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Old 11-12-2008, 21:30   #1
Screaming Orgasm
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Default Which Console?

Update - I have an Xbox360 as of 17th December. I'm now using this thread for my ongoing n00bish gaming exploits. Thankyou all for all the ongoing help and advice - it's appreciated.


Ever since the Wii came out I've sort of wanted one, but never actually got around to getting one. One of the reasons was that I wanted to get my debts under control. I'm most of the way to doing that now and while the plan was originally to wait until they were cleared completely, current crazy prices and the exchange rate going in the wrong direction may mean it's better to move up the plans a little.

However, there are two problems.

The first is that Xbox360 is now within the same price bracket.

The second is that I'm not sure what's available for each, and if it's suitable for me. I like Wii Sports, muchly. I'd probably get along with easy-ish/fun puzzle games. The likes of Raving Rabbids is a possible (though I suspect I might struggle with that as it does need hand/eye co-ordination in places), but if I'm honest it's probably more thought-based games I'm after (Poker, Uno, puzzle games, strategy games, that sort of thing).

So, that leaves me with three options:
  1. Wii
  2. Xbox 360
  3. Don't bother
The reason for option #3 is simple. I'm happy to spend the money, but don't want to waste it. I don't want to get myself into a situation where I buy a console for the sake of it and then it ends up on a shelf gathering dust. I've had a console before, but that was a waste and I sold it, primarily because I didn't have the collective expertise of BD to suggest good games.

I'm particularly interested in thoughts from those who know me well, but anyone is welcome to comment.


PPS - There's a fair chance I'll be able to pick up a console of either description while in Birmingham this weekend, so sorry about the short notice.

Last edited by Mark; 08-01-2009 at 13:56.
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Old 11-12-2008, 21:41   #2
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Hmmmm, just thought of another game type, what about RPG's. I do know that the xbox 360 has a good few of these. I'm thinking along the lines of Diablo 2, Titan Quest, Neverwinter Nights.

Can you wait till NYE? If someone brings along an xbox 360 and wires in I'm sure you can have a good go. Same with the Wii. That way you can get an idea. Personally I've gone with #3 for a while as I've had other stuff to buy.

Is a DS lite screen too small for you? This has loads of puzzle games on there and with a crack cart will cost buttons.
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Old 11-12-2008, 21:49   #3
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If you want a console for socialising with us, with a massive backlog of fantastic games and something that suits both the casual and serious gamer it has to be the Xbox360.

If you're only interested in a daft little prattle with friends on none-progressive games then get a Wii.

I know most people here would recommend the 360 over the Wii, myself included. Heck, I've not touched the Wii in over 18 months. I've not been off the Xbox360 18 minutes!
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Old 11-12-2008, 22:02   #4
The Stig
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Arcade for £100, dont sign in and get a hard drive from the program (or hell, ebay), done. Wii's a waste of space now imo, the 360 gets used way more even in party scenarios. We only have ours now in case they release another Zelda game for it this generation.
apt-get moo
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Old 11-12-2008, 22:11   #5
Screaming Orgasm
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Thanks all - I'm sensing a pattern here.

How much does the 'program' cost. It looks like it's just 20GB which I'm sure is enough but given that I believe the new Dash can make much more use of drive space, would a 60GB drive be better form the outset?

Any suggestion on games to get started with would also be welcome.
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Old 11-12-2008, 22:23   #6
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If you can find a good deal on a pro (say about £140), and are happy to pay that then absolutely, best value for money for sure, just wanted to put the cheapy option forward if cost was an issue

There's loads of good stuff on XBLA, all with demo's. Braid is a fantastic little puzzle game, you've previously mentioned Uno, there are other card games if you like those. Scene it is a good bet in terms of retail games, easy going
apt-get moo
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Old 11-12-2008, 22:35   #7
Screaming Orgasm
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I've seen Scene It (at Chez Pebs I think). I'm utterly pants at general-knowledge type stuff, so probably not.

Pro was the option I was looking at when I started this thread, as it does make much sense, and this is the offer I saw that kicked things off:

Suggests that a VAT adjustment is needed, so that would make the price £146.80
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Old 11-12-2008, 22:58   #8
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I have both.

The 360 is in it's box in the cupboard.

The Wii is connected up and used daily.
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Old 11-12-2008, 23:19   #9
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Originally Posted by Flibster View Post
I have both.

The 360 is in it's box in the cupboard.

The Wii is connected up and used daily.
There's always one

I'd go with 360 for much the same reason as others described My Wii hasn't been touched in weeks, brilliant impulse buy because it's fantastic at first.......then you realise there's only so much wii sports
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Old 11-12-2008, 23:29   #10
Vodka Martini
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Originally Posted by Flibster View Post
I have both.

The 360 is in it's box in the cupboard.

The Wii is connected up and used daily.
Oooo controversy.

I bought a 360 in 2005 and a Wii about 6 months ago. I sold my Wii a month ago and bought a 2nd 360 for the lounge.

Wii Sports is great for a week or so. Boom Blox is excellent but you'll find yourself not playing it and Super Mario Galaxy is one of the games of the decade but it's just one game.

It sounds like you'd like a lot of the XBLA games. Cloning Clyde, Uno, Puzzle Quest, Pac Man CE, Geometry Wars 2, Catan, Carcassonne, Lost Cities, Castle Crashers, Texas Hold'um, Boom Boom Rocket, Braid and Feeding Frenzy 2 all sound right up your street (and all have a free demo).

I'd also recommend many of the full games such as Banjo Kazooie, Civilisation Revolution, Beautiful Katamari, Rayman Raving Rabbids (it's out for the 360 too) and Lips (Karaoke). Again, many of the games have a demo out.
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