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Old 01-01-2009, 23:12   #421
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I have the American HD-DVD of it. Personally I loved the Final Cut, thought it was just about right. (albeit not perfect).
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Old 01-01-2009, 23:28   #422
Vodka Martini
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It was the music in the final action scene that irked me the most, it didn't fit with the theme at all and was so totally over the top.

Rutger Haur was just god like in that film imo.

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Old 02-01-2009, 00:24   #423
A Place of Light
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Robot techology aside (or not, who knows) blade Runnner is probably the most accurate vision of our future.
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Old 02-01-2009, 11:24   #424
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Babylon A.D.

Nothing we havne't seen countless times. Set in the future, Vin Diesel is a smuggler hired to take a girl from Serbia to New York. Cue all manner of things happening on the way to let Vin get a chance at fighting and shooting. Reminded me a little of 5th Element, but without the humour. If you're into mindless action and stoytelling with a contrived plot and obvious ending then you'll like it.

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Old 02-01-2009, 12:15   #425
semi-pro waster
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Originally Posted by Kitten View Post
Hmmm. I've never seen bladerunner. I take it that it's worth a watch then??

Streeteh is right, Rutger Hauer is brilliant in his role and the "time to die" line sends shivers down my spine every time I hear it. He's also pretty good in The Hitcher.

L4yer Cake

  • Daniel Craig
  • Tom Hardy
  • Jamie Foreman
  • Sally Hawkins
Gangster film

7/10 It's an enjoyable film, no great pretensions to being high drama but passes the time well enough and is one of the better recent(ish) British gangster films.
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Old 02-01-2009, 12:28   #426
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Totally coincidentally because I've not been in this thread for ages.

Last night, Mrs. Feek and I watched.

Blade Runner (The Final Cut)

I bought this for Mrs. Feek for Christmas last year (2007, not 2008) and we've only just got round to watching it.

I've never seen Blade Runner before. Although I need to add a caveat to that. I tried to watch it once before when Mrs. Feek was in labour with LMF so that was around fifteen years ago and we kept having breaks and so I never really paid much attention to the film. I've never felt the urge to try and watch it again since so it was with some trepidation that we put it on last night.

It was OK. I don't understand why it's got the reputation it has, it seemed a pretty typical Science Fiction film to me, it was enjoyable but I can't see the "best film ever made" stuff that one hears about it. Yes it was beautifully shot and looked fantastic but I felt a bit 'meh' afterwards.

One thing I couldn't understand though and I'll put this in Spoiler tags just in case.

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Why did Deckard run away from Roy at the end? He's supposed to be a super duper Blade Runner and it just seemed out of character to leg it, especially as he still had the gun at the time

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Oh yes and Spoiler Alert! - Highlight below to read!

Deckard is obviously a replicant, how else would the plod dude know that he dreamed about Unicorns unless those memories had been implanted?

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Old 02-01-2009, 12:47   #427
Vodka Martini
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To your first spoiler

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Deckard ran because he shot at Roy twice who simply dodged the bullets, whether he was fast enough to actually dodge the pysical bullets or simply had good enough reactions to get out of Deckards sights at the last second i'm unsure. Like humans, replicants are each different and achieve different levels of greatness, just before Roy kills Tyrell he refers to him as 'one of the greatest'. This to me indicates Roy is a fluke, an accidental breakthrough, a good indication of this is the fact he is firstly the leader of the replicants and secondly hes smarter, stronger and faster than the others (hence his ability to essentially 'dodge bullets').

I reckon they didn't make Deckard super strong like them as they were letting him loose among the populous, if something went wrong he may end up being as much of a threat to the general public as the other replicants. They simply used a replicant to hunt them mainly because if he was killed, it wouldn't be a human that died and therefore less of a problem.

End Spoiler Alert!

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Old 02-01-2009, 14:02   #428
Admiral Huddy
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Saw "the day the Earth stood still" the other day. Derspite bad press, I thought it was pretty good. I'm not sure what people expect from films today. People go and see a Sci-Fi film then moan that something is a bit unrealistic.


I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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Old 02-01-2009, 14:42   #429
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Batman - Dark Knight - 9.5/10 was fantastic.

I can see why a lot of people have been saying that Heath Ledger deserves an Oscar, an amazing perfermance!!
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Old 02-01-2009, 17:55   #430
Admiral Huddy
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Saw this last night.. Good film but I thought it dragged on too much .. 2+ hours is a long time for any Batman film.

Also I think Christian Bale is crap. Hence the reason why Heath ledger has taken the limelight.


ot. good to see you posting Mike

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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