem to be a bit of a mountain>molehill situation going on.
To be honest, I don't think that this furore is just about Brand & Ross. I think that it is to do with a much deeper feeling that the BBC has lost the plot.

One could have anticipated the expressions of shocked outrage from the Daily Mail; it panders to an aged, conservative sector of the public whose natural state is one of shock and outrage.

You also have The Sun, which quite by chance happens to be part of News Corp which also owns BSkyB. Nothing brings more joy to the hearts of BSkyB executives than to see the public having a go at the BBC and demanding an end to the licence fee.

Ross and Brand are repeat offenders but they are seen as easier targets than the very high profile Jeremy Paxman and John Humphrys who many see as being overly confrontational and lacking the respect for some of their targets that is perhaps displayed by Jonathan Dimbleby.

Anyhow, I am delighted that Brand has jumped and saddened that Ross has only been given a "final warning". I am sure that Brand will soon surface somewhere else, probably advertising hair care products
In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance.

In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.
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Old 30-10-2008, 20:58   #99
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There's a bit more than the final warning - 12 weeks suspension without pay. If media reports are correct regarding the size of the contract, that's going to sting to the tune of £4m. You can bet that'll more than cover any Ofcom fine at least, though I have no doubt that he can easily afford it.
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Old 30-10-2008, 20:59   #100
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I hope the person who decided to let it air has resigned too.

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