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Old 04-02-2009, 23:34   #11
Do you want to hide in my box?
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Wouldn't wish it upon anyone, poor sod. And her poor kids
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Old 05-02-2009, 01:09   #12
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I always really liked Jade Goody because she was genuine, she had her faults and wasn't afraid to show them and it always annoyed me when people would slate her as if they themselves are perfect people. It's really horrible news, I'm genuinely gutted for her .
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Old 05-02-2009, 01:26   #13
A Place of Light
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Originally Posted by NokkonWud View Post
I always really liked Jade Goody because she was genuine, she had her faults and wasn't afraid to show them and it always annoyed me when people would slate her as if they themselves are perfect people. It's really horrible news, I'm genuinely gutted for her .
The voice of sense, at last.

What I find laughable, is the sanctimonious attitude of people who go out of their way to tell you they don't like her (interesting because unless they've met and spent time around her then they've based their opinion on what a VT editor decided to show them) and that she doesn't deserve money/fame.
Well why not blame a group slightly closer to home for her fame/wealth, namely, the great British public. If people didn't watch shows with her in, or buy magazines of the same content then she wouldn't be given those large paychecks.

JG has done and said some incredibly stupid things, but when you look at her life and the way her childhood played itself out then you begin to understand why she is the way she is.

Frankly, this trend of celeb-hating does more to highlight the character flaws in those who indulge in it than it does about the "celebs" they put so much time and effort into disliking.
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Old 05-02-2009, 01:29   #14
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Well said Apol.
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Old 05-02-2009, 01:41   #15
A Place of Light
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Originally Posted by Haly View Post
Well said Apol.
It's like some people seem to think that it's a new concept to have famous people who are devoid of talent.
It's been this way for decades.
Even Elvis never wrote a single song.
I think I can be free from contradiction when I say that Jade Goody is not the brightest coin in the fountain, so to speak, and that she can spend a lot of time "Mouth in gear/brain in neutral". There are people of exactly the same personality type living in every neighbourhood, so what's Jade done that singles her out?
She's got more money than you or I.....and it's so unfair that she can be thick as **** and a millionaire that it makes my blood boil, right?
Look at the Shilpa Shetty affair. Goody went overboard, but I definitely think a lack of education on her part was to blame to a degree. What did she do afterwards? She went to India to try to go some way to show she was sorry for any offence she may have caused.

Now I don't always catch the news but I didn't see Johnathon Ross popping round to Andrew Sachs' home to say sorry for being a grade one prick.....but that's ok because Ross isn't perceived to be talentless (and he doesn't write his own scripts by the way) and isn't also subject to any anti-celeb backlash.

The sooner people realise that famous person "X" is famous because the public made them so the better IMHO.
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Old 05-02-2009, 06:36   #16
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Ignore that. I had a very bad night last night, I'm just really waking up now. :/

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Old 05-02-2009, 08:23   #17
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That's sad Greenlizard.

I hate cancer. I hate it with a vengeance.

My heart goes out to her and her family.
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Old 05-02-2009, 09:33   #18
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I couldn't wish cancer on anyone and would hope anyone that suffers from it recovers. However there are thousands of other people dying from cancer everyday and Jade Goody is just one of them. I can't let myself feel sympathy for her over everyone else just because she is famous.
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Old 05-02-2009, 09:52   #19
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Originally Posted by A Place of Light View Post
What I find laughable, is the sanctimonious attitude of people who go out of their way to tell you they don't like her (interesting because unless they've met and spent time around her then they've based their opinion on what a VT editor decided to show them) and that she doesn't deserve money/fame.
Well why not blame a group slightly closer to home for her fame/wealth, namely, the great British public. If people didn't watch shows with her in, or buy magazines of the same content then she wouldn't be given those large paychecks.
Why am I sanctimonious for having an opinion? The whole thing around 'Celebrity' is that you don't know, you never know the person but you get to know the persona around the celebrity. The person and the persona are probably 99% of the time nowhere near the same thing.

As for saying she doesn't deserve money and fame (I realise that you didn't say that), I disagree. She must have some appeal to end up with the money and fame so clearly she does deserve it. I don't watch her shows or buy magazines she's in yet I still (as Feek put) don't really care for her.

I am very very genuine in my sentiment about not wishing this on her, or on anyone. Cancer (as I know) is a vile disease. I guess I care more for the person than the persona.

If that makes me sanctimonious and laughable in your eyes then I'll try to pretend that I give a toss.
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Old 05-02-2009, 09:56   #20
Admiral Huddy
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Originally Posted by Greenlizard0 View Post
You know what I couldnt' give a **** about namby bollocks, she's a ****ing ****. I hope what goes around come s arount.
That's pretty harsh. I hope you or any member of your family doesn’t have to deal with such an atrocity. None of us are perfect and no one deserves to be put through this horrendous experience regardless of their traits.

She’s not my favorite person by a long shot but putting her so called celeb status aside for one moment, her publicised story brings two positive things.

Firstly, it illustrates the importance of cervical screening. You’d be surprised at just how many women rarely or have never been screened. If this makes a dozen woman sit up and think, then it's a dozen lives saved.

Secondly, it must bring some comfort to those suffering the same experience and a distraction from their own problems. I can imagine it can be quite traumatic and lonely and reading other other stories is a refelction on their own situation.

Remember too, this doesn’t just affect the individual but all those people around them; husbands, wives, children, family, friends etc.

I just got lost in thought.. It was very unfamiliar territory.
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Last edited by Admiral Huddy; 05-02-2009 at 09:59.
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